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2018 Connext Screen Issues


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2018 242 LTD SE

Doing some winter maintenance (its been cold by Florida standards) and I like to start the boat every few weeks. Turned on the batteries and half the screen is not working. I checked cables under the helm and everything appears to be connected properly. Dealer wants $6k to fix with a note that the screens are not currently available. Any thoughts?


  • connext-screen.jpg
    369.9 KB · Views: 5
Yikes, that doesn't look good. Looks like my Samsung TV when it went bad. They told me the panel couldn't be fixed and had to be replaced.

I'd try disconnect the battery to hopefully reset the system and see if that helps. Maybe try unplugging and reconnecting the plugs going into the back of the screen. But I'm not hopeful and would guess that it's gone bad.

I did replace the screen under warranty on my
2017 212X. It was super easy to change. I'd try and find something on eBay or elsewhere before paying a dealer $6k.

Did the dealer break down the cost for you? Between parts and labor?
No break down, just a single line item. I am going to see if I can find them anywhere online (new or used), I do not mind replacing it myself. I will try disconnecting the batteries to see if that helps. I am not hopeful.
Also try Babbits or one of the other parts suppliers. Even if it's out of stock, you should still be able to find out the cost.
The warranty replacement Connext screen for my boat arrived at the dealer 2 weeks ago - it was ordered in October of 2023. Yamaha somehow has still not caught up on these which sucks.
Thats from Vallely Sport and Marine in Bismarck’s website.. can’t tell if it is in stock or not. Give the parts dept a call and they will tell you what Yamaha says is the eta if its not in stock.


Might be cheaper to install a tablet and pay for someone to write an app to mimic the display! Hard to imagine that it costs that much money. Thanks I will call them, not sure I am ready to swallow that repair costs, when the boat will run.
Go for it! An app and a tablet fix would be awesome!
Might be cheaper to install a tablet and pay for someone to write an app to mimic the display! Hard to imagine that it costs that much money. Thanks I will call them, not sure I am ready to swallow that repair costs, when the boat will run.
A few have tried similar options over the years, but no one has been able come up with a replacement.
Might be cheaper to install a tablet and pay for someone to write an app to mimic the display! Hard to imagine that it costs that much money. Thanks I will call them, not sure I am ready to swallow that repair costs, when the boat will run.
The cheapest solution for a replacement would be to find a junked / parts boat.

I’m curious as to why it apparently failed just sitting there. Had you messed with battery connections or anything like that? That’s not an accusation it’s a way to know what caused it so it won’t happen again. While it could fail just sitting there, most of the failures I’ve seen on here are when people have been messing with battery connections.

Have you tried disconnecting the batteries AND disconnecting the plugs on the back of the unit as suggested by @Dave burke ? Be sure and have a very good look at the connections on the back of the unit for corrosion.
A few have tried similar options over the years, but no one has been able come up with a replacement.
Got to be a software/controls guy out there that's up to the challenge.
software interface, a little signal conditioning, wire harness....
After all it's just a machine. a machine that already has the sensors and gack to make it run...
Got to be a software/controls guy out there that's up to the challenge.
software interface, a little signal conditioning, wire harness....
After all it's just a machine. a machine that already has the sensors and gack to make it run...
Many smart guys have tried to crack this system
With problems like this I usually crack the thing open, find the ribbon cable that connects the board to the display and make sure that is secure. Undo it and redo it on each side (without breaking the connector, of course). Risk is you could break something else or that you could make it worse. But if you are going to otherwise have to replace it anyway, whaddaya got to lose?