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Thoughts and demo rides of wake / towsports boats: Moomba Max, Axis A22, MB Sports

If you are just learning something where catching an edge is a concern, slow way down. 17-18 is only a couple mph from full speed for most of us amateurs. Try around 12-14 mph depending on your weight.
Exactly as I suspected....I knew it!! Your a waive addict! I bet you have far more wake then you (or anyone in here) could ever utilize! Ha-ha..
It’s in my nature to not leave well enough alone. :D
I used to ride motorcycles and lord knows they’re fast enough stock but some of us just crave a little more and can’t help it :D
It’s in my nature to not leave well enough alone. :D
I used to ride motorcycles and lord knows they’re fast enough stock but some of us just crave a little more and can’t help it :D
I have no idea what you're talking about.
*overclocks his calculator.
Absolutely remove those center fins. It's possibly going to feel strangely loose for a bit until you learn proper edge control, but it is a game changer. You should be able to ride your wakeboard sideways (board slide).

You guys are not helping me with this conversation... I've got 2 months left before we get the boat wet. It's maddening! ?
J-RAD no sympathy here on your 2 months. I'm in WI, also still waiting on my boat to show up. At this point I'm excited just to garage boat!
J-RAD no sympathy here on your 2 months. I'm in WI, also still waiting on my boat to show up. At this point I'm excited just to garage boat!
Thoughts and prayers headed your way... ? Be strong, we must endure!
I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to go see my boat :D. Also swung by the dealer to pick up some lead ballast and can’t wait to see the new wave in a month or so!

I spread the bags out with 100 lbs under the front bow cushion, 100 lbs each side under the helm and 100 lbs each side under the rear bags. Still retained all my storage too which is the nice thing about steel shot ballast. I may add another 100-200 lbs midship but I’ll see how this wave looks first and play around with placement in the bow. Fun tuning times ahead!

A cool thing about "lead" is that you can amplify it's impact by pushing it to the extreme forward/rearward or side to side position. On my pickle-fork style MB, 100 pounds pushed allllll the way forward in each fork of the bow has a pretty significant impact - about the same as 400 lbs on the bow seats themselves.
Yup gotta think about the center of the boat and how weight near it won’t have as much of an impact as it would in the far ends. I’ll probably end up stuffing the front bow of the 300 lbs but thats the good thing about it as it’s easy to move around. I would have put the rear bags right in the corner but my ballast bag fittings are down there and I didn’t want to add stress to them as the bag fills. I put them close enough to the rear corners it should be good. Can’t freakin wait!
Of course I had to swing by and see the lake. Hurst seeing it all cold and dark brown but it won’t be too much longer. They start plugging the lake next week and hopefully not too much longer we will be back at full pool. I hope someone will cut that tree up by the dock. It’s an accident waiting to happen during the summer and why I never use that side of the floating dock.


Of course I had to swing by and see the lake. Hurst seeing it all cold and dark brown but it won’t be too much longer. They start plugging the lake next week and hopefully not too much longer we will be back at full pool. I hope someone will cut that tree up by the dock. It’s an accident waiting to happen during the summer and why I never use that side of the floating dock.

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Can you not go cut it up and haul it off? My local lake is flooded with all the rain we got this winter. They posted on FB some of the boat ramps, campsites, etc are damaged. They hope to have the water levels down and fixed by end of March. I just don't see it with all the rain we've gotten. We'll be lucky if they're fixed before the summer. Which means the few remaining ones will be jammed again......worse than the ramps were last year. :sigh:
I’m not sure if I can. They (Alabama Power Company) have strange rules and regs what you can and can’t do along the shoreline. I thought about calling them and asking if they had any issue with me doing it.

edit- I asked on my lakes FB page and they said it’s legal for me to cut and remove. Going to take the chainsaw down next time.
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I’m not sure if I can. They (Alabama Power Company) have strange rules and regs what you can and can’t do along the shoreline. I thought about calling them and asking if they had any issue with me doing it.

edit- I asked on my lakes FB page and they said it’s legal for me to cut and remove. Going to take the chainsaw down next time.

If you're taking a saw, bring about three chains. Cutting waterlogged stumps and trees that are impregnated with sand is hell on chains.
Wake9 got their new Mojo video up the other day. I like the boat but not the color scheme if that one. Wave looks good though but no way I could do a green boat.

Im going to look at a Mojo tomorrow. Looking to get into a wake boat from my SX230.
I kinda like the green - I think the lack of sun for some of that video mutes it. Nice wave though.

Btw, i'm back at driving dealerships nuts about a vdrive... I don't know why I torture myself - the goldilocks boat isn't out there for this guy.
Yea the overcast skies and gray lighting didn’t help. It does probably look much better on a nice day popping off the water. Green has never been a big color for me so I’m naturally biased lol.
Put a deposit down on a Mojo today. It's one they have in stock. Just working on selling my SX230. Love the Mojo.
Nice! Got any pics of it? What colors does it have? Congrats!!