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Perception is important. A .05% chance of dying from COVID. It is what it is, statistically. You might think that's high, I think it's low.
More reading:
Estimating everyday risk: Subjective judgments are related to objective risk, mapping of numerical magnitudes and previous experience
We aimed to investigate individual differences that associate with peoples’ acute risk perception for activities such as walking and giving birth, including objective risk and the mapping of numerical magnitudes. The Amazon Mechanical Turk platform ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Perception is important. A .05% chance of dying from COVID. It is what it is, statistically. You might think that's high, I think it's low.
More reading:
Estimating everyday risk: Subjective judgments are related to objective risk, mapping of numerical magnitudes and previous experience
We aimed to investigate individual differences that associate with peoples’ acute risk perception for activities such as walking and giving birth, including objective risk and the mapping of numerical magnitudes. The Amazon Mechanical Turk platform ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
I’m not saying it’s high or low. I’m saying including 100% subjective items in your analysis doesn’t make any sense.
Now of course you would include them in the final decision you make, but if the math of your expected infection probability x expected rate of severe negative outcome is not lower than your expected rate of a severe negative outcome from the vaccine and you still choose to not get the vaccine then you aren’t really basing it on a risk analysis. It’s then based on fear, religion, politics, something other than pure risk.
You can thank the vaccines for that .05% rate though.
Perception is important. A .05% chance of dying from COVID. It is what it is, statistically. You might think that's high, I think it's low.
More reading:
Estimating everyday risk: Subjective judgments are related to objective risk, mapping of numerical magnitudes and previous experience
We aimed to investigate individual differences that associate with peoples’ acute risk perception for activities such as walking and giving birth, including objective risk and the mapping of numerical magnitudes. The Amazon Mechanical Turk platform ...www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Yeah.....the problem is the risk analysis is being done with false data.
I would bet the rate is much lower than .05%. This has been around well before it was even identified (March). Also tons of people that didn't get tested but just stayed at home.
Agree.... it's likely much lower than .05% now, thanks to the vaccines.
True and true.Or you base it on unknown factor X. (In this case, long-term affects), and also previous infection. Realistically no one is crunching numbers like this though.
It’s a USA Today analysis of a viral video originally posted on TikTok, come on man don’t lose your faith in society based on that!And this is why we don't believe anything. They claim it is partly false, but essentially say its true.
Fact check: Viral video misleads on individuals' risk of COVID-19 transmission, death
The likelihood that someone will get COVID-19 and die depends on many individual factors.www.usatoday.com
"Based on our research, we rate PARTLY FALSE the claim that a given person has a 2.4% chance of getting COVID and a 0.05% chance of dying from it. These figures are roughly correct on a global scale, but at an individual level the risk varies hugely, experts say. The chances of getting sick or dying from COVID-19 vary based on individual factors like age, health history and location. "
I remember an early press conference with Fauci and Trump where the Dr said something to the effect that there would be no vaccine for two to three years. And he also said if there was one that we could not be sure if it would be safe.True and true.
There are many pretending or maybe just ignorant to the fact that that same long term unknown factor X exists equally on both sides (ie no one knows the potential long term effects of covid on the body).
It’s a USA Today analysis of a viral video originally posted on TikTok, come on man don’t lose your faith in society based on that!
If you are saying you analyze risk in your life and come to decisions based purely only on numbers and data, devoid of past experiences, emotions (fear, belief, hate, love)and other human factors than I call a big fat hot steaming Bull Shit.I understand your point, it’s just incorrect.
Analyzing and accepting/ignoring are two different things. Don’t need to be a professor to understand that.
If you are saying you analyze risk in your life and come to decisions based purely only on numbers and data, devoid of past experiences, emotions (fear, belief, hate, love)and other human factors than I call a big fat hot steaming Bull Shit.
Your right. Maybe it’s time to start a mask thread.This Non-vaccine or vaccine echo chamber is so worn out. Aren't you guys sick and tired of going on and on about this by now. The sad part is you're arguing with like, 5 people out of the 30,000 that are on this forum. Close this damn thread already and just let everybody do what they are going to do. The simple fact is you are not going to change anyone's mind by on here, or anywhere for that matter. People will decide when it affects them. Case in point my sales rep. He was an anti vaxxer, got Covid a few weeks ago, fell of the face of the Earth and finally surfaced yesterday. Said it was the worst 19 days of his life. He and his family are going to get the vaccine now. It will take more and more of people just like him to force change.
Enough already......
We’re miscommunicating.If you are saying you analyze risk in your life and come to decisions based purely only on numbers and data, devoid of past experiences, emotions (fear, belief, hate, love)and other human factors than I call a big fat hot steaming Bull Shit.
This Non-vaccine or vaccine echo chamber is so worn out......
Enough already......
It’s entertainment, just like most of this site. Humans like to debate. This one has gotten close to off the rails a few times but it seems to get back on track. I don’t understand the getting upset about it existing.This Non-vaccine or vaccine echo chamber is so worn out. Aren't you guys sick and tired of going on and on about this by now. The sad part is you're arguing with like, 5 people out of the 30,000 that are on this forum. Close this damn thread already and just let everybody do what they are going to do. The simple fact is you are not going to change anyone's mind by on here, or anywhere for that matter. People will decide when it affects them. Case in point my sales rep. He was an anti vaxxer, got Covid a few weeks ago, fell of the face of the Earth and finally surfaced yesterday. Said it was the worst 19 days of his life. He and his family are going to get the vaccine now. It will take more and more of people just like him to force change.
Enough already......