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The Vaccine

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I didn't say vax or bust. But one should always reach for prevention rather than treatment. Basic pillar of medicine.

Please explain to me what the vax is preventing, and this is a serious question:

Will the vaccination prevent you from getting it?

Will the vaccination prevent you for getting it, and spreading it to others?

Will the vaccination prevent you from being hospitalized?

Will the vaccination prevent you from dying from Covid?

If the answer was 100% yes to these questions, then there is a strong argument that everyone should be vacinated.

But it’s not. BUT there have been cases of people that were perfectly healthy, getting the vacination and then having serious issues and even death. Quite a few young people actually.

The “yeah but” policy doesn’t apply here either, because only a small amount of people that get covid have serious issues or death. You should know the under 50 deaths are a couple of thousand and its been a year and a half. Under 20?? A few hundred have died.

Can you explain the northern province of India that now claims they are covid-free (population of 241 million). What did they use? Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine…..

Japan?? Their health minister just endorsed Ivermectin…….are these other Heath ministers crackpots??? I think there is tremendous ARROGANCE in the medical field here that there can be only 1-way to combat this…..why? All DATA right now is suspect at best.

People need to admit that the they DON”T know, they are Guessing, and there is a TON of money behind these vaccinations…..which have now been reduced to “yeah but if you take this you are more likely to have mild symptoms and if you don’t and you get covid you will die” (not true) “and we just know there will be no long-term effects because that is what we have been told to say, and both us (the medical field) and the government are all immune from any responsibility”….
We have data. 24X less chance to die and 24X less chance to be hospitalized. More or less. If you are vaccinated.

Not 100% but after 100,000,000+ vaccinated in the US. How and why would you argue against those benefits? Only because it's not 100%?
Please explain to me what the vax is preventing, and this is a serious question:

Will the vaccination prevent you from getting it?

Will the vaccination prevent you for getting it, and spreading it to others?

Will the vaccination prevent you from being hospitalized?

Will the vaccination prevent you from dying from Covid?

If the answer was 100% yes to these questions, then there is a strong argument that everyone should be vacinated.

But it’s not. BUT there have been cases of people that were perfectly healthy, getting the vacination and then having serious issues and even death. Quite a few young people actually.

The “yeah but” policy doesn’t apply here either, because only a small amount of people that get covid have serious issues or death. You should know the under 50 deaths are a couple of thousand and its been a year and a half. Under 20?? A few hundred have died.

Can you explain the northern province of India that now claims they are covid-free (population of 241 million). What did they use? Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine…..

Japan?? Their health minister just endorsed Ivermectin…….are these other Heath ministers crackpots??? I think there is tremendous ARROGANCE in the medical field here that there can be only 1-way to combat this…..why? All DATA right now is suspect at best.

People need to admit that the they DON”T know, they are Guessing, and there is a TON of money behind these vaccinations…..which have now been reduced to “yeah but if you take this you are more likely to have mild symptoms and if you don’t and you get covid you will die” (not true) “and we just know there will be no long-term effects because that is what we have been told to say, and both us (the medical field) and the government are all immune from any responsibility”….

Dude come on. We've been over this a million times. Very few things in medicine are 100%. And the answer to all of those is it greatly decreases the odds of all of those happening. Please don't be obtuse.

And if you are going to tell me that ivermectin and hcq are as amazing as you say, why the do we still admit patients every single day who had those two drugs prescribed by their quack providers as early as day 1? Every. Single. Day.

Yet the amount of unvaccinated patients still dwarf the vaccinated ones in the hospital and in the ICU. How can one argue against that. What is the darn point?


ICU day 6 update. After some deaths, and 3 new admits we are at 15 covid patients. Just intubated one. He is vaccinated but on chemo.
And if you are going to tell me that ivermectin and hcq are as amazing as you say, why the do we still admit patients every single day who had those two drugs prescribed by their quack providers as early as day 1?

Lets not forget the quack doctors who tell their patients to go home and take some Tylenol and fluids and come back if you turn blue. There’s some great doctoring there. How many thousands died from that sage advice.
Japan?? Their health minister just endorsed Ivermectin…….are these other Heath ministers crackpots??? I think there is tremendous ARROGANCE in the medical field here that there can be only 1-way to combat this…..why? All DATA right now is suspect at best.

Do you have a link to the Japanese gov't website that shows this? I have taken a quick look and haven't found anything that says the Japanese government endorses Ivermectin use for Covid-19 treatment.

If you go back one page, to earlier this morning, I made an Ivermectin post. The use of Ivermectin is neither recommended by Merck (the innovator of Ivermectin) or the FDA for the treatment of Covid-19. I am not aware of ANY peer-reviewed long term critical trials that demonstrate that Ivermectin is beneficial in the treatment of Covid-19. If you have seen any, please link them as I'm sure the data would be welcomed by all of us. Also, please tell us, what data exactly is suspect?

Lets not forget the quack doctors who tell their patients to go home and take some Tylenol and fluids and come back if you turn blue. There’s some great doctoring there. How many thousands died from that sage advice.

Reminds of the joke that maybe was earlier in this thread, what do you call someone who graduated last in medical school?


Not necessarily directed at the above post, but the best advocate, for your own health should be yourself. At this day and age, aside from being knowledgable, a doctor should be able to explain things to you and be willing to answer any questions you might have. If you feel you need a second opinion, you should get one. If you don't feel comfortable with your doctor, then it's time to get a new one, if possible.

Lets not forget the quack doctors who tell their patients to go home and take some Tylenol and fluids and come back if you turn blue. There’s some great doctoring there. How many thousands died from that sage advice.
yes and?
Dude come on. We've been over this a million times. Very few things in medicine are 100%. And the answer to all of those is it greatly decreases the odds of all of those happening. Please don't be obtuse.

And if you are going to tell me that ivermectin and hcq are as amazing as you say, why the do we still admit patients every single day who had those two drugs prescribed by their quack providers as early as day 1? Every. Single. Day.

Yet the amount of unvaccinated patients still dwarf the vaccinated ones in the hospital and in the ICU. How can one argue against that. What is the darn point?


ICU day 6 update. After some deaths, and 3 new admits we are at 15 covid patients. Just intubated one. He is vaccinated but on chemo.

“Dude come on” what were we all told the vaccine would do??? Is it doing it??? Yes or no???

Why don’t you admit what is true, the vaccine has NOT lived up to expectations…….

I havent told you anything, I shared with you what 2 specific countries are doing to combat this, with apparent success. I personally know multiple people that used Ivermectin early on after being infected and guess what??? They survived..maybe they would have with out it. I guess we will never know.

Why didnt your wonder vax be a force shield for your cancer patient???

Has anyone made fun of you because you got the vax, and that you believe it to be the wonder-all?? Yet you just referred to “crack pot providers” because their patients ended up in the ICU?? What do you call the vaxed people that still end up in the ICU??? Tell me, what are those people and their doctors called??????

WOW…..did you ever stop and think that maybe its not a “political thing” but maybe a “trust thing”????

I simply don’t believe I will die if I get covid, so I personally feel like if I won’t die, then the vax has zero value to me at this time. Will I change my mind at one point in the future? Maybe. Maybe not.

Do I have reasons to i suspect the vaccine? Yes, I do: My wife got it a few months ago because of pressure from work and family, and has been very sick a couple of times since (and she NEVER gets sick or misses work). Yet has a number of times now. In fact right now she just came out of another miserable 5-day sickness (fever, chills, coughing up all kinds of gunk). And Now she cannot smell anything which has NEVER happened to her before….coincidence right???

What is amazing to me is that no one can have a conversation about their concerns without being ridiculed or blamed for everything that is going wrong….And guess what? MY decision to wait has affected NO ONE, NORE have I killled anyone……and yes I can prove that
ICU day 6 update. After some deaths, and 3 new admits we are at 15 covid patients. Just intubated one. He is vaccinated but on chemo.
Median age? % of obese patients, other underlying health issues?
@Enduro900, serious question, what are your sources for this information?
Do you have a link to the Japanese gov't website that shows this? I have taken a quick look and haven't found anything that says the Japanese government endorses Ivermectin use for Covid-19 treatment.

If you go back one page, to earlier this morning, I made an Ivermectin post. The use of Ivermectin is neither recommended by Merck (the innovator of Ivermectin) or the FDA for the treatment of Covid-19. I am not aware of ANY peer-reviewed long term critical trials that demonstrate that Ivermectin is beneficial in the treatment of Covid-19. If you have seen any, please link them as I'm sure the data would be welcomed by all of us. Also, please tell us, what data exactly is suspect?


Hey Jim, do you know the guy that actually invented the whole rDNA process is the one screaming from the rooftops with the warnings about protein spikes, etc???

So I guess just “blow him off” right?? What’s his agenda for sounding the alarm??? I have no idea…maybe his patents expired and he’s pissed about missing out on the action???

You can use google too…..maybe mix in the “other” experts besides Gupta and Faccui once and a while.

As far as Japan and the India stories, who knows maybe all lies and the people are actually all dead there…

I actually listen and read from all sides and make my OWN decisions. Am I right? I guess we will see in 3-5 years IF I’m still here…….yep I’m a bottom-line guy and unless Covid actually kills me I will stand behind my decision. If it does kill me then you can all tell me I told you so…..
Wow. Idaho is now on Crisis Standard of Care. Among other things, this means that the whole state is DNR. Do not resuscitate. No compressions will be made if your heart stops. I assume no intubation either? Not clear about that second part.

This is where we are at. Because this is who we decided to be as a nation.
Are they planning to or have they fired unvaccinated healthcare workers?
“Dude come on” what were we all told the vaccine would do??? Is it doing it??? Yes or no???

Why don’t you admit what is true, the vaccine has NOT lived up to expectations…….

I havent told you anything, I shared with you what 2 specific countries are doing to combat this, with apparent success. I personally know multiple people that used Ivermectin early on after being infected and guess what??? They survived..maybe they would have with out it. I guess we will never know.

Why didnt your wonder vax be a force shield for your cancer patient???

Has anyone made fun of you because you got the vax, and that you believe it to be the wonder-all?? Yet you just referred to “crack pot providers” because their patients ended up in the ICU?? What do you call the vaxed people that still end up in the ICU??? Tell me, what are those people and their doctors called??????

WOW…..did you ever stop and think that maybe its not a “political thing” but maybe a “trust thing”????

I simply don’t believe I will die if I get covid, so I personally feel like if I won’t die, then the vax has zero value to me at this time. Will I change my mind at one point in the future? Maybe. Maybe not.

Do I have reasons to i suspect the vaccine? Yes, I do: My wife got it a few months ago because of pressure from work and family, and has been very sick a couple of times since (and she NEVER gets sick or misses work). Yet has a number of times now. In fact right now she just came out of another miserable 5-day sickness (fever, chills, coughing up all kinds of gunk). And Now she cannot smell anything which has NEVER happened to her before….coincidence right???

What is amazing to me is that no one can have a conversation about their concerns without being ridiculed or blamed for everything that is going wrong….And guess what? MY decision to wait has affected NO ONE, NORE have I killled anyone……and yes I can prove that
You don't think the vaccine is working? Wowza. Ok.
Do you have a link to the Japanese gov't website that shows this? I have taken a quick look and haven't found anything that says the Japanese government endorses Ivermectin use for Covid-19 treatment.

If you go back one page, to earlier this morning, I made an Ivermectin post. The use of Ivermectin is neither recommended by Merck (the innovator of Ivermectin) or the FDA for the treatment of Covid-19. I am not aware of ANY peer-reviewed long term critical trials that demonstrate that Ivermectin is beneficial in the treatment of Covid-19. If you have seen any, please link them as I'm sure the data would be welcomed by all of us. Also, please tell us, what data exactly is suspect?


Pretty sure he was referring to the President of the Tokyo Physician’s Association ( represents 6000 physicians) imploring his government to approve ivermectin as a treatment for Covid. Someone please hurry and tell the 6000 members that they are being led by a quack. LOL

Also the NIH neither is for or against the use of ivermection for the treatment of Covid.

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why are both mRNA vaccines considered the same when talking about boosters even though the Moderna vaccine has been shown to provide better long term efficacy?
@Enduro900, serious question, what are your sources for this information?

Same as what you have access to (google).

And also the CDC website…..See I have a different take then most. How many millions of people were we told would die from Covid by Now?? Actually I think we are doing pretty good. Especially since the majority of deaths are people that were sick and old. Have you even asked yourself how many of those covid victims would have passed away by now from anything else??

25 and under deaths….a few hundred in a year and a half. Is that not encouraging that a world-wide pandemic hasn’t wiped out the next generation?? 97% of the reported deaths are over 65….with other “issues”. I know HUNDREDS of people, young and old…ZERO people have died I know personally.

In fact if you turn off the news, and stay off the “vaccine” threads on boat forums….most people have moved on and are living their lives again…
@crazy4life, please consider posting reputable sources.

You don't think the vaccine is working? Wowza. Ok.

Did I say that???? I SAID it is not working the way “THEY” told us it would. Am I correct????

Tell me….why is it MANY people working in Hospitals are risking their jobs and careers and refusing to take the vaccine??? “Crackpots” right??

“15 days to flatten the curve”
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