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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

@cozilla i pulled the bins again today to double check my measurements and I was wrong. My rear bag had twisted on its side when I did the original measurement through the access hole in the tray. After straightening it back out there is more like 15” of height available so that should give us 400# on each side. I am tempted to order one bag with 15” extra height to test fit the port side then if there is more room I’ll swap the slightly smaller bag to the starboard side. Since I have an extra 300# on the port side as is.
we went out just my wife and I today and the difference was huge not having the extra 900-1,000 pounds in the boat.
@sleek98 yep I keep 2 Let’s Tie Up balls inflated in my rear locker and can have the bag full with them in there. There is a lot of room to be had in there.
Got my Chaos fins today. They forgot to send me the rear quad fins but the large Chaos fins look and feel awesome. The fins are sharp and have a unique shape to them. Cant wait to try them out.
I set off a quote request to Fatsac to get a solid number for a new rear bag. Their online quote said $400, Wakemakers said 615.

I also ordered the 325# midship bags (650# total) and will plumb them in the top of the stock rear bags for now. After adding those next time out in a couple weeks I will decide if its worth spending the money on a rear bag.

Having an extra 4-5 people in the boat made a huge difference, compared the following day with it was just my wife, son and I.

A coworker of my wife invited us out with him next week if the weather works out. I am hoping to try each of his boards to see if anyone of them feel good. He said he will try to get a neo from another friend of his for me to try as well.
I am tempted to order 500#s of lead tonight and be done with it. We use thestorage in the rear and under the seats so I don’t know if we would want to give that up. I’m on a lift and don’t have to trailer.
I have 500#. I think I still need another 1,000 if it’s just my wife and I. I am going to see what the 600# under the midship does and go from there when I get the quote back for the rear bag.
Yea I have 500 already. Another 500 to make it 1k total.
Put in another order for 500#s this morning from wakelife.co. Let the shipping roller coaster begin.
I think I am going to punt on the custom rear bag. Just got another 500# of lead from someone locally for $375, thanks moomba FB group, going to pick it up the next time they come down.

That gives me 1,000# of lead, 625# of midship bags. Plus 250-300# of humans if its only the one adult and kids if its a bare bones crew. we can pull a couple bags and leave them on the dock or drain some of the rear bags if we have 8-9 people again and we will be over the 2,500 capacity.

I am guessing our next problem might be prop if we get close to the 2,500 capacity limit. but Im guessing that wont happen for a while.
Nice. I have the 15.5x15 4 blade prop. I had great torque. I almost ordered 1k lead from wakelife since they said they could do freight shipping for the same price as USPS shipping but didn't want to have 500 to sell. I probably could have sold it pretty quickly here in Charlotte.
I should have ordered that prop. I have the 15.5x16.5 prop. Can you still do 30 without hitting redline? We normally cruise at 25-28 mph if we want to go get food on the lake.
I will check when I am out next. I would think so. We usually just cruise at 25.
So I am out on the lake with a coworker of my wife that has a r23 tige. Using a 5’ 4” version of the same board I have (I have a 5’ 0”) I was able to drop the rope after 30 seconds. Once we get our settings fixed I still think the board I have is too small for my skill. Im at the weight rating on it. He has a neo for me to try as well in a couple hours.

edit. Didn’t do very well with the nubstep. Was really twitchy and ate more lake water than anything. Tried his tako island surfer and really liked it. Was able to go the the back and recover, carve in and out. Tried his ronix bat tail. It was a bit too much for me but I liked it, next season I will have to give it another try.
Ended up basically being a private surf lesson. They didn’t want to get in until we had tried every type of board and could surf without help/instructions on when to gas and brake.

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Boardco recently released a few videos on surf boards, fins, shapes etc. Pretty good series so far.

So I am out on the lake with a coworker of my wife that has a r23 tige. Using a 5’ 4” version of the same board I have (I have a 5’ 0”) I was able to drop the rope after 30 seconds. Once we get our settings fixed I still think the board I have is too small for my skill. Im at the weight rating on it. He has a neo for me to try as well in a couple hours.

edit. Didn’t do very well with the nubstep. Was really twitchy and ate more lake water than anything. Tried his tako island surfer and really liked it. Was able to go the the back and recover, carve in and out. Tried his ronix bat tail. It was a bit too much for me but I liked it, next season I will have to give it another try.
Ended up basically being a private surf lesson. They didn’t want to get in until we had tried every type of board and could surf without help/instructions on when to gas and brake.

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The Nubstep is not really a particularly "learner-friendly" board, but once you get your legs under you and feel confident I bet you'll like how responsive it is. Personally, I wouldn't spend substantial money on a board to learn the basics. Save that for when you are ready to exploit what a higher performance board has to offer. Just my 2 cents.
I should have ordered that prop. I have the 15.5x16.5 prop. Can you still do 30 without hitting redline? We normally cruise at 25-28 mph if we want to go get food on the lake.
a 15.5X15" prop on a boat with a 1.76 transmission should be good for 37-38 mph at WOT on a boat with a reasonably efficient hull (i.e. any of these boats) and a sufficiently powerful engine (which the 400 certainly is).
Went out last night on my buddy's Axis A24. We first rode on wedge 6 and man that thing was almost too big of a wave. I had to ride the brakes the majority of the time. Ended up riding on 4 the rest of the time and it was good. I let him ride my Nubstep with just the 2 Chaos fins in and he couldn't handle it. It was too squirrelly for him. He is still learning though. I didn't notice too much difference with the 2 rear fins out but it does crave a bit better.
Wait until you ride a true skim style board! That will make the Nubstep feel like it is locked into the water. Fun fun!
No doubt haha. I am curious to try one.