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I was taken aback by your callous remarks and glossed over the statements about your wife. I'm sorry she is having those issues. Truly. I do now know what being sick on a regular basis is, nor do I ask you to disclose personal information about your wife to me. But I encourage you to seek a qualified physicians who can help her. These are not common issues with the vaccine. Can they be from it? Maybe. Even a tablet of tylenol can have odd effects. But this is rare.
Most of the patients that come to me in clinic with issues smelling/tasting and with recurrent "bronchitis" or other similar cough associated presentations, end up being an ENT issue such as sinusitis. Maybe start with one of these specialists?
This is a fascinating thread regarding boosters. A good read.
You're right Jim- the author does, and I agree with you that the article Bruce cites is certainly worth taking a look. I only compared and contrasted how we treat "Expert" references in this thread.One can poo-poo his lack of advance degrees, but to his credit he does have a LOT of links in the article to back up his statements.
Interestingly, if one believes the information that Dr. Parks shares, she unequivocally (although maybe not intentionally) makes the case for the wearing of masks in schools.
She got her 2nd dose in February. It seems Moderna might be lasting a bit longer because of the higher doses, so hopefully she will be fine until Moderna is approved for booster.Tough. Right now only Pfizer has the boosters recommended for at risk folks. And most places are not mixing vaccines either. When did she get her second dose?
Partisan, no. But he does make some logical leaps.@Lurch yes, the activist. I get it. But the points he are making are good. He even advocates to allow dissenters to be heard. I don't see anything partisan in that particular thread. Do you?
@Enduro900 I don't know where you got that I think you haven't done anything. You asked me to comment on your wife's situation and I did. And I'm empathetic to her struggle. I've personally taken care of people with similar symptoms long before covid came along. Sometimes medicine doesn't have a clear answer, and I truly hope she finds a solution. And I did say in my post that while her symptoms are not common with the mRNA vaccines, I clearly acknowledged that it is possible, did I not?
Now, my patience for smart people being deliberately misleading is non existent. Can we have a conversation about possible side effects, yes. But if you (the royal you) knowingly are calling this "genetic vaccines", "gene therapy", and other variants of this, then we need to reframe the conversation.
In the meantime I will continue to advocate for a vaccine that I have personally seen make a huge impact, and that continues to keep my patients and community safe. All backed by the currently available data.
Yup, I saw that. But overall I do not see a controversial issue in his overall argument. I think it is thought provoking and makes some sense. I think it was a good read. He is not a scientist, nor an expert otherwise. As I said in the original post, I found it fascinating. Things about the Africa situation for example that I had not considered.Partisan, no. But he does make some logical leaps.
I just got notice there were 8 residents in my mom's Independent Living test positive. Thankfully, all vaccinated. They are going for a partial lock down. Mom's on 3 liters of O2 so she really doesn't want it although she's vaccinated. She loves living there, but we might move her to our place for a bit. Question for the gang: she had Moderna does she need and can she get a booster.
@Lurch yes, the activist. I get it. But the points he are making are good. He even advocates to allow dissenters to be heard. I don't see anything partisan in that particular thread. Do you?
@Enduro900 I don't know where you got that I think you haven't done anything. You asked me to comment on your wife's situation and I did. And I'm empathetic to her struggle. I've personally taken care of people with similar symptoms long before covid came along. Sometimes medicine doesn't have a clear answer, and I truly hope she finds a solution. And I did say in my post that while her symptoms are not common with the mRNA vaccines, I clearly acknowledged that it is possible, did I not?
Now, my patience for smart people being deliberately misleading is non existent. Can we have a conversation about possible side effects, yes. But if you (the royal you) knowingly are calling this "genetic vaccines", "gene therapy", and other variants of this, then we need to reframe the conversation.
In the meantime I will continue to advocate for a vaccine that I have personally seen make a huge impact, and that continues to keep my patients and community safe. All backed by the currently available data.
Dude I'm not attacking you. I'm actually trying to sympathize and hear you out. I do know who he is. And I said I'm all for open conversation about potential unforseen side effects. But I can't go along with being misleading. For example, have you ever seen me call ivermectin a horse dewormer? No. Because I understand it is being called that in order to undermine any potential role. It's a human drug as well and a darn good one at what it does. Same thing. Don't call an mRNA vaccine Gene therapy or a genetic vaccine when you truly know it is not. Again. I don't mean you specifically but the general "you".Why will you not answer a question directly? Do you know who Dr. Robert Malone is?
Have you read or watched anything Dr. Robert Malone is stating?
Btw, I am not someone that walks around thinking I am right about anything……If you read my position on the vax, I’ve done a ton of research, weighed my risks, weighed the fact that I could still spread it to others if I get the shot.
And for right now I have made the decision that only if my employer requires me to get it will I do it (they are closely monitoring this Biden directive for employer mandates).
I also stated my decision might change…..and yes I am getting vaccinated if I am faced with being fired…..
And i have said nothing regarding that you are wrong for advocating for vaccination. The tough thing about this thread is the attacks instead of the listening…….
I’m out….I’m going boating today lol…..might be the last nice weekend for a few months
Hummm.....The tough thing about this thread is the attacks instead of the listening
So y'all thinned the herd? That's one way to do it. Stay safe brother.@tabbibus, not sure why but we actually are seeing a decrease in ED visits in Arkansas. I do not dare to be optimistic but 50% vaccinated + 16% known infected + unknown infections may have reduced symptomatic infection sufficiently to have limited herd effect. We certainly are not taking effective measures to reduce spread. On the flip side we have one of the highest CoVID mortality rates in the country.
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I'm sorry I can't understand how people who use the internet for their information can argue with someone who has real world experience with vaccines or experience dealing with covid patients.