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Towing with Tesla Model X

Insurance has nothing to do with the dealer, not does finance unless you walk in unprepared. Dealer markups and add on fees are only if you pay them, again, another point of a franchise system is if you don't like one dealers markups or fees, you can go to another one and get a better deal. When I buy a car I usually look in a 4 or 5 hour radius, and then try to have the local dealer match the best price. More often than not, they will.

While in theory the dealers profit ould be eliminated and you could see lower prices, in practice that doesn't happen. Tesla just wants that share of the profit, not that it's cutting a middleman out.
Again, as someone with firsthand knowledge of a dealership group's finances, I beg to differ. The F&I manager of a dealership is one of the MOST significant drivers of profitability.

But that's ok - it has NOTHING to do with this thread.
Lol. You do realize that the "dealers get some profit" is an additional cost to the consumer, right?

Not to mention the dealer markups, add-ons, finance and insurance, etc...?

(I have two neighbors who own auto dealerships and had another dealership group that was a client of mine).

I worked in a few dealerships... This is accurate. I've been in the room with the sales guys when the "add more $" button has been hit...and in a carnival like atmosphere adding hundreds of dollars to payments....

The last car I bought from a dealer was a used Jetta to take me and my son to soccer tournaments and practice(again I ride my motorcycle everywhere). It took me 2 hrs to sit there, and listen to the spiel, tons of questions.... "you don't want the extra 90 day warranty($495)?" my response: "why, are you selling me a piece of crap that needs a 90 day warranty? whatever happened to <slaps roof> this baby is a runner!" :D I was a cash buyer, just trying not to play my card too early. But I kinda lost it. lol "look I drove an hour up here on a work night, you've already wasted half of it. I know you want to make extra money but just give me the damned keys already"

I was not sad about missing out on that experience when purchasing the EV. Sales guy not having commission is great. They're pretty honest about telling you if it will work for you and answering questions. No haggle, no hidden fees-they tell you up front. Buy it, don't buy it.... here's the cost.

Now... the ordering and waiting part is kinda wonky though. Tesla could improve this. They tell you YOUR car will be built in a date range... but they dont actually build YOUR car. They mass build to match configs and demand, then when one is built matching your specs, you get matched with VIN based on transportation avialability. Would have helped me to know that.
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I've come to the conclusion that @BlkGS is shorting Tesla stock. No concessions at all in any of these arguments lol.
Now... the ordering and waiting part is kind of wonky though. Tesla could improve this. They tell you YOUR car will be built in a date range... but they don't actually build YOUR car. They mass build to match configs and demand, then when one is built matching your specs, you get matched with VIN based on transportation availability. Would have helped me to know that.

I'm really really nervous about buying anything sight unseen at this point. Both times I've done it, it's burnt me, current Q7 included. I've travelled to purchase for a few others with backup plans in hand to back out of the deal if it isn't right.......Those were all used vehicle purchases though. I'm guessing in a new purchase (also probably a CPO) situation, you're more likely to get exactly what you're looking for, and there are (or shouldn't be) any underlying reason to really inspect the thing. You've driven the EXACT SAME car, and it's brand new, so you should get what you're expecting. Buying used there is a whole slew of other issues that can come up from the previous user/owner. I still think I would have a hard time plunking down a deposit on something and not knowing exactly what I'm getting. Guys with Cybertruk and Rivian reservations are putting a lot of faith in the final product without sitting in one ahead of time. I know the risk is low with deposits being refundable, but still. Seems like a big leap for me.

I think "dealerships" still need to exist from a user convenience standpoint. A place to take delivery, get service, etc. Unless service is happening at my house, and they're bringing me a loaner while mine is gone, that department will still exist at some level (even with the significantly lower maintenance of an EV). Same thing for test drives and sales. I think someone, like myself, will want to go drive one, look at it in person, feel it, touch it, smell it. See how it really "fits" my frame, how big and where are the cupholders, can I reach the infotainment system, etc. Those kinds of things just have to be seen/felt/experienced to really understand them. The dealership (or customer centers if you want a new name for them) is the place for that to happen.
I'm really really nervous about buying anything sight unseen at this point. Both times I've done it, it's burnt me, current Q7 included. I've travelled to purchase for a few others with backup plans in hand to back out of the deal if it isn't right.......Those were all used vehicle purchases though. I'm guessing in a new purchase (also probably a CPO) situation, you're more likely to get exactly what you're looking for, and there are (or shouldn't be) any underlying reason to really inspect the thing. You've driven the EXACT SAME car, and it's brand new, so you should get what you're expecting. Buying used there is a whole slew of other issues that can come up from the previous user/owner. I still think I would have a hard time plunking down a deposit on something and not knowing exactly what I'm getting. Guys with Cybertruk and Rivian reservations are putting a lot of faith in the final product without sitting in one ahead of time. I know the risk is low with deposits being refundable, but still. Seems like a big leap for me.

I think "dealerships" still need to exist from a user convenience standpoint. A place to take delivery, get service, etc. Unless service is happening at my house, and they're bringing me a loaner while mine is gone, that department will still exist at some level (even with the significantly lower maintenance of an EV). Same thing for test drives and sales. I think someone, like myself, will want to go drive one, look at it in person, feel it, touch it, smell it. See how it really "fits" my frame, how big and where are the cupholders, can I reach the infotainment system, etc. Those kinds of things just have to be seen/felt/experienced to really understand them. The dealership (or customer centers if you want a new name for them) is the place for that to happen.

1. You can go to a Tesla store at a mall and do a test drive of any model.
2. Once it arrives, you still get to do a once over on the car and test drive it, before signing the papers. Also the service center does a once over as well, our first car actually had paint damage that they caught so we opted for a different one.
3. You have 7 days to return the car for any reason what so ever.
4. Haven't had the need for service, but have heard many stories of them coming to drop off a loaner and taking your car.
I think "dealerships" still need to exist from a user convenience standpoint. A place to take delivery, get service, etc. Unless service is happening at my house, and they're bringing me a loaner while mine is gone, that department will still exist at some level (even with the significantly lower maintenance of an EV). Same thing for test drives and sales. I think someone, like myself, will want to go drive one, look at it in person, feel it, touch it, smell it. See how it really "fits" my frame, how big and where are the cupholders, can I reach the infotainment system, etc. Those kinds of things just have to be seen/felt/experienced to really understand them. The dealership (or customer centers if you want a new name for them) is the place for that to happen.
Everything you've described happens at a Tesla store, service center or your home/place of business.

You can go to a store to test drive various models/trim.

You can have service done at a service center (with loaners or Uber credits if you just need to get back/forth to work for the day), or at your home or business (I have done all 3).

I even used their personnel as an airport shuttle (with free parking for a week) when I coordinated dropping my car for some work around a trip.
1. You can go to a Tesla store at a mall and do a test drive of any model.
2. Once it arrives, you still get to do a once over on the car and test drive it, before signing the papers. Also the service center does a once over as well, our first car actually had paint damage that they caught so we opted for a different one.
3. You have 7 days to return the car for any reason what so ever.
Like I said, I think the new process is better than the used process for these exact reasons. Carmax has similar setup for used cars.

Interestingly enough I doubt I'll ever buy from Carmax, and I know I won't own a Tesla, so the two companies that have the particular service I'm looking won't get my cash.
I'm really really nervous about buying anything sight unseen at this point. Both times I've done it, it's burnt me, current Q7 included. I've travelled to purchase for a few others with backup plans in hand to back out of the deal if it isn't right.......Those were all used vehicle purchases though. I'm guessing in a new purchase (also probably a CPO) situation, you're more likely to get exactly what you're looking for, and there are (or shouldn't be) any underlying reason to really inspect the thing. You've driven the EXACT SAME car, and it's brand new, so you should get what you're expecting. Buying used there is a whole slew of other issues that can come up from the previous user/owner. I still think I would have a hard time plunking down a deposit on something and not knowing exactly what I'm getting. Guys with Cybertruk and Rivian reservations are putting a lot of faith in the final product without sitting in one ahead of time. I know the risk is low with deposits being refundable, but still. Seems like a big leap for me.

I think "dealerships" still need to exist from a user convenience standpoint. A place to take delivery, get service, etc. Unless service is happening at my house, and they're bringing me a loaner while mine is gone, that department will still exist at some level (even with the significantly lower maintenance of an EV). Same thing for test drives and sales. I think someone, like myself, will want to go drive one, look at it in person, feel it, touch it, smell it. See how it really "fits" my frame, how big and where are the cupholders, can I reach the infotainment system, etc. Those kinds of things just have to be seen/felt/experienced to really understand them. The dealership (or customer centers if you want a new name for them) is the place for that to happen.

I did not buy sight unseen. before going down there, I did a bunch of searching to learn power needs, range, reliability etc.. I test drove and extensively went through the thing, peppered the sales associate with a barrage of questions at the site and over the phone ahead of time. then ordered the spec I wanted.

My friend ordered a C7 corvette with zero semblance of when he would get it, or having even seen one. This is no different. as far as you alluding to "faith" goes.

I've always had a backup plan if it doesn't work out with used for sure. Last year I Bought a motorcycle 4 hrs away from a stranger on craigslist. :) I communicated consistently with the guy until we were both secure and feeling like we had "outs" The bike I looked at before an hour away i had to back out of. Felt off strange comms. Bike was nice but wasnt quite as described.

I kind of agree with you. want SO badly to order a Rivian but I cant do it. Even being a fanboy of the "long way" shows. They proved it but still...I need to see it in person.

When I say "dealership", what I mean is the acres and acres of basically identical cars withering away in the sun waiting to have rebates put on them, because they sit too long before anyone buys them. I always found that wasteful, and even more so after our recent EV experience, save for the weak communication, and seemingly randomness of scheduling lol. Seems like Tesla is a mirror of Musk. He is weird guy with aspergers. Great ideas, and smart-but communication is crap HA!
Yea, I get the inventory portion of the dealership being totally superfluous. That part can definitely go away. Keep a few indoors for people to look/sit/feel/etc, and a small fleet around to test drive. Then order on demand. Have a few service bays open from time to time as well. If they can get delivery times down I think they'll find more of the "impulse" type shoppers.

Love the "long way" series. I have seen the South American series yet with the Rivians in them. I need to just get a trial of AppleTV for that, then cancel later. Maybe this winter?!?!

Resident "car guy" here at the office told me he ordered a Corvette C8 over a year ago, and is still waiting. Supposedly got his build date a few weeks ago. I can't imagine being in that position. I'm far to instant gratification driven to wait that long.

Seems like Tesla is a mirror of Musk. He is weird guy with aspergers. Great ideas, and smart-but communication is crap HA!

This......OMG this......I work with Tesla professionally, and the accuracy of how this permeates the company is.....well.....wildly accurate. After seeing how some of their industrial projects are ran, I won't be touching their cars with a 10ft pole unless I'm paid to do so.
Yea, I get the inventory portion of the dealership being totally superfluous. That part can definitely go away. Keep a few indoors for people to look/sit/feel/etc, and a small fleet around to test drive. Then order on demand. Have a few service bays open from time to time as well. If they can get delivery times down I think they'll find more of the "impulse" type shoppers.

Love the "long way" series. I have seen the South American series yet with the Rivians in them. I need to just get a trial of AppleTV for that, then cancel later. Maybe this winter?!?!

Resident "car guy" here at the office told me he ordered a Corvette C8 over a year ago, and is still waiting. Supposedly got his build date a few weeks ago. I can't imagine being in that position. I'm far to instant gratification driven to wait that long.

This......OMG this......I work with Tesla professionally, and the accuracy of how this permeates the company is.....well.....wildly accurate. After seeing how some of their industrial projects are ran, I won't be touching their cars with a 10ft pole unless I'm paid to do so.

ehh the cars are good, but there is a feeling of "this wasn't built for MY generation" you know? My favorite cars are usually the ones with the least junk on them. My list of dream cars includes the Porsche 914, about as basic as you can get... :) but I do like this Tesla-it works so well.

I bet it is weird trying to work with them.

Apple TV. TED LASSO. best show on in my opinion-even if you don't care for soccer. I added apple tv for long way up, but kept it for that.
ehh the cars are good, but there is a feeling of "this wasn't built for MY generation" you know? My favorite cars are usually the ones with the least junk on them. My list of dream cars includes the Porsche 914, about as basic as you can get... :) but I do like this Tesla-it works so well.

I bet it is weird trying to work with them.

Apple TV. TED LASSO. best show on in my opinion-even if you don't care for soccer. I added apple tv for long way up, but kept it for that.
I can totally see the "not for MY generation" part of it. I have a certain hatred for in car screens. One of my favorite buttons in the Q7 is the one that hides the center stack screen back into the dash. Makes driving at night so much better.

Working with them is a mess. PM me if you want some more details on it I can't put out there publicly.

Thanks for the AppleTV info.
I can totally see the "not for MY generation" part of it. I have a certain hatred for in car screens. One of my favorite buttons in the Q7 is the one that hides the center stack screen back into the dash. Makes driving at night so much better.

Working with them is a mess. PM me if you want some more details on it I can't put out there publicly.

Thanks for the AppleTV info.

details not needed. Ive heard it and experienced it slightly. I can imagine if you absolutely had to get something done via their internal communication and hierarchy, its probably a nightmare. :) Everyone iv'e spoken to has been nice and helpful, but getting to the right person... complicated.

When I FIRST reached out in late march, I just popped onto the site and requested a call. it was IMMEDIATE which was nice. after ordering, it got weird. Wouldn't answer messages, THEN answer them a week later lol. Or someone else would call.... They errantly assigned me a VIN, then rescinded it...That part was unfortunate, and briefly soured the excitement we had for the new car. Like I said-great product bizarre structure lol Think it grew too fast, to be honest. Add to that Musk and his odd behavior permeating the place.
1. You can go to a Tesla store at a mall and do a test drive of any model.
2. Once it arrives, you still get to do a once over on the car and test drive it, before signing the papers. Also the service center does a once over as well, our first car actually had paint damage that they caught so we opted for a different one.
3. You have 7 days to return the car for any reason what so ever.
4. Haven't had the need for service, but have heard many stories of them coming to drop off a loaner and taking your car.

I think the killed the 7 day return policy back in October(not 100% sure though) of last year I also personally know they canceled the return of your deposit policy if you choose to cancel on a model 3 order. I had this Happen to me long story not worth going into.

I wish I had my Tesla right now though I’m stuck in PA with my F250 as the keys were lost in a amusement Park yesterday! I’m having someone overnight my spare keys to my hotel tomorrow but man if I had my damn Tesla the key less driving with the phone app would have me on my way ugh!!
I kind of agree with you. want SO badly to order a Rivian but I cant do it. Even being a fanboy of the "long way" shows. They proved it but still...I need to see it in person.

It was a tough call but we ordered a Rivian R1S. Hopping to have ours by the spring counting on delays I don’t see them hitting their new fall/winter 2021 target either. My biggest fear with doing that was the vehicles will be so new that we obviously will have to work through the quirks and issues that they’re trying to get figured out early on. This was kind of like ordering a cyber truck at $70,000 for me though I figured the price of these was going to go up pretty quickly after they released the early ones as cost to build is sky rocketing.
Maybe it's just me, but I really dislike the idea of no haggle.pricing. You can no haggle already, it's called paying MSRP or whatever the first price they offer is. In something like a Tesla, you're stuck there, and so you're guaranteed to get taken for a ride.

And no, I'm not shorting Tesla. While I might not have much faith in them as a company, I do recognize that shorting them is a real bad move because it's a darling of the day trade and investment industry.
It was a tough call but we ordered a Rivian R1S. Hopping to have ours by the spring counting on delays I don’t see them hitting their new fall/winter 2021 target either. My biggest fear with doing that was the vehicles will be so new that we obviously will have to work through the quirks and issues that they’re trying to get figured out early on. This was kind of like ordering a cyber truck at $70,000 for me though I figured the price of these was going to go up pretty quickly after they released the early ones as cost to build is sky rocketing.

so Friday night, we took the model Y to a car show in our small town. Invited by a friend who had their classic Pontiac in it... I was hesitant, but turned out to be a blast. I was busy the WHOLE time answering questions... let me tell you, there is SO much misinformation out there. I changed a few minds I think. Most seemed blown completely away when I told them the price vs cost to operate. "i thought those were $150k!" lol Alot of people really interested, seemingly.

My hesitancy was because i dont want to be the guy rocking the boat, or bring too much attention to myself. I figured Id be peeing in someone's cheerios bringing it there with all the classic cars. Did have some of that, including some political nonsense, even one suggesting the current president be murdered-that was a fun exchange.... But, What I found after basically being a Tesla spokesperson for those 3 hrs... I dont care now...

AND. I'm ordering a Cybertruck, because. f*** it let em judge! hee hee Just cant decide between the dual and tri motor.... not in a hurry for a new car-its 2yrs until new driver in the house anyway.

The public charging system in our area is bleh. Supercharger network pushes me that way vs the Rivian.
so Friday night, we took the model Y to a car show in our small town. Invited by a friend who had their classic Pontiac in it... I was hesitant, but turned out to be a blast. I was busy the WHOLE time answering questions... let me tell you, there is SO much misinformation out there. I changed a few minds I think. Most seemed blown completely away when I told them the price vs cost to operate. "i thought those were $150k!" lol Alot of people really interested, seemingly.

My hesitancy was because i dont want to be the guy rocking the boat, or bring too much attention to myself. I figured Id be peeing in someone's cheerios bringing it there with all the classic cars. Did have some of that, including some political nonsense, even one suggesting the current president be murdered-that was a fun exchange.... But, What I found after basically being a Tesla spokesperson for those 3 hrs... I dont care now...

AND. I'm ordering a Cybertruck, because. f*** it let em judge! hee hee Just cant decide between the dual and tri motor.... not in a hurry for a new car-its 2yrs until new driver in the house anyway.

The public charging system in our area is bleh. Supercharger network pushes me that way vs the Rivian.
Took the Roadster to a classic car show last Friday (with my buddy who brought his Viper). Similar experience minus the "president should be murdered."

Significantly more people interested in the Roadster than any other car there - to the point I couldn't get away to walk the show :(.
AND. I'm ordering a Cybertruck, because. f*** it let em judge! hee hee Just cant decide between the dual and tri motor.... not in a hurry for a new car-its 2yrs until new driver in the house anyway.

The public charging system in our area is bleh. Supercharger network pushes me that way vs the Rivian.

Sound like fun I thought about taking the model X to cars and coffee a few times but never did it.

The supercharger network is what originally pushed me to Tesla as well. I keep waiting to see if they release it to other manufactures as hinted by Tesla that will eliminate a lot of concern but as I mentioned earlier we rarely take the EV on road trips anyways we prefer the ICE cars still on those so trading the X for a R1S really doesn't concern us too much on charging.

I have a Cyber Truck on order as well and plan to replace my Gas F250 with it as long as it hits the 500 mile+ projected range but I'm very skeptical it will and if it does I'm thinking it will be 3-4 years before we see it. I won't be shocked if we see the release of it start in a tri motor model with 300 ish mile range some time in 2023 I don't think we will see any real production in 2022 either which will put most of us who didn't order the first night waiting till 2024 which may not be a bad thing as they maybe there on their battery tech at that time to make the 500 mile range model. @Peelz if you are considering ordering one I would probably just do it now as you probably have already missed that window to pick one up in two years I would think reservations right now would easily be looking at a late 2024 early 2025 delivery at the earliest with the amount of orders they have.
Sound like fun I thought about taking the model X to cars and coffee a few times but never did it.

The supercharger network is what originally pushed me to Tesla as well. I keep waiting to see if they release it to other manufactures as hinted by Tesla that will eliminate a lot of concern but as I mentioned earlier we rarely take the EV on road trips anyways we prefer the ICE cars still on those so trading the X for a R1S really doesn't concern us too much on charging.

I have a Cyber Truck on order as well and plan to replace my Gas F250 with it as long as it hits the 500 mile+ projected range but I'm very skeptical it will and if it does I'm thinking it will be 3-4 years before we see it. I won't be shocked if we see the release of it start in a tri motor model with 300 ish mile range some time in 2023 I don't think we will see any real production in 2022 either which will put most of us who didn't order the first night waiting till 2024 which may not be a bad thing as they maybe there on their battery tech at that time to make the 500 mile range model. @Peelz if you are considering ordering one I would probably just do it now as you probably have already missed that window to pick one up in two years I would think reservations right now would easily be looking at a late 2024 early 2025 delivery at the earliest with the amount of orders they have.
Reservations don't always lead to orders in a FIFO manner.

Every rollout has had its own quirks, mainly geographical and variant related.
Reservations don't always lead to orders in a FIFO manner.

Every rollout has had its own quirks, mainly geographical and variant related.

Sure I agree we have already seen that in the new roadster deliveries and Model S Plaid + deliveries. The Tri motor Cyber truck with 500+ miles range will likely fall in the same category as the prior two on delivery schedules it will be prioritized by region or variant related vs FIFO lol.
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