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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports


I moved my rearbag sensors up as high as they could go. They were 2-3” below the top of the rear bag on my port side and 1” below on the starboard side. Do yourself a favor and pull the back wall (4 screws) and check yours. They just slide on the outside of the tubing so it doesn’t take long. See pic attached.


I also couldn’t get the vent port to loosen off the bag so I will have to wait to put the vent on the top until I can order another 1” quick connect port to use on the top of the bag then I am going to T into the vent line that runs out the hull and leave the factory vent at the bottom of the bag still plugged in.

I pulled the bag and got measurements. The rear bags are 1,250# bags. And the front must be a 1,500# bag. I posted a bunch of options on rear bags and my thoughts on cost the mojo thread on the moomba forum. However I don’t see it as cost efffective to replace the rear bags based on the measurements I took.
I don’t usually get on the lake during holidays but I did run down to the storage unit to tidy up my overflow install.


While I was in there I slide the ballast sensors even further up than I’ve done before. They’re now near the underside of the gunnels and should not have any issues. I also swapped some fittings on all the bags so that I have a way to manually drain them easily using a tsunami pump in case I have my ballast pumps ever fail on me or blow fuses. I like having a backup to drain because it would not be fun trying to get this boat on a trailer fully ballast. Hell the bunks would probably snap lol. Just wanted to come down here on an off weekend to tidy it all up so we are good to go for the summer. I still have some extra tubing to make rear vents on top (I’ll keep my stock rear overflow on bottom and just tee into it under the gunnels). That will be for another day but the whole system is filling so much better now with the midship overflow!




Also finally got around to installing my old Boat Buckles from my AR192. Didn’t really need it on this heavy boat and we don’t tow but 3 miles but I figured it would be good or smart to have them in case I tow to another lake orlonger distances


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Well I pulled all the crap out of the boat and checked the pitch and roll. All empty on calm water it was -.9 pitch and -3.4 roll. Makes sense why my wave was not great. So I reset it and headed out with 4 extra adults (guessing 650#). Wave was great. also had to bleed the bags 3 times to get all the air out.

I need to upgrade boards, I could go 30-45 seconds with slack but would slowly fall back. The board is rated for 200# and I’m 198# dry, plus it’s a cheap board.
That’s how it was for me riding my old Hyperlite Broadcast. I could catch the wave for a minute or so and then slowly get pushed out. Getting a good board and some fins will make it much easier on you plus you’ll have a much higher performance board for when you go gain skills and want to explore doing tricks.
Here's the final Part 2 video of the midship venting install...

@cozilla where did you find a neo instock? No one seems to have a 4’8”.

Also adding some sound material to the v drive cover made a huge difference. I had enough laying around from an old project to cover it.
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@sleek98 I think my dealer may have a few Neo’s in that size. If you’d like I can reach out to them on Tuesday and let you know.
Have you checked the Doomswell website? Don't be afraid of their "blemished" boards, either. That what my Drone is and it is great. Also, while I have no doubt that aftermarket fins are awesome, I strongly recommend getting used to the board with the stock fins. You may find that they perforn very well for you. I know they do for me and I'm about the same size as you. At your weight, even on your broadcast, behind your boat you should be able to stay with the wave indefinitely without trouble. Experiment with foot position and technique. Moving your feet even just an inch or two forward on the board can make a tremendous difference. If you find yourself falling back and can't move your feet, a good trick is to physically reach out with your hands as though you are trying to grab the transom of the boat. That naturally shifts your weight forward and drives you back to where you want be.
I have moved around a bit. Today we had an extra 850# of people. I could pump and keep up, or if I was just cruising there was just a little tension on the line but after a min I fall out the back. I will check out the blemished section I didn’t see that section.

my wife was able to drop the rope and ride for 3-4 mins before she dropped out the back.

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It’s all a learning process on body position. Small movements make big difference and big movements usually result in more work to compensate if that makes sense. It took me longer than I had hoped to understand my body position was all wrong in many ways. Hell it still is in a lot of my movement but you will eventually get the hang of it. Lighter folks are far more forgiving and can seemingly do no wrong and they’re off and surfing but bigger folks need to really be aware of their body position and it will help a lot. I posted videos of me on the FB groups to get critique and it really helped understand what I was doing wrong. Eventually it all sort of clicked. Now I can ride however long I wish but it took time for me to get there. I don’t look the best doing it and I’m not in my 20’s with a svelte body making things look good on social media lol but I have fun and that’s what it’s all about. I’ve got a long ways to go but I also feel like I’ve learned a lot in the two years owning this boat and each session I come back with data for what to do and not do next time.

You don’t need the best of the best and I agree try the stock fins out. They may work out for you and you may like them. I gave the Futures a good try on both my Doomswell boards but in the end I felt it was a little slow to react for my liking and size. So that is why I eventually tried other fins and now the board feels like I had envisioned I wanted it to feel. Very fast when you want it, agile while also being stable. You see I’m a heavier guy and I’m able to trust carving with my weight extended far outside The board and the fins hold and track great. No slipping or losing any drive. Gives for a lot of confidence imo. But yes I agree try the fins and see how you like them and go from there as it will give you something to compare to. Kind of the same way I suggest jet boat folks try the boats without fins and if they like it great if not then they can add fins for a different feel.
I think even the stock fins but a higher quality board will help. I am almost there but I’m thinking I am just a tad heavy for the board we have and that might be what’s holding me back. Worst case I’ll Atleast have a good board, that I would upgrade over the winter anyways, if it is something else that’s holding me back. I want to give it stock a try first.
A high quality board will never hurt! Another tip I can provide (and feel free to say it if you are tired of tips!) is to focus on pointing your board at the corner of the transom of the boat. One mistake I see a lot of newer riders make is to point the board too wide, which inevitably results in slowly falling back and out of the pocket no matter how big the wave is. If you are far enough forward on the board and you have it pointed at the corner of the boat, you should be in good shape to cruise almost regardless of the board you are on. From there, a higher performance board will give you greater speed to allow use of a longer section of the wave, boost off the lip, support big bottom turns and carves, etc..
A high quality board will never hurt! Another tip I can provide (and feel free to say it if you are tired of tips!) is to focus on pointing your board at the corner of the transom of the boat. One mistake I see a lot of newer riders make is to point the board too wide, which inevitably results in slowly falling back and out of the pocket no matter how big the wave is. If you are far enough forward on the board and you have it pointed at the corner of the boat, you should be in good shape to cruise almost regardless of the board you are on. From there, a higher performance board will give you greater speed to allow use of a longer section of the wave, boost off the lip, support big bottom turns and carves, etc..

I have been trying to focus my eyes on the back corner of the boat. I’ll make more of an effect to point the nose of the board there today. I’ll also try moving my feet around more. I feel like if I go any more forward I will end up dunking the nose under. Could be I have my rear foot too far back.

Not sure if that link will come up but I am 6'7 270 and the Neo with stock fins is great but I have the Chaos flares coming in this week. We had an extra 600#s of people in the boat this day and it was great. Yesterday I surfed with just my wife and 2 small kids in the boat and the wave didnt have as much push but I was still able to surf with slack or without the rope. I am thinking about getting another 500#s of lead I think that would be perfect. @sleek98 I got the board from evo.com. Its a 5'2. Before getting this board I could barely stay in the wave and never let go of the rope. The first time out on the new board I was able to drop the rope and carve.
Where are you guys buying your lead from? I bought ballast bags that you fill with gravel and sand but I don't like how big they are.

Not sure if that link will come up but I am 6'7 270 and the Neo with stock fins is great but I have the Chaos flares coming in this week. We had an extra 600#s of people in the boat this day and it was great. I am thinking about getting another 500#s of lead I think that would be perfect.

I think the mojo needs 1,500 pounds of people or ballast over the stock to get a great wave for a bigger person. We had 500# lead and 1,100# of people yesterday and it was great.

@ripler I used leadwake.co there is no m on the end. Use code final10 and it’s just under 500 shipped for 500#. If you use the Usps it can take a little bit for them to get to you. The post office near him must hate him as they fit in a flat rate box.
aother vote for leadwake. We have had 5 50 pound bags for 4 years and they are holding up perfectly. They get moved around a lot and are showing zero signs of wear. Good product.
Where are you guys buying your lead from? I bought ballast bags that you fill with gravel and sand but I don't like how big they are.
I buy mine from my boat dealer as I get a shop discount and I’d rather support local businesses, especially during this time. I know my lead bag purchases won’t keep their lights on but any bit will help. My bags are made by Lead Wake and construction is good.
I second wakelife.co but the shipping/waiting sucks. @sleek98 I agree on the 1500#s.