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The Vaccine

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None of you are experts but you take stands and force your opinions like you are. That is the single biggest problem with this thread. Its truely time to delete this whole dumpster fire as you are not helping anyone. Stick to running a Jet Boat site where you can actually help people and stop trying to pose as infectious disease experts because you quote or post articles.
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None of you are experts but you take stands and force your opinions like you are. That is the single biggest problem with this thread. Its truely time to delete this whole dumpster fire as you are not helping anyone. Stick to running a Jet Boat site where you can actually help people and stop trying to pose as infectious disease experts because you quote or post articles.
There has been a fair amount of regurgitated/propagated falsehoods AKA russian trolling news posted here by various members.

Some of us, myself included, actually are not okay with that and feel it is not okay to leave it alone, simply because I happen to care about this site and do not want it trashed and turned into another trolling site.

You have had every single one of your queries addressed, for better or worse, and obviously to no satisfaction, but those responses keep the site legit - in my view.

The members may not see eye-to-eye and many of us struggle with decisions on when, and if, to engage; some of us simply have ethical limits - for example, I will not participate in a forum where misinformation vomit goes unchallenged.

Perfect example, providing your unqualified opinion by saying I have had every single one of my queries addressed, for better or worse, and obviously to no satisfaction. You make subtle but inflammatory statements None of which help this site. Look in the mirror and ask why you think you have been commissioned to be this site's misinformation police and champion of integrity. Not a question that requires an answer.
No one here is actually qualified to be making judgements or statements on this topic. Keep this dumpster fire burning.......
Below is a genuine request wanting information. There are folks on this thread who are better at data research than me.

1. Current studies regarding vaccinated people getting; asymptomatic, mild symptoms, and hospitalizations. Some data I've seen suggests Pfizer is only about 40% effective in preventing Delta Covid but 88% effective in preventing hospitalizations.

2. Comparison of Covid transmission between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated. Some recent Data suggest the Vaccinated are still pretty good carriers.

3. Degradation of Vaccine over time. My main concern.

4. Degradation Comparison of two mrna vaccines. Seems that Pfizer may degrade faster than Moderna.

I have the pfizer Vaccine and the Israeli experience has me a bit concerned. Thanks in advance.
thought on point #2 specifically. I think an exposure is the same regarding the ability to transmit virus vaccinated or not. Humans make the perfect vectors for a disease of this nature. Any entomologist would agree. The major difference is the ability to fight infection not the transmission. I would tend to agree with that statement as it’s mostly a function of precautionary steps or lack of. Just a thought, having the vaccine served as a false sense of protection for some. How many of the breakthrough cases were a result of a breach in use of masks and safe distancing? IDK. There was a time when it was suggested that vaccinated people did not need to wear a mask. We now know that’s false. I have had the vaccine but I dont tempt fate and go commando in public settings. (Mask or underwear....sorry ladies:( At best it is a weak argument against vaccines to suggest the ability of vaccinated people to transmit covid people discount the benefit.
None of you are experts but you take stands and force your opinions like you are.

Multiple medical doctors treating CoVID patients and a PhD Immunologist are frequently posting in agreement with each other in this thread. They also agree with the epidemiologists that I am supplying data to and communication with on a daily basis.

There is plenty of expertise in this thread. Unfortunately it is difficult for some to move beyond disinformation and memes.
Perfect example, providing your unqualified opinion by saying I have had every single one of my queries addressed, for better or worse, and obviously to no satisfaction. You make subtle but inflammatory statements None of which help this site. Look in the mirror and ask why you think you have been commissioned to be this site's misinformation police and champion of integrity. Not a question that requires an answer.
No one here is actually qualified to be making judgements or statements on this topic. Keep this dumpster fire burning.......
Seems like we share at least one thing in common, caring about this site. As crazy as it may seem, as most often it just seems like a huge time sink, I still feel compelled to come back here. Hard to explain.

If I provided misinformation - I would like to hear it. Please be specific. Don't play the stupid game - "some people are saying...".

I don't hide behind my opinions, and quite frankly, I'm pretty comfortable with what I know, when I post what I know.

I don't know many things. But the things I know, I know well.

Multiple medical doctors treating CoVID patients and a PhD Immunologist are frequently posting in agreement with each other in this thread. They also agree with the epidemiologists that I am supplying data to and communication with on a daily basis.

There is plenty of expertise in this thread. Unfortunately it is difficult for some to move beyond disinformation and memes.
The problem is the same medical folks are also throwing shade, so this is NOT a one-sided issue here. You can’t have your cake and ice cream too. It’s just a big old case of my dick is bigger than yours kind of thing going on in here. I’ve seen memes and backhanded comments from the medical side so they are not innocent in continuing this circle jerk session. Tell me, how is this thread on topic with the actual reason it was created? It’s not. It’s just constant bashing (from all sides) and it’s really spilling over into the other parts of the forum, from the medical folks nonetheless.

Just nuke the thread already! Or is this just something some of you like to do in your past time (to argue, belittle, make fun of etc)? I mean look at the ratio of where some of you actively participate on this forum outside of this or related type threads. Some spend near All of their time and resources to this one thread than the rest of the forum. It’s beyond the point of the threads intention. It’s just a pissing match and has been for like 60+ pages lol. Enough already.

The OP asked for the thread to be locked and admins literally laughed on his post request. WTF kind of standards are we setting here?
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Below is a genuine request wanting information. There are folks on this thread who are better at data research than me.

1. Current studies regarding vaccinated people getting; asymptomatic, mild symptoms, and hospitalizations. Some data I've seen suggests Pfizer is only about 40% effective in preventing Delta Covid but 88% effective in preventing hospitalizations.


3. Degradation of Vaccine over time. My main concern.

4. Degradation Comparison of two mrna vaccines. Seems that Pfizer may degrade faster than Moderna.

I have the pfizer Vaccine and the Israeli experience has me a bit concerned. Thanks in advance.

1. Vaccines do not prevent contraction of a virus. They train the immune system to recognize and fight the virus. That training kicks in after the targeted virus is contracted. This is the way that all vaccines to viruses work. Most people are not aware of this.

How successfully that a vaccinated immune system fights the virus is dependent on multiple factors;
A. How strong of an immune response was developed and how well it is maintained. (Additional doses help)
B. How strong the the immune system is.
C. How much viral material was transferred. Starting with a large amount of viral material is likely to result in a faster and more severe illness. (Masks help)
D. How similar the attacking virus is to that vaccinated against.

Since anyone with adequate exposure will contract the virus what matters is how many vaccinated people develop severe illness.

Most who are vaccinated will beat the virus before showing sufficient symptoms to be tested.

My state of Arkansas has lead the US in delta infections. More than 97% of our infections are delta. Currently 86% of our active CoVID cases are among the 51.5% of the state that is unvaccinated. In that data the unvaccinated are roughly 6 times more likely to test positive than the vaccinated.

2. Was covered well in a previous response.

It is likely that the vaccinated are having equal amounts of exposure and contraction but most instances do not result in sufficient symptoms to be tested or become contagious. But when a vaccinated person has a weak immune system or receives a sufficient volume of viral material to overwhelm their immune system they will reach a point of being contagious.

We are seeing reports of vaccinated people becoming contagious. We are not seeing reports of a large percentage of vaccinated people becoming contagious. This is expected, those with the weakest immune systems are primarily among the vaccinated.

3. Vaccinated people will have some advantage over the virus for an extended period of time. Boosters or small exposures to the virus will extend and strengthen immune response. Coronaviruses mutate more slowly than influenza. Coronavirus vaccines are likely to beneficial for longer.

You can have your antibody response tested if you are concerned.

4. My understanding is that Moderna doses contain more mRNA which could result in developing a larger and longer lasting immune response. It also is likely to explain more frequently reported post study adverse effects.

I am not aware of any head to head testing of the two mRNA vaccines. I read the study publications not the press who often misinterpret the research. Looking at headlines it appears that the press like to attract attention by suggesting that one is better.

Both mRNA vaccines are highly effective and incredibly safe. Each of my family members took the first that was available. That was to be wasted Moderna for me before I would have otherwise qualified and Pfizer for the rest of my family.
@haknslash, much good and credible information is being exchanged in this thread and it provides an outlet for those influenced by disinformation to check what they are believing. Any JetBoater who decides to get vaccinated after reading this thread could be a life saved.

Medical decisions should be based on accurate information not on politics. This thread should not be about politics.
The problem is the same medical folks are also throwing shade, so this is NOT a one-sided issue here. You can’t have your cake and ice cream too. It’s just a big old case of my dick is bigger than yours kind of thing going on in here. I’ve seen memes and backhanded comments from the medical side so they are not innocent in continuing this circle jerk session. Tell me, how is this thread on topic with the actual reason it was created? It’s not. It’s just constant bashing (from all sides) and it’s really spilling over into the other parts of the forum, from the medical folks nonetheless.

Just nuke the thread already! Or is this just something some of you like to do in your past time (to argue, belittle, make fun of etc)? I mean look at the ratio of where some of you actively participate on this forum outside of this or related type threads. Some spend near All of their time and resources to this one thread than the rest of the forum. It’s beyond the point of the threads intention. It’s just a pissing match and has been for like 60+ pages lol. Enough already.

The OP asked for the thread to be locked and admins literally laughed on his post request. WTF kind of standards are we setting here?
To be fair, I question the initial intention of the post questioning the credibility of participants on this thread. More like poking the bear. Several comments made today by the same person has fanned flames. In multiple posts. However, assuming it was a legitimate, I thought the answer was appropriate and did not feed into the antagonist tone of questions. I applaud the reserved response. With regard to education, experience, and advanced degrees of the participants responses, it was reduced to a pissing contest / circle jerk. How is that a fair assessment when the initial post questioned credibility? This has all the elements of an ambush.
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@Bruce I didn’t bring up politics so not sure where you’re going with that.

This thread was supposed to be about vaccinated people sharing their experiences. Nothing more. Did the previous COVID thread not teach us anything? Seems we are just repeating the same at this point.

Some are using it as a vessel to demean members on here and that’s not right. Maybe they are frustrated with their profession and feel this is the place to vent on people? I don’t know but it’s pretty strange behavior some show for fellow members. Several people have to come to me privately and brought this up but they don’t dare bring it up publicly because they fear being ridiculed by a vocal few on here. I really don’t think you understand what this thread is actually doing more harm than good in terms of the forum’s health. This thread has not provided any information that anyone can’t find on their own outside of here. It is not some medical advice tank where hidden gems and nuggets are curated. This thread is nothing more than one big ego stroke after another sprinkled in with a decent post here or there. The majority of it is junk.

If the OP has requested the thread be locked, why are you and other staff not granting his wish? It’s just toxic and sad.
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It’s just a big old case of my dick is bigger than yours kind of thing going on in here.

This isn’t really a fair statement. There are drs and other actual medical experts with highly relevant experience arguing with people who generally have no ties whatsoever to the medical field with a couple of exceptions.
That’s not the same as two people googling medical advice and arguing about things neither side knows about.
If the OP has requested the thread be locked, why are you and other staff not granting his wish? It’s just toxic and sad
The simple answer is we don't close threads unless personal attacks get out of hand. We don't believe in censorship and one of the founding premises of this site was to avoid being a "Brian" at all costs.

We closed the other covid thread because it did get out of hand. It actually triggered the enablement of our warning system/policy to dissuade personal attacks. So far its working as well as I expected.

If you don't like the content of this thread, its really simple, turn off notifications for it (if you turned any on), and don't open it.
The problem is the same medical folks are also throwing shade, so this is NOT a one-sided issue here. You can’t have your cake and ice cream too. It’s just a big old case of my dick is bigger than yours kind of thing going on in here. I’ve seen memes and backhanded comments from the medical side so they are not innocent in continuing this circle jerk session. Tell me, how is this thread on topic with the actual reason it was created? It’s not. It’s just constant bashing (from all sides) and it’s really spilling over into the other parts of the forum, from the medical folks nonetheless.

Just nuke the thread already! Or is this just something some of you like to do in your past time (to argue, belittle, make fun of etc)? I mean look at the ratio of where some of you actively participate on this forum outside of this or related type threads. Some spend near All of their time and resources to this one thread than the rest of the forum. It’s beyond the point of the threads intention. It’s just a pissing match and has been for like 60+ pages lol. Enough already.

The OP asked for the thread to be locked and admins literally laughed on his post request. WTF kind of standards are we setting here?
Not sure why you think my post was throwing shade or measuring my dick. I was making an observation. Those same exact reasons given to me during a conversation about riding in the stern are the same reasons some people (and I'm not even referring to people in this forum) use for not wearing a mask or getting the shot.
This isn’t really a fair statement. There are drs and other actual medical experts with highly relevant experience arguing with people who generally have no ties whatsoever to the medical field with a couple of exceptions.
That’s not the same as two people googling medical advice and arguing about things neither side knows about.
I don’t have an issue with information, so long as it’s on topic to the threads intention. It’s the constant bitching and mud slinging that’s beyond old.
Not sure why you think my post was throwing shade or measuring my dick. I was making an observation. Those same exact reasons given to me during a conversation about riding in the stern are the same reasons some people (and I'm not even referring to people in this forum) use for not wearing a mask or getting the shot.
I’m not referring to just that post. More so the actions and attitudes in this thread by everyone.
The simple answer is we don't close threads unless personal attacks get out of hand. We don't believe in censorship and one of the founding premises of this site was to avoid being a "Brian" at all costs.

We closed the other covid thread because it did get out of hand. It actually triggered the enablement of our warning system/policy to dissuade personal attacks. So far its working as well as I expected.

If you don't like the content of this thread, its really simple, turn off notifications for it (if you turned any on), and don't open it.
You don’t think personal insults and attacks have happened in this thread? That 85 pages of bitching isn’t enough?

Why did you laugh at the OP when he requested his thread be closed? Why not honor his plea?

As for censorship, yes it does happen. For example politics aren’t welcome on here because it can cause division amongst the forum and there are other places on the net to discuss and debate politics. This thread may as well be about politics because it’s just as divisive. However it seems rules for thee and not for me is beginning to be the status quo here.

I just don’t get why there is constant side stepping to this thread. I mean deep down I do know the answer to that but I just don’t get why continue to beat a dead horse. It’s y’all’s forum but I think some of y’all can’t see for the forest for the trees. Enjoy the circle jerk and belittle sessions to further drive the community apart.
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@haknslash with credible information being provided in this thread you have no reason to continue arguing beyond wanting to perpetrate harmful disinformation.
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