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Wakeboard vs wakesurf

Our house rule has been - all the kids need to learn to ski before they can do anything else, lol. Kate's been pretty adamant about it, and I have come to think it 's a good idea. Covers a lot of basics, later on they can choose to do whatever they want. Of course they all like to board, and now.. it's the ZUP, too.
(yes, they all like tubing, lol; we limit that, too - guess we are horrible parents!!!)


I agree completely with this. My kids aren’t allowed to tube until they all know how to ski.

We refer to tubes as “the anti-ski”, because they generally tear up an otherwise beautiful patch of the lake whenever we see them.
Had a friend running the cellphone camera for me this morning. Have 4 videos. They all have his fingers in the shot, and most block a good portion of me riding. This is all I have that came out well.

I've really gotta pony up for a GoPro.


I’ve wakeboarded a few times; here’s a buddy that’s led to my best action shot so far on the boat after his slalom attempt after 10yr hietus lol... Going to get a Zup next... But still want to try surfing soon...
Wife and I were talking last night. I think a ZUP is in our off season purchase list at this point. We've got enough people that want to board with ZERO previous experience (including our two boys) that a ZUP might be the thing to get.
Wife and I were talking last night. I think a ZUP is in our off season purchase list at this point. We've got enough people that want to board with ZERO previous experience (including our two boys) that a ZUP might be the thing to get.
Solid choice! especially ZUP 2.0.

Funny, just last night Kate got this text from a new friend of ours, she hooked them up with a ZUP:
"I sent you pictures of my two grandchildren on the Zup they ❤️ it thanks again hope we see you again D."

We have had several fantastic first hand experiences in our first half a season this year with ZUP. And that included a whole gamut of people - from very young kids to completely out of shape adults. No disappointments.

Got my new wake surf board and the Gantlin custom bag, can't wait to get out on the water!
My transom bag will be delivered Monday! My wife said we should get it for Christmas... I can't wait all the way until next season. She'll either be pleasantly surprised or mad when it shows up on the doorstep. :nailbiting:
My transom bag will be delivered Monday! My wife said we should get it for Christmas... I can't wait all the way until next season.
It defiantly took some arm twisting with the wife till I told her our Credit Card cash back points would cover the cost.
Got my new wake surf board and the Gantlin custom bag, can't wait to get out on the water!
My bag is getting delivered today and we are going out all day tomorrow.‍♂️
Text me if your around tomorrow afternoon, we will be on the Willamette, just the guys
There are some tricks to filling the ballast.
1. Fill it full of air.
2. Tie it down. I like to tie each handle separate and tied off to the tower. Then use the cleat to the closet side and the tube towing mount for the bottom two handles, on this I just run one rope. So 3 ripes total. I'd use dock lines as they have 550lb plus breaking strength.
3. Throw pump into water, attach to bag, start slowly releasing air, plug pump in.
4. When air stops coming out push the rest out, then fully tighten air cap.
5. Over fill slightly to get a nice swell in the ballast.
6. Then turn pump off and seal ballast and your done.
IF can on the 19ft boats ad about 300lbs in the bow. It really helps with push of the wave to go ropeless. If you just have the one ballast is make any people totaling 350lbs or less to sit up front. Then after you can start moving weight to the stern. These bags really really are amazing and completely change your wake. I can now easily go ropeless after less than 2 weeks of fucking around with it and im old and fat.
It seems like most of you enjoy wakesurfing more than wakeboarding. I'm just wondering why. I like wakeboarding much better than wakesurfing. I've ridden a 24 wakesetter, and it was fun, but not like wakeboarding. I always thought it was something to do when the water is too rough to board. What am i missing? I've been surfing on a surf board behind boats for 20+ years, but mostly because it's too rough or I'm in the 5mph zone.

I'm 52 and still in really good shape, but over the past few years I'm really sore after wakeboarding and just don't enjoy it. I do enjoy stress free surfing.
Is anyone seeing similar results (surfing) with the 24ft Limited S (particularly E-Series) boats in addition to the AR boats?
Ability to surf ropeless with one of the custom transom bags, correct surf board, skill etc. Similar to what you have been able to do with your AR.
yeah there has been. Theres a thread about the original custom bag with some good results.
Is anyone seeing similar results (surfing) with the 24ft Limited S (particularly E-Series) boats in addition to the AR boats?
Ability to surf ropeless with one of the custom transom bags, correct surf board, skill etc. Similar to what you have been able to do with your AR.
Anything an AR can do your going to be able to do equally as well with your LS, give it a go!
UPS is estimating a Monday delivery on my transom bag. It's currently one state away in Colorado, which typically means it'll make it to SLC by the next morning (tomorrow) and the local distribution facility by mid day. I've requested to have them hold it when it gets there tomorrow. I'm praying it works out for me to grab it before the weekend... pray to whatever deity you believe for me please! If Poseidon (god of water) wills it I'll be shredding a massive swell this weekend. :angelic:

Also decided I needed a more legit wakeboard rope. I feel like my ski rope had too much stretch and was going limp on me in the air. I'm hoping this new Ronix rope will let me pull thru and give me better control.
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UPS is estimating a Monday delivery on my transom bag. It's currently one state away in Colorado, which typically means it'll make it to SLC by the next morning (tomorrow) and the local distribution facility by mid day. I've requested to have them hold it when it gets there tomorrow. I'm praying it works out for me to grab it before the weekend... pray to whatever deity you believe for me please! If Poseidon (god of water) wills it I'll be shredding a massive swell this weekend. :angelic:

Also decided I needed a more legit wakeboard rope. I feel like my ski rope had too much stretch and was going limp on me in the air. I'm hoping this new Ronix rope will let me pull thru and give me better control.
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@John Mcpartland just got his bag yesterday for his 24’ and had great success going ropeless!
The custom bag is outstanding.
Best when combined with the Gatlin Wedge, it is a proven recipe for going ropeless behind a 240, no question.

I don't fill mine with air and have zero issues with filling or it holding a good shape as it fills. I tie the bag off, throw the pump in the water, then remove the air vent cap completely while it's filling with water. Once the shape is formed and water is pouring out of the air vent hole I will put the cap back in but leave the vent cracked and push down on the bag. This gets the last of the air out and then you can overfill for a nice bulge.
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