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Yamaha Drain Plug

That replaces the whole drain assembly, right? Is it difficult to take the old out? I saw some directions on their website, but it isn't quite as step-by-step as I seem to be needing. Lol! Did you happen to take any pics of the process? One last question... most of my boating is murky lake water (and minimal after dark until the kids get bigger)... is there any point in adding a light?
Howerver, this will NOT work in new twin Yamahas with the articulating keel. The drain plug is at the bottom of the “keel”.
Ok...not a good idea. Back to my corner...
Ok...not a good idea. Back to my corner...
It’s a great light for most all boats, but Yamaha peculiar keel-based drain would make the lights stick out like big ears, lol.

Ok...not a good idea. Back to my corner...
I still think I want one, though. Lol

(Just not that version on my new boat I guess)
Anyone using this? I have a 17' Limited S

Anyone using this? I have a 17' Limited S

I don't believe it'll fit on your boat due to where the drain plug is (behind the articulating keel). I don't have that boat so hopefully someone will confirm.

The problem is that guy right behind the “rudder” is the hull drain plug. It’s part of the whole thing, and not a lot of room to do anything really.
That replaces the whole drain assembly, right? Is it difficult to take the old out? I saw some directions on their website, but it isn't quite as step-by-step as I seem to be needing. Lol! Did you happen to take any pics of the process? One last question... most of my boating is murky lake water (and minimal after dark until the kids get bigger)... is there any point in adding a light?

All the kewl kids are doing it? Lol

My usual boating is in similar water, and it still can be seen at night, but in my area it can't be on while underway, so for me, I won't be doing any underwater lighting but I still want to!
Great ideas about the metal shavings causing the plastic or rubber ring to be compromised. I am going to buy a new plug and rubber ring as a precaution and I will see what I can clean up as well since I know there are metal shavings.
Thanks for the replies! I'm just trying to not drill any holes in the boat
the first time you drill a hole below the waterline is like a right or passage. Once we get that very first one done, then the rest are easy......
I just sold my Chaparral- had done it there- this jet boat is new. My Chap- actually all of them- were dry as a bone. I read here about Scupper valves breaking- clean out's filling with water (like mine) the mid locker that you have to manually pull a plug in..it's all new