@thefortunes you're exactly right. I can't read. I'm a great big dummy that doesn't understand mobile service. While mobile service isn't a problem, it doesn't change the fact that there isn't one within a 90min drive from me. Perhaps you can't read?
Thank you for finally answering the DIY question.
Another question. Have ever owned a full-size pickup? Have you used one? You clearly have the means to have multiple vehicles and only tow a few times a year, by your own admission. As someone that put a shade over 5k miles on my trailer last year, and has lived with a full-size pickup for several years......I'm convinced you are not seeing our side of towing with an EV just as equally as you are convinced that we're being unrealistic about EV. I quite literally drive a Swiss Army knife every day. Your asking me buy in on an idea that hobbles that versatility in a very major way, with the only real selling point being reduced maintenance and lower fuel prices. Do you see the problem with that side of the argument? If all I needed was a commuter car, or a road trip car I would go buy a cheap economy car (and I did for a few years), however I instead chose to equip myself with a vehicle that I can use as a tool for just about any situation, at any time for any reason. I use that capability on a regular basis. At least once a month on average I have 300+ mile days, and I often have a 4k trailer with me. There isn't an EV available currently that can match that. Period.
I appreciate you input, but I've not yet seen a good convincing reason that it works for me. Want to trade my Sierra for your Model X for a month this summer? I'll buy all the gas.