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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

Something about the construction allows them to hold a lot of weight. Interior seating space is pretty much the same if you compare the same length boats. The only thing that I can think of is that there is sooooo much more fiberglass in the hulls that they are strong enough to hold the weight and withstand the extra external water pressure against the hull better than Yamaha. The sides of my boat are probably at least four times as thick as my Yamaha was.
It's called... displacement, lol.
But seriously, it's quite simple, most wake boats are way "deeper" than Yamaha boats with more free-board; they also tend to be true to their length at water line - for example, a 21' wake boat will have about the same length of water line as a 24' Yamaha - due to Yamaha's recessed transom.

It's called... displacement, lol.
But seriously, it's quite simple, most wake boats are way "deeper" than Yamaha boats with more free-board; they also tend to be true to their length at water line - for example, a 21' wake boat will have about the same length of water line as a 24' Yamaha - due to Yamaha's recessed transom.

Ain't nobody need you sciencing n'shit around here! ??? But I guess that is logical... I guess.
Most definitely it’s all about displacement in the end. There was a good wake9 video that describes displacement is key to making big waves. The more you can sink a boat the more power and size of wave you can generate. Having the higher freeboard allows these boats to take on lots of weight without having the rub rail buried in the water or run the risk of taking a wave over the stern when coming to idle. Not all of them have high freeboard but those that do can certainly run a ton of weight and allow for it all to be off the floors or swimdeck. As @swatski mentioned the length of the boat is differently than how Yamaha lists their boats so you can’t really compare a 21’ Yamaha to a 21’ wake boat.
We finally got to see our new boat (and closed on it)..I am still in awe at how bad azz it looked in person..The boat was in the shop so not lots of room to move around and take pics. Now it will head into the dealers storage facility. Going to be a long wait until summer!
That thing looks legit! I'm not a fan of the moomba max, personally, but that one looks mean. I prefer the craz if I was to go moomba. I've become a Malibu lover for no reason other than the tech on them is starting to get insane.....when it works of course. LOL! Not like I'll ever be able to afford a 150k boat......well I guess I should never say never. I thought I'd never be able to swing a 60k boat, and I have my 212x. So, life does weird things from time to time.
Hell yea congrats @Brad460

I imagine you will be a share holder for wax and polishing products :D

Looks real good!
I'm board and getting to the point in the season where I am starting to crave water time hard. Anybody doing anything fun projects with their wake boats this winter?

I bought 6 Roc Sac bags off of Amazon and filled them with a combination of scrap steel from work and sand for about 50 lb each. That's about it for me so far. I use them in the winter to weigh down the back of my pickup now, but will move them to the boat in the spring which should get me to 3800lbs of ballast. I'd like to add a rear remote for stereo controls, but the clarions are kind of expensive compared to other brands so it temps me to just swap out the entire main unit for something better.
I'm redoing the stereo. I got lucky that my boat came with the base radio, I already added a amp to the factory speakers. I'm adding REV10s to the tower and a 10" sub, I just need to figure out what amps I'm going to use. I bought 8 50lb ballast bags. I'm going to add a ladder to my swimdeck along with a grab handle. I need to find a good ceramic wax to use since my boat is half black and we wipe it down after each use. I'm recovering from pancreatitis so I'm missing the best part of our ski season and may not get to ski the rest of the season. So I'm really looking forward to the boating season since I didn't get my new boat out at all last year because I bought it late in the season.
I’m at having withdrawals as well and need to get on the water ASAP lol. I don’t think they will raise the water until the middle of April this year. I have a bunch of blue LED strips leftover that I removed from my AR192 and I was going to install those in the boat sometime this winter but I may do RGB instead. I’ve got some lead ballast reserved at my dealership but just haven’t made it down to get it. That will put me around 5,400 lbs total ballast and a little over 15,000 lbs displacement. Can’t wait to see how the wave looks this season ? ??‍♂️

This was about as good as I dialed it in last season...




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Why do you need a bigger wave (more weight)? Are you not able to surf the wave you have now?

We used to surf fine on our 04 Moomba Mobius LSV and the wave was likely only a fraction of the size your Max is making..
Well....bigger wave, when well tuned, means more area to surf! It's just just being able to "go ropeless", which requires a pretty minimal wave. It's about being able to fall way back, accelerate toward the boat, carve a bit wide bottom turn and then ride back up the wave full speed to try some new trick with the board! I've got the "trying" new tricks part down, but not so much the stickng them! Big long wave certainly helps, though.
Pretty much what @OrangeTJ said. The wave I have now is certainly fine and I don’t “need” a bigger wave as I can surf it. I just want to squeeze a little bit more from the boat because I’m a wave addict..... I think lol. No but seriously it’s primarily for what OrangeTJ mentioned above. It will make everything have an even larger play area to surf on which is a good size now but having a little more power just makes it more fun for anything you want to do. I haven’t nailed any cool tricks or anything and wiped out plenty but one of my favorite things to do is ride way back and race towards the boat with a big fat carve and then jam off the face of the wave. Of course I don’t look like a pro doing it lol but it’s what I like to do. I tried the 360 a few times last season and yea I ate it lol. Hopefully I get some tricks landed this season :)
I tried the 360 a few times last season and yea I ate it lol. Hopefully I get some tricks landed this season :)

I know skating is different than surfing, however I had a helluva time getting a 360deg surface spin nailed on my skate. I have the added complexity of doing a handle pass behind the back at the same time. What finally "nailed it" for me was keeping my eyes up. I kept looking at my feet, and my balance would get all wonky and I would get pulled off the side/front. Once I keep my eyes up at the horizon it almost instantly clicked and it's been no problem since.

Not sure if this link will work, but here's the only video I have of one....~0:40ish mark. You can see at the end why I need ridesteady so badly :D :D

I was working on riding switch on the wakeboard last year. I didn't have any issue with a deep water start and moving to switch or moving to switch while riding. But for the LIFE of me, I could not switch back to my normal stance (goofy) without eating it! LOL

This spring I'm taking off the center fins on my board - they're good for stability when I was just learning, but I think they were catching too much.

Can't WAIT to get out again!
I was working on riding switch on the wakeboard last year. I didn't have any issue with a deep water start and moving to switch or moving to switch while riding. But for the LIFE of me, I could not switch back to my normal stance (goofy) without eating it! LOL

This spring I'm taking off the center fins on my board - they're good for stability when I was just learning, but I think they were catching too much.

Can't WAIT to get out again!
Man, riding switch on the wakeboard is just weird and often painful. I have my wife slow the boat down to like 17-18 when I practice riding switch so when I inevitably catch an edge it hurts a lot less. I just don't understand why it feels so different. I have to think so hard about just riding and staying upright that I feel like I will probably never feel comfortable jumping the wake. I may just commit hard this year to only riding switch until I have it down.
I was working on riding switch on the wakeboard last year. I didn't have any issue with a deep water start and moving to switch or moving to switch while riding. But for the LIFE of me, I could not switch back to my normal stance (goofy) without eating it! LOL

This spring I'm taking off the center fins on my board - they're good for stability when I was just learning, but I think they were catching too much.

Can't WAIT to get out again!
Absolutely remove those center fins. It's possibly going to feel strangely loose for a bit until you learn proper edge control, but it is a game changer. You should be able to ride your wakeboard sideways (board slide).

You guys are not helping me with this conversation... I've got 2 months left before we get the boat wet. It's maddening! ?
I’m at having withdrawals as well and need to get on the water ASAP lol. I don’t think they will raise the water until the middle of April this year. I have a bunch of blue LED strips leftover that I removed from my AR192 and I was going to install those in the boat sometime this winter but I may do RGB instead. I’ve got some lead ballast reserved at my dealership but just haven’t made it down to get it. That will put me around 5,400 lbs total ballast and a little over 15,000 lbs displacement. Can’t wait to see how the wave looks this season ? ??‍♂️

This was about as good as I dialed it in last season...




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Dat's a lot of weight! That's frickin' awesome.
Absolutely remove those center fins. It's possibly going to feel strangely loose for a bit until you learn proper edge control, but it is a game changer. You should be able to ride your wakeboard sideways (board slide).

You guys are not helping me with this conversation... I've got 2 months left before we get the boat wet. It's maddening! ?
I rode the skate for awhile with NO FINS at all. The thing was already like trying to stand on a curved 2x4 on edge on an icy driveway. The "slipperyness" of the fins made it near unrideable for me. I put the two small fins back on (one front and one back).

Even with the little fins on there, I can ride the crest of the wake with the board sideways. The smaller surface area of the skate, and the lack of fins really make it a treat to "slide around" on.
Absolutely remove those center fins. It's possibly going to feel strangely loose for a bit until you learn proper edge control, but it is a game changer. You should be able to ride your wakeboard sideways (board slide).

You guys are not helping me with this conversation... I've got 2 months left before we get the boat wet. It's maddening! ?

That's what I've read - thanks for confirming. Yeah, switch seems to be the base of all good tricks, but it feels SO WEIRD. Someone reminded me that "that's how someone that's never been on a board (wake / skate / snow / otherwise) feels - so it just takes sets. Lots and lots of sets. And faceplants.
Pretty much what @OrangeTJ said. The wave I have now is certainly fine and I don’t “need” a bigger wave as I can surf it. I just want to squeeze a little bit more from the boat because I’m a wave addict..... I think lol. No but seriously it’s primarily for what OrangeTJ mentioned above. It will make everything have an even larger play area to surf on which is a good size now but having a little more power just makes it more fun for anything you want to do. I haven’t nailed any cool tricks or anything and wiped out plenty but one of my favorite things to do is ride way back and race towards the boat with a big fat carve and then jam off the face of the wave. Of course I don’t look like a pro doing it lol but it’s what I like to do. I tried the 360 a few times last season and yea I ate it lol. Hopefully I get some tricks landed this season :)

Exactly as I suspected....I knew it!! Your a waive addict! I bet you have far more wake then you (or anyone in here) could ever utilize! Ha-ha..