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27' new Yamaha model 275 jet boat to be unveil Thursday at the Miami Boat Show

These things are all personal and subjective I suppose, but to me this thing is a complete and total fail. Aside from being quite simply gawdawfulugly, it looks too wide to be trailered, if it is running SVHO engines it will have appalling fuel consumption, it appears to make the worst possible use of the additional length by creating a rear seating section that is simply useless most of the time (and conversely, what would appear to be extremely awkward inside rear seats with that pad flipped back). Seriously, based on the pictures I don't see very much more usable seating space than I have in my MB which is nominally 5 feet shorter (in truth 3 feet), let alone what you'd find in something like a 23 - 24 foot V-drive (take a look at the Makai). That's ridiculous. Based just on the pictures, the vinyl fit is poor (seriously - loose vinyl in a photo shoot boat?). To top it all off, it sounds like it will cost as much as what are, frankly, much nicer boats. the current 240 an 242 are much, much more appealing to me. Never mind something like a Cobalt R5, a few current Regals, or any of a host of V-drive boats.
Most popular style of boat on our lake is pontoon or tritoon. I see more and more of them every year. This will appeal to people that want more hangout space but really aren't into driving a floating mini-van...and you get to keep your man card.

A midsized pontoon has a width of 8-10'. I do see people trailering them to the lake but I think a lot of them stay on the lake fulltime. And a pontoon is pretty heavy.

Anyway, I can see some people liking this boat.

Tritoons up to 28 feet are readily available in 8'6" beams. Not that I'd really want to trailer one that big, but you could. On top of that, they are MUCH better prepared to sit in the water all season long. I'd take a 24-26 foot Bennington wth a 250 - 300 outboard over this new offering from Yamaha every day of the week.
These things are all personal and subjective I suppose, but to me this thing is a complete and total fail. Aside from being quite simply gawdawfulugly, it looks too wide to be trailered, if it is running SVHO engines it will have appalling fuel consumption, it appears to make the worst possible use of the additional length by creating a rear seating section that is simply useless most of the time (and conversely, what would appear to be extremely awkward inside rear seats with that pad flipped back). Seriously, based on the pictures I don't see very much more usable seating space than I have in my MB which is nominally 5 feet shorter (in truth 3 feet), let alone what you'd find in something like a 23 - 24 foot V-drive (take a look at the Makai). That's ridiculous. Based just on the pictures, the vinyl fit is poor (seriously - loose vinyl in a photo shoot boat?). To top it all off, it sounds like it will cost as much as what are, frankly, much nicer boats. the current 240 an 242 are much, much more appealing to me. Never mind something like a Cobalt R5, a few current Regals, or any of a host of V-drive boats.
I agree with almost everything you are saying. Albeit I do like the styling, even though this has a yuppie couple written all over it.
As a family sport boat, a total fail.

I love my Yamaha but they totally missed the mark on this boat!
I don’t think the styling is all that bad. And the hardtop is nice. But I do not see what the 275 offers over the 24’ runabouts.

Maybe they’ll come out with a cuddy cabin version.
I see this more as a boat that is sat near a dock in Florida than a trailer boat. This has the style and feel of one of those giant bowriders that never leave the water and are used as day boats from time to time when the whole fam-damily comes to visit the grandparents twice a year. I will applaud Yamaha for again doing something "new" and "different". This mentality is what got them noticed with the original line of 230's, and it's what will get them noticed now.

As a "lake boater" in the middle of the country, there is ZERO appeal in this boat for me. Doesn't seat any more than a 24', doesn't go any faster, doesn't have any features I would use on a regular basis, and is missing some I would use. About the only thing I see here that I would want is the swim up seating.....that sounds awesome. The rest, meh............NOW......with that said, it doesn't make it a fail, it just makes me not the target audience. I have no desire to own a sailboat either, but clearly others do. Same premise. I'm certain that's why it's being released at the Miami show instead of any of the large northern shows. Target Audience is greater there.

I hope they sell a million of them and continue to grow as a company.
I see this more as a boat that is sat near a dock in Florida than a trailer boat. This has the style and feel of one of those giant bowriders that never leave the water and are used as day boats from time to time when the whole fam-damily comes to visit the grandparents twice a year. I will applaud Yamaha for again doing something "new" and "different". This mentality is what got them noticed with the original line of 230's, and it's what will get them noticed now.

As a "lake boater" in the middle of the country, there is ZERO appeal in this boat for me. Doesn't seat any more than a 24', doesn't go any faster, doesn't have any features I would use on a regular basis, and is missing some I would use. About the only thing I see here that I would want is the swim up seating.....that sounds awesome. The rest, meh............NOW......with that said, it doesn't make it a fail, it just makes me not the target audience. I have no desire to own a sailboat either, but clearly others do. Same premise. I'm certain that's why it's being released at the Miami show instead of any of the large northern shows. Target Audience is greater there.

I hope they sell a million of them and continue to grow as a company.

Yeah, I agree. Seems more like a day boat for the coastal peeps. Nothing wrong with that. Makes me feel happier about my 242 LSE
If these 2 posts from earlier in the thread are accurate then the boat we were all hoping this might be is still yet to come (2020).

Courtesy of @Bearsar240

Courtesy of @biffdotorg (although he's laying the sarcasm on a little thick...)

The more I look at it the more the styling grows on me... it's sleek looking. Then I see how it plays with the front windshield and I'm not so sure anymore. The stares I think I'd get from all the other boaters might make me self conscious, because I'm shallow and need validation from my peers... lol! I think I'd still rather have the 242 bimini than this hard shell. Hopefully Yamaha keeps their hands off the windows of the 242's when the next redesign comes due.
Not that I like it if that was the thought, but wonder if they put the wings there to serve as an arm rest?

I dunno, I think all the Yamahas look cool, but I don’t think I’d feel cool at all driving this thing... Thaf could change if I had a few playboy models trying out the rear lounge but I digress.
I think playboy models is a little optimistic for a Yamaha. Best you could hope for is maybe an instagram influencer or two.

Very much so. When I said ballast, I meant fuel tank. As a boat that size with 2 Supercharged engines is going to eat fuel like women go through toilet paper. It's beautiful, and those low engines make for a very unique stern. That is what Yamaha has going for it, as others will not be able to reproduce it with standard or outboard engines. That being said, I don't think they will want to once the economy numbers are shared.

Fuel economy doesn't come to mind for most of a boat of this price tag. I start to feel it when fuel creeps up on $4/gallon. At sub $2, it's not as much of an issue.
Looks like they move about one cushion worth.

Exactly, that was what I was trying to describe. The flip backrest is common in most wake boats these days as it allows folks to sit both directions. But it does waste the seat on the other side.

So my point was, what if the rear 2-3 cushions could be swapped with the one with the flip backrest, so that it was now the closest to the stern? And the rear 2-3 cushions are now on the inside. Legally, you have moved riders inside the boat, as in most states, you would not be able to ride on those lounges as there is no rail. So it would make sense for Yamaha to allow that seat back and cushion to be moved full stern. Then all that seating is moved inside the boat.

That would dramatically increase the legal capacity while under way above what we can get in our 242's.
I have always wanted Yamaha to build a larger jet boat for a number of reasons but this one kind of baffles me. The large sunpad that is counting for most of the extra feet on this boat is exactly what I don't like about standard sterndrives and one of the things that initially drove me to Yamaha. Because of the low profile engines and thus engine compartments, you could use all of that space for extra cockpit seating. A 26' sterndrive would easily compare in seating to that of a 24' Yamaha. By just making a larger rear area or sunpad, Yamaha has given up all of that usable cockpit space. I don't think the SVHO engines are any taller or longer than the standard engines so it seems strange to me that they basically extended the engine compartment much longer than they needed to. This ultimately just cut out all of that usable cockpit space.

This just seems like a waste of 2 1/2 feet to me and my guess is they only gain maybe one or two passenger capacity and that is largely going to be in the bow seating area.
I see this more as a boat that is sat near a dock in Florida than a trailer boat. This has the style and feel of one of those giant bowriders that never leave the water and are used as day boats from time to time when the whole fam-damily comes to visit the grandparents twice a year. I will applaud Yamaha for again doing something "new" and "different". This mentality is what got them noticed with the original line of 230's, and it's what will get them noticed now.

As a "lake boater" in the middle of the country, there is ZERO appeal in this boat for me. Doesn't seat any more than a 24', doesn't go any faster, doesn't have any features I would use on a regular basis, and is missing some I would use. About the only thing I see here that I would want is the swim up seating.....that sounds awesome. The rest, meh............NOW......with that said, it doesn't make it a fail, it just makes me not the target audience. I have no desire to own a sailboat either, but clearly others do. Same premise. I'm certain that's why it's being released at the Miami show instead of any of the large northern shows. Target Audience is greater there.

I hope they sell a million of them and continue to grow as a company.

Well put. They certainly thought a bit outside the box with this and some will like it. I keep hoping we will see a positive shift in fit and finish quality from Yamaha particularly in the seats and upholstery. Not easy to do cost effectively at scale but it would make a giant difference in my eyes. I want to see them do well as more choices are always good and the brand doing well with a good reputation is positive for current owners too.
I agree @fraserjr ...I think they compromised the u-shaped seating/two-tiered swim deck element that drew a lot of us to the Yamaha in the first place. I was never a fan of the "Look you can flip it this way" seat-cushion, backrest type boat. Nothing moves on my boat and I like it that way! I rarely even use the small cushion that fits in the stepover on my engine hatch. I'd hazard to guess that the long "walk through" is aimed at the (ahem) older, more dignified crowd that can't be bothered (or are unable) to step over an engine hatch (tongue firmly planted in cheek).;) We do frequently use the bow filler cushion...that's our sunpad!
Exactly, that was what I was trying to describe. The flip backrest is common in most wake boats these days as it allows folks to sit both directions. But it does waste the seat on the other side.

So my point was, what if the rear 2-3 cushions could be swapped with the one with the flip backrest, so that it was now the closest to the stern? And the rear 2-3 cushions are now on the inside. Legally, you have moved riders inside the boat, as in most states, you would not be able to ride on those lounges as there is no rail. So it would make sense for Yamaha to allow that seat back and cushion to be moved full stern. Then all that seating is moved inside the boat.

That would dramatically increase the legal capacity while under way above what we can get in our 242's.

Interesting thought. That would be pretty neat. A track system on top of the engine cover would allow for that. Could even make it possible to get the lounge pads a bit of angle for a bit more comfort.
Exactly, that was what I was trying to describe. The flip backrest is common in most wake boats these days as it allows folks to sit both directions. But it does waste the seat on the other side.

So my point was, what if the rear 2-3 cushions could be swapped with the one with the flip backrest, so that it was now the closest to the stern? And the rear 2-3 cushions are now on the inside. Legally, you have moved riders inside the boat, as in most states, you would not be able to ride on those lounges as there is no rail. So it would make sense for Yamaha to allow that seat back and cushion to be moved full stern. Then all that seating is moved inside the boat.

That would dramatically increase the legal capacity while under way above what we can get in our 242's.
They’d have to increase the freboard at the stern for that to work. Otherwise you could lose a passenger off the side of the seat.
That's it! I knew I'd seen them before!;)533FBF8A-A95E-468A-AA7F-FE193DEB6C08 (1).pngmaxresdefault.jpg
Short teaser video on Facebook.

Short teaser video on Facebook.

View attachment 87777

Is that guy really tall or is the windshield that low and swept back? One thing is for sure I do not like the windshield design especially the front where it goes beyond the glass.
Is that guy really tall or is the windshield that low and swept back? One thing is for sure I do not like the windshield design especially the front where it goes beyond the glass.
Look at the distance from the top of the wheel to the top of the windshield.
Really don't like that windshield design either.
If that's a touch screen, it looks like you'd be reaching over the wheel to access it. Would be tough when seated.
See the paddle shifter for the DRiVE system?DA07D4E7-16FF-45F7-B841-7575999B8C57.jpg