@Bizywk, Christina Parks PhD is a teacher in a homeschool organization.
List the staff of grace
She is well known for anti-vaxxer disinformation. She is not someone that you should trust with your health.
This article does a good job of countering her disinformation with facts and relevant references.
When someone feels the need to remind you of their Ph.D. credentials over and over again, this should give you cautious pause. The evidence is what matters.
@Bruce, I really don't see why the double standard here. Perhaps I'll get my answer in your response to my question in the last paragraph.
Other than you don't agree with Dr. Park's viewpoint, why should we throw out her sworn testimony in a field she is certified in because she's currently working in education, and then turn around and suggest we take an on-line middle school biology tutor's word because he said she was wrong? I appreciate your word of caution, so I looked into the article you cited along with his credentials.
As a JB Admin, you cast some shade on my news agency references a while back simply because you said you personally had never heard them before.
Your reference "Health and Science Facts and not gut feelings" website really appears to be a self proclaimed "Fact Checking" website founded by a former phone psychic, self labeled activist, radio host of "The Infidel Guy" and noted reality star from a "Wife Swap" episode.
I'd like to believe that Mr. Reginald Vaughn Finley Sr. is as qualified in medical science as his site bio says, but I'm troubled by the major discrepancies with his other published bios. So many differences in fact, that I really thought that I was looking at two different people for awhile. While there are direct matches of his education between this site and his wiki bio (i.e. his online degree at Clemson), there are a number of glaring differences too like whole career paths. Public relations vs Biology. The photos are a little different, but I'm pretty sure these bios are for the same gentleman because both sites show he's proud of his for profit Amazing Life Bio education site providing on-line tutoring for middle schoolers.
Reginald Vaughn Finley Sr. - Wikipedia. I even respect his personal pride working with the Center of Inquiry - a non-profit dedicated to mitigating belief in the paranormal and pseudoscience and fighting the influence of religion in government.
Now, we should never dismiss or censor Mr Finley's viewpoint based soley on his background or viewpoint, but going back to your statement, please tell me why I should discount sworn testimony from a PhD in this science because she is an educator? Even more, why recommend that we then to turn around and blindly take the word of a community college professor and gradeschool science tutor who never worked in medical science and according to his own website, still hasn't received his PhD in "Science Education". I'm not sure how reputable this PhD would be since I can't find any evidence that EUCLID university, an on-line United Nations endeavor, is Board of Regents certified.