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Although I still love wake boarding I’m getting to that age When body parts take 3 months to heal instead of 3 days. I still wakeboard but I no longer push the limits with it a try new tricks etc. With wakesurfing I can push the limits and try new stuff without the worry of hobbling to work for the next X months. Skim board is interesting to me, never done it but may look into that as well. We also still do a fair amount of slalom skiing.
Definitely give the wakefoil a go, I LOVE it! Although, it's happened twice now, where I went down and it felt like I got slapped in the nuts... no contact with the board, just falling awkwardly I guess...Funny I just posted that about a week ago. This last weekend I did some wakeboarding and it may be my last run honestly. Got over my board on a wake-to-wake and caught the front edge. Felt like I got hit by a truck. Now I've done similar in the past obviously but I'm slowly approaching the big 50 and I'm telling you my body doesn't recover like it used to. My wife says "whatever you'll forget this brief moment of wisdom and do it again (she always worries and telling me I need to hang it up)". Pretty sure I had a slight concussion and my head/ears were painful all night. Feeling better now but it may be my time to let the wakeboard go and enjoy this new found thing called surfing. I'll still have the slalom to feed the need for speed. Also there is alway wakefoiling, that's safer right??? That's what I'm telling my wife anyway.
Unfortunately no... all the arm twisting in the world couldn't get my wife to go out last weekend, I was pretty annoyed because it was a waste of a perfectly good opportunity and there's only a few of those left. I think I've got her talked into going out on Monday though. I will definitely be trying it out... I don't care how chilly the water is getting!@J-RAD did you get a chance to tryout the bag?
Have you tried yours yet? We are going out this evening@J-RAD did you get a chance to tryout the bag?
Nope we’re leaving on Saturday for a week long camping trip at Billy Chinook and I can’t wait to try that bad boy out!Have you tried yours yet? We are going out this evening
I love Billy Chinook, have a good timeNope we’re leaving on Saturday for a week long camping trip at Billy Chinook and I can’t wait to try that bad boy out!
It just occurred to me - I'll need to try doing this with the ZUP (2.0) board!Had some fun yesterday. Not really "wakesurfing" but surfing on the wake. 2006 era 24' cobalt cuddy in San Diego bay. No ballast, no special wedges, no special gear, just fun. Costco 9' foam board. Please don't warm me on the danger of surfing on an io. That's why I'm 10' away from the prop.
Had a great week camping with the family at the lake. As someone new to wake surfing and have only done it twice prior to our trip we quickly found out that we needed more practice without the bag first. After a practicing without the bag for a few days I got fairly comfortable riding the front of the board within inches of the swim platform. That was the closest I was to being able to go rope less without the bag. The last couple days was spent trying to find the sweet spot on the wake. I still have a ways to go and need more practice.I love Billy Chinook, have a good time
Grew up skiing. I love to slalom. Just learned to wakeboard this summer on the new boat. 9yr old daughter and 12 & 13 yr old sons and wife also all learned. My boys are already getting 1 1/2 - 2 feet of air jumping wakes. However, we’ve all taken bad falls when catching front edges. That’s not fun and I’ve had a mild concussion or two for sure.
It’s clearly more risky than surfing, but surfing looks pretty boring to me. Plus all that set-up to go slow with very little mobility. Doesn’t seem much different than surfing at a wave pool which is fun, but no where near what wake boarding offers.
I turned 50 this year and I’m not ready to give-up wake boarding; however, I don’t think I’ll be catching much air. Slaloming on a wakeboard is exponentially more fun than surfing and carving glass like water is just awesome.
I see surfing as low impact way to get wet and enjoy the heat, but boarding is just so much more. Great thread, I never understood surfing, but know I feel like I have a better idea.
Grew up skiing. I love to slalom. Just learned to wakeboard this summer on the new boat. 9yr old daughter and 12 & 13 yr old sons and wife also all learned. My boys are already getting 1 1/2 - 2 feet of air jumping wakes. However, we’ve all taken bad falls when catching front edges. That’s not fun and I’ve had a mild concussion or two for sure.
It’s clearly more risky than surfing, but surfing looks pretty boring to me. Plus all that set-up to go slow with very little mobility. Doesn’t seem much different than surfing at a wave pool which is fun, but no where near what wake boarding offers.
I turned 50 this year and I’m not ready to give-up wake boarding; however, I don’t think I’ll be catching much air. Slaloming on a wakeboard is exponentially more fun than surfing and carving glass like water is just awesome.
I see surfing as low impact way to get wet and enjoy the heat, but boarding is just so much more. Great thread, I never understood surfing, but know I feel like I have a better idea.