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The Vaccine

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Well, that is a discerning, sage advice; though some of us work for a living in a setting where remote work is not practical, or doable.

I work in a crowded lab/office which could be described as high-stress environment, kind of like a "boiler room".
(where we thrive, lol).

I'm with you on the sugar industry baited trap latent dangers.

Oddly or luckily, however you'd like to look at it. I work in the construction industry and the sediment seems to be constant. I can go to work every day in an office, where one mask, on the jobsites it's even less. The only time I get reminded about covid is if I make the mistake of turning on the news.
I saw a bunch of headlines about a Bangladesh study showing how great masks are at preventing Covid spread. But the actual statistics didn't seem impressive to me: "After the program was instituted, the researchers reported an 11.9 percent decrease in symptomatic Covid symptoms and a 9.3 percent reduction in symptomatic seroprevalence, which indicates that the virus was detected in blood tests." My initial reaction is that I'm not willing to wear masks for an 11% decline. Am I missing something here?
All welfare recipients (including Medicare) should be mandated to get the vaccine. To control costs. Or lose there benefits.

and while we are at it all section 8 recipients should be banned from smoking.

and all food stamp recipients should be required To maintain a BMI under 25.

for the greater good and all

Internet trolling can be fun.
All welfare recipients (including Medicare) should be mandated to get the vaccine. To control costs. Or lose there benefits.

and while we are at it all section 8 recipients should be banned from smoking.

and all food stamp recipients should be required To maintain a BMI under 25.

for the greater good and all

Internet trolling can be fun.
Could probably add motorcycles, skiing, wakeboarding, football... we probably need to get a government risk commission together to determine which activities have the appropriate risk profile. I don't want to pay for others poor decisions.
Could probably add motorcycles, skiing, wakeboarding, football... we probably need to get a government risk commission together to determine which activities have the appropriate risk profile. I don't want to pay for others poor decisions.
The cost guard shouldn’t rescue anyone making extraneous Bimini crossing either. If someone runs out of gas or bumps their head it’s on them.
Who’s paying for all that air support anyways?
Its amazing how impowering a message board is for people that never had a voice. Please continue

Guess you 'had' to say that too. PS, it's empowering.
All welfare recipients (including Medicare) should be mandated to get the vaccine. To control costs. Or lose there benefits.

and while we are at it all section 8 recipients should be banned from smoking.

and all food stamp recipients should be required To maintain a BMI under 25.

for the greater good and all

Internet trolling can be fun.

I am against mandates but if you get hand outs, I think this is fair (minus BMI part)
I am against mandates but if you get hand outs, I think this is fair (minus BMI part)
We are literally paying people to be fat. Being fat isn’t good for anyone that gets theCOVID.

I say two weeks on restricted calories. For their own good.
We are literally paying people to be fat. Being fat isn’t good for anyone that gets theCOVID.

I say two weeks on restricted calories. For their own good.

We shall call it, “2 weeks to flatten the curve (belly)” ??

We are literally paying people to be fat. Being fat isn’t good for anyone that gets theCOVID.

I say two weeks on restricted calories. For their own good.
K. I'm going there. Might be too far to make a point.

We should consider birth control as a requirement for public assistance.

Yea, probably too far to say for a point. I
We are literally paying people to be fat. Being fat isn’t good for anyone that gets theCOVID.

I say two weeks on restricted calories. For their own good.

Not against it, just BMI is a horrible measure.
All welfare recipients (including Medicare) should be mandated to get the vaccine. To control costs. Or lose there benefits.

and while we are at it all section 8 recipients should be banned from smoking.

and all food stamp recipients should be required To maintain a BMI under 25.

for the greater good and all

Internet trolling can be fun.

Actually, most Medicare recipients have been vaccinated. CDC reports that the 92.3% of all folks 65 and above have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

It's just bullshit to call Medicare a welfare handout. We can be critical about the funding, but most folks work (and contribute) 45 - 50 years into Social Security and Medicare, in order for something to be there when they retire.

Actually, most Medicare recipients have been vaccinated. CDC reports that the 92.3% of all folks 65 and above have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

It's just bullshit to call Medicare a welfare handout. We can be critical about the funding, but most folks work (and contribute) 45 - 50 years into Social Security and Medicare, in order for something to be there when they retire.

Oh please, let us not pretend Part A is anywhere close to solvent, pays sustainable rates or isn’t propped up by patients with PHI paying exorbitant passed on costs so hospitals can stay open.

part b and d are straight up .gov cheese
Actually, most Medicare recipients have been vaccinated. CDC reports that the 92.3% of all folks 65 and above have received at least one dose of the vaccine.

It's just bullshit to call Medicare a welfare handout. We can be critical about the funding, but most folks work (and contribute) 45 - 50 years into Social Security and Medicare, in order for something to be there when they retire.

You are absolutely correct my friend. But trolls will troll. No need to engage.

But it does remind me of all those antivaxxers who also post about being against hand outs and what not. Then they die from covid and the next thing you see is a GoFundMe for their dying expenses...
You are absolutely correct my friend. But trolls will troll. No need to engage.

But it does remind me of all those antivaxxers who also post about being against hand outs and what not. Then they die from covid and the next thing you see is a GoFundMe for their dying expenses...
Not sure if that’s directed at members here.

I think it’s safe to assume almost everyone on this forum is relatively well off financially.
Not sure if that’s directed at members here.

I think it’s safe to assume almost everyone on this forum is relatively well off financially.
Absolutely not. I would never talk about one of our members dying and being broke because of it. No matter our disagreement.
Oh please, let us not pretend Part A is anywhere close to solvent, pays sustainable rates or isn’t propped up by patients with PHI paying exorbitant passed on costs so hospitals can stay open.

part b and d are straight up .gov cheese

What you actually posted was "All welfare recipients (including Medicare)... " and that is what I called bullshit on. The particular statement wasn't one of solvency, but rather calling it welfare.

Last year, through my work, $4200 (half by me and the other half by my employer) was paid in Medicare taxes on my behalf. When I start drawing it in a couple of years, it will not be welfare as I sure have shit have paid my share in the system in the last 45 years.

What you actually posted was "All welfare recipients (including Medicare)... " and that is what I called bullshit on. The particular statement wasn't one of solvency, but rather calling it welfare.

Last year, through my work, $4200 (half by me and the other half by my employer) was paid in Medicare taxes on my behalf. When I start drawing it in a couple of years, it will not be welfare as I sure have shit have paid my share in the system in the last 45 years.

Many don’t pay in what you paid to get the same benefits. I think that’s the idea.

As far as I’m aware he’s also right that private insurance and cash pay patients regularly get charged more for at least some of the same services to make up for Medicare/Medicaid shortfalls. This is a severe issue with air ambulance, in addition to the industry’s own self created problems.
What you actually posted was "All welfare recipients (including Medicare)... " and that is what I called bullshit on. The particular statement wasn't one of solvency, but rather calling it welfare.

Last year, through my work, $4200 (half by me and the other half by my employer) was paid in Medicare taxes on my behalf. When I start drawing it in a couple of years, it will not be welfare as I sure have shit have paid my share in the system in the last 45 years.

*generational welfare
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