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Wake booster combined with opposite side wake shaper???

I am going to give it a try. Here is the thing, my idea is going to weigh down the boat at launch but slowly build weight as the speed increases. Which is an advantage to this idea. It may not work but I appreciate all the input. A upside down wing will pull the back end down yes but I am not looking to make it extremely oversized. Combine this with a wake booster and a rubber mat deflector is my thoughts. I will let everyone know how it turns out.
I am going to give it a try. Here is the thing, my idea is going to weigh down the boat at launch but slowly build weight as the speed increases. Which is an advantage to this idea. It may not work but I appreciate all the input. A upside down wing will pull the back end down yes but I am not looking to make it extremely oversized. Combine this with a wake booster and a rubber mat deflector is my thoughts. I will let everyone know how it turns out.
Awesome - send pics and results when you get it
Bump - my understanding was that the wake wedges don't work because they drag the boat to the opposite of the surf side - and when you compensate by steering, the jet wash ruins the wave you're trying to build.

But what OP asked was whether the official Yamaha WakeBooster would work opposite a third-party wake wedge, which still seems to be an unanswered question.

Because in my experience, loading ballast and the wake booster on the surf side makes the boat pull pretty strongly to the surf side. Is it possible that a wedge on the other side might just cancel that out, but also provide the benefit of delayed convergence?

I don't have a wedge, otherwise I'd try it.