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Towing with Tesla Model X

That’s awesome! Not sure when I would use it but kinda like the underwater lights on the boat that I get to use once a year, the time I get to pull a turn like that in public would give me a... well you know what.

love the innovation!
That SUV is looking mighty good to me. Should I figure the towing range to be half the non tow range?
That SUV is looking mighty good to me. Should I figure the towing range to be half the non tow range?
I'll have to double check the data, but I think something like 60% of advertised range when towing. It will really depend on aerodynamics more than anything.
7700 lbs towing with the SUV. Is that enough safety margin? I think my Expedition is 9200 lbs. 212X is about 5000 lbs.
7700 lbs towing with the SUV. Is that enough safety margin? I think my Expedition is 9200 lbs. 212X is about 5000 lbs.
It's close IMO. 242x is like 5500 on the trailer if I remember right. That gives you 2200lbs for people and gear. 5 more people at 200lbs each is 1k lbs. Leaving 1200lbs of margin for coolers and gear and such. It's close, but not overly so.
Apparently GM planning to bring back the Hummer in 2022 as an all electric. According to the article they plan to run an ad for it in the super bowl. Win or fail?

Apparently GM planning to bring back the Hummer in 2022 as an all electric. According to the article they plan to run an ad for it in the super bowl. Win or fail?





The more the merrier IMO.

The H1 was an impressive piece of hardware. The H2 was a bit of a joke IMO (overweight Tahoe). The H3 was highly capable but never really taken seriously after the H2 was on the scene.

Maybe an H4, or an H4E will be looked at differently. Judging my @swatski comments, I'm guessing most likely not.

Can't be any worse than the cybertruk at this point.
If it's anything like the H2, please NO! That thing was basically a ugly body kit on a Tahoe. The interior was even worse with hardly any room, especially up front. I cringed anytime I'd have to work on one as they are just horrible plays on the Hummer name.
Everyone go out and buy an electric truck please! Once the surplus of fossil becomes apparent and prices plummet we can afford more gas for our boats and diesel in my truck.
Here's a really interesting take on camper systems. A drive setup on the trailer itself to help ease the burden on the tow vehicle. While not well suited for marine applications. RV, cargo, and livestock trailer could benefit greatly from this tech.


Not a bad idea. I think even better would be if the electric tow vehicle could accept power from a battery on the towed vehicle. That way you'd increase range without duplicating the EV drive train. An EV certainly isn't going to be power limited in a towing scenario, but range limitation is a big issue.
Local GM dealer
That's cool. I've seen it referenced as a truck versus the SUV form factor that made up most Hummers. Any idea which body it will have? Truck or SUV?
Interesting the companies using vaulted names to delve into ev's. Mustang, now Hummer.

the posts above... the h2. total joke! It WAS a Tahoe. Let us hope this isn't like that.

good for GM, i look forward to it.