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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

My next will likely be the Phase 5 Model X.
Weight is king as you all likely already know. With such a light crew 200# I ended up adding midship bags on top of the subfloor plus an additional 1,000# of lead. For 1,600ish pounds over stock. Wave is awesome now. A little more push than the tige that I was riding behind on Wednesday. I need to get it a touch more dialed in with the tabs/speed. I would like to lengthen it just a little bit more as the front has a quite a bit more push compared the the middle and rear (maybe that’s just how it always is?). I’m hoping if I can stretch it out or play with the tabs a little it will be more equal all the way through.

I was able to go from the back to the front with my original board without using the rope and I wasn’t able to drop the rope last time on my boat.

I can’t wait to try it next weekend with the other board we really liked.

:D well that didn’t take long! Yes weight or displacement trumps all! I bet she throws a real nice wave and can’t wait to see some pics and vids. We have a light crew and getting 100% actual displacement on AW is when it really starts to shine. Did you add a check valve when to tied in your overflow? I wished I had the larger 7“ screen. You get more data at a glance and it’s more easy to read.
Played around a little more with settings, had 3 additional adults with us today so an extra 450-500#. Got the amp gauge to max out,

Ended up around the 2400# range with a surfer in the water. Wave was wild, we left autowake on all day. Didn’t dump ballast for no reason dropped a % or two here and there when people switched sitting side to side, but filled it back up when they switched back. Only time it dumped more than 10% was when people moved up front from the rear so I think it worked perfectly, but we had 2,400# over stock in the boat.

Not the best pic, but this was with 200# dumped from the front after my mom and son moved up there.
Wait until you ride a true skim style board! That will make the Nubstep feel like it is locked into the water. Fun fun!
Pretty much all I ride anymore is my skim. I love the loose feel and I am getting really close on being able to complete my spins and still hold the wave. I highly recommend everyone tries one!
Pretty much all I ride anymore is my skim. I love the loose feel and I am getting really close on being able to complete my spins and still hold the wave. I highly recommend everyone tries one!
They are super super fun. I agree!
Stupid YT killing the quality with its compression but here’s a video I threw together from yesterday.

That’s looks awesome!!! With the price of wood I don’t even want to know :D but it is looking great ?
Telling us his a millionaire without telling us his a millionaire.

Lol I can’t believe the price of wood is still this high.

wake9 gave us some tips on the mojo since he’s had one for a bit and the amount of push is amazing bringing the nose up to 10. I ended up taking fins off our new tako (leaving just the single middle) since I could barely keep the board off the transom. New goal is to land a 360 the week we are down over the 4th.
Running through some video footage and I forgot my daughter caught the moment I got a power wash to the family jewels from some wake boat rollers :D. I had to let go shortly after just so my boys could settle back down out of my stomach lol.

Went to the Supra Pro Wake Tour Stop #2 today at Oak Mountain State Park and had a good time watching the pro's compete.

edit - here’s some video I threw together....

Tons of pictures below :)....

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Work has kept me so freakin busy this year and away from the lake. Really looking forward to hitting the water tomorrow. Feels like it’s been forever and I’m ready to surf and set my legs on fire lol !!!
