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The Vaccine

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Interesting read from the perspective of the M.D.

Extremely interacting. She's not doing anything wrong in my eyes. She's still providing telemedicine to them.

Honestly, I wish I could do the same with covid and flu. No shot? Don't come on and put my other folks at risk.
If vaccinated people still spread the virus then what does it matter to her? It reads as if she thinks vaccinated people don’t spread, which is not true according “to the science“. I guess she only listens to some of the science, or let’s her emotions take over her profession.

Accoridng to her reviews, she runs an unprofessional family doctor practice who has a history of being rude as well as her staff having poor bedside manners. Doesn’t seem like a quality place anyways. Dr. Linda Marraccini, MD | South Miami, FL | Healthgrades
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If vaccinated people still spread the virus then what does it matter to her? It reads as if she thinks vaccinated people don’t spread, which is not true according “to the science“. I guess she only listens to some of the science, or let’s her emotions take over her profession.

Accoridng to her reviews, she runs an unprofessional family doctor practice who has a history of being rude as well as her staff having poor bedside manners. Doesn’t seem like a quality place anyways. Dr. Linda Marraccini, MD | South Miami, FL | Healthgrades
Because of a few factors:
1) Far fewer vaccinated people get a d transmit the virus.
2) Those that do have a much lower viral load (which is why they are rarely hospitalized)

As such, there is a much lower probability of dealing with the virus, or a heavy load of it from vaccinated people.

Some great stats in the article below:

It's mainly the viral load issue. That's why it matters to the vulnerable
Because of a few factors:
1) Far fewer vaccinated people get a d transmit the virus.
2) Those that do have a much lower viral load (which is why they are rarely hospitalized)

As such, there is a much lower probability of dealing with the virus, or a heavy load of it from vaccinated people.

Some great stats in the article below:

I don’t know about your state but vaccinated people make up 14% of the hospitalizations right now in Alabama. Far from a rarity IMO. The lowest percentage of those hospitalized in my state is 3% and they‘re folks who are partially vaccinated. We also wouldn’t have mask mandates regardless of vaccination status if it was a lower viral load, or I wouldn’t think. Nothing adds up with this COVID.
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Interesting read from the perspective of the M.D.

i think this is an example of a headline that falls short of delivery. That’s not a refusal of patient care. I think it serves to support a false narrative of patients being slighted due to their non vaccine status. I call BS! So now the typical non vaccinated reader will come to the conclusion that this healthcare establishment is not dependable and overlooks the needs of the unvaccinated over the vaccinated. It’s a matter of increased prevention. Despite her personal opinion of the unvaccinated population, a result of compassion fatigue ( yes that a thing),the doctor still offers treatment and is a far better solution / compromise when considering the more vulnerable. According to the article, she has not turned away any patients. I think that would cross all lines of professional conduct. Just more ammo for the non compliant base. Upon a tele visit, or in person, severe symptoms are by default sent to an ED for further work up. It happens all the time. Less severe patients have scripts faxed to pharmacies. It actually more convenient and safe for all. I believe Many more practices will follow suit. I would prefer a tele visit myself Knowing the high degree of illness in my locality. The article does not address patients that are vaccinated, breakthrough or not, that use or opt that same model of visit.
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I don’t know about you state but vaccinated people make up 15% of the hospitalizations right now in Alabama. Far from a rarity. We also wouldn’t have mask mandates regardless of vaccination status if it was such a lower viral load. Nothing adds up with this crap.
Nope....pretty simple....those that are infected (either vaxed or not) can infect others, so masks will help both reduce spread.

As for Alabama....its fantastic that only 13% of the hospitalizations are for Fully vaccinated people given that only 38% are fully vaccinated.
Nope....pretty simple....those that are infected (either vaxed or not) can infect others, so masks will help both reduce spread.

As for Alabama....its fantastic that only 13% of the hospitalizations are for Fully vaccinated people given that only 38% are fully vaccinated.
Nope....pretty simple....those that are infected (either vaxed or not) can infect others, so masks will help both reduce spread.

As for Alabama....its fantastic that only 13% of the hospitalizations are for Fully vaccinated people given that only 38% are fully vaccinated.

So if masks reduce the spread then she shouldn’t have issue treating folks, vaccinated or not.

14% of hospitalizations is still not a rarity, no matter how you slice it.
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So if masks reduce the spread then she shouldn’t have issue treating folks, vaccinated or not.

14% of hospitalizations is still not a rarity, no matter how you slice it.
Nope....not rare, but far better odds than being unvaccinated. And it does matter how you slice it. 20% of that 14% are completely asymptomatic....they just happened to test positive when admitted for something else.
So if masks reduce the spread then she shouldn’t have issue treating folks, vaccinated or not.

Treating unvaccinated adults creates greater risk to the medical workers, ties up resources that likely are needed for non CoVID patients and let’s face it that patient wasted plenty of opportunity to get vaccinated.
So if masks reduce the spread then she shouldn’t have issue treating folks, vaccinated or not.

14% of hospitalizations is still not a rarity, no matter how you slice it.
The 2% of hospitalizations being unvaccinated people statistic has been overstated by the "experts". It was 2% from Jan 1, which included 3-4 months where 70-90% of the country was unvaccinated, hospitalization was the highest, and the delta strain was not the dominant strain. Still, being vaccinated is a great benefit and I am happy to vaccinated, but its not the perfect shield that some in the public might think it is.

Data from Isreal, a place with a high vaccination rate, seems to be more in line with reality
"The two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data."

With over 75% vaccination rate, Isreal daily cases have gone from 13 on Jun 1 to over 10,000 at the end of August. They are administering booster shots now and planning for a 4th shot in 6 months.

We should be telling our at risk population which received the vaccination first, that they are becoming more vulnerable to Covid each and every day, they should take more precautions, and should get a booster shot when offered.
Nope....not rare, but .............
Thank you for acknowledging your misinformation.

Treating unvaccinated adults creates greater risk to the medical workers, ties up resources that likely are needed for non CoVID patients and let’s face it that patient wasted plenty of opportunity to get vaccinated.
There are other treatments than just vaccination. Yes the ones mentioned by the CDC. Not everyone can or should get vaccinated.

If doctors (and nurses) don’t want to help people with they health they’re need to find a new profession. Plenty of fast food places and restaurants need workers. That lady doc just sounds like a bitter hag playing off her emotions. That headline is absolute trash too which doesn’t help convince people.

Y’all need to figure out if you want to continue your crusade of demeaning and strong arming people to get the vab (that approach is clearly not working) or turn to a more thoughtful approach with solid reasoning without all the BS then you/they might actually make some headway. This thread is not what it was intended to be and it’s just turned into an echo chamber or insults and back handed comments. The fact some are medical people and act like this is disgusting but I won’t delve into that. I think y’all should lock this thread as the OP and others have requested. It’s off topic and nothing but a pissing match of the same 5-10 people and their followers.
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Thank you for acknowledging your misinformation.
Do please quote the misinformation I posted! I'll go back and fix it right away!

Please tell me how you quantify this
How to do the math or what my source is? The last article I posted had the data. The math is easy.

Here is the quote (only 17%...but close enough):

"The number of fully vaccinated people who were hospitalized was only 8,054 as of August, according to the CDC. This is a tiny fraction of the 168 million people who have been fully vaccinated.​

A significant portion of these hospitalized cases, 17 percentTrusted Source, were among people who showed no symptoms of COVID-19 and were classed as asymptomatic. They may have been hospitalized for a different condition and then found to have had COVID-19."​
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Do please quote the misinformation I posted! I'll go back and fix it right away!

How to do the math or what my source is? The last article I posted had the data. The math is easy.
You said it was rare vaccinated people get hospitalized. In my state we have close to 3,000 people in the hospital for COVID. Of those, nearly 400 are vaccinated. That’s not a rarity. Your post is one page back.
You said it was rare vaccinated people get hospitalized. In my state we have close to 3,000 people in the hospital for COVID. Of those, nearly 400 are vaccinated. That’s not a rarity. Your post is one page back.
I honestly went to look to see where I said it was rare....couldn't find it. Which is why I asked.
Below is a genuine request wanting information. There are folks on this thread who are better at data research than me.

1. Current studies regarding vaccinated people getting; asymptomatic, mild symptoms, and hospitalizations. Some data I've seen suggests Pfizer is only about 40% effective in preventing Delta Covid but 88% effective in preventing hospitalizations.

2. Comparison of Covid transmission between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated. Some recent Data suggest the Vaccinated are still pretty good carriers.

3. Degradation of Vaccine over time. My main concern.

4. Degradation Comparison of two mrna vaccines. Seems that Pfizer may degrade faster than Moderna.

I have the pfizer Vaccine and the Israeli experience has me a bit concerned. Thanks in advance.
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