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(Answered) Balancing Load


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This was addressed in another thread that I found.

2020 FSH Shore Land’r Trailer loading issues

Took my 2020 Yamaha 210 FSH Deluxe out for the second time and having a really tricky time loading boat onto trailer without having the port side hull sit on the fender when I pull the trailer and boat out. Takes more than 1 try and I don't want to be a burden at the ramp for others.
  • Shorelandr tandem axel trailer with non-metallic fenders.
  • There is not much clearance between fender and hull on both sides even when loaded perfectly.
    • Maybe just over an inch clearance
  • Currently x3 12v batteries
  • I do keep lifejackets and ropes in bow port side storage
  • My current practice is getting fenders to just at water line prior to driving boat onto trailer
My thoughts thus far
  • The batteries are on port side making it list slightly causing it to sit on the trailer awkwardly when I winch it up the rest of the way?
  • If the weight is causing this, would keeping live well full of water until trailered be helpful or using a fully loaded cooler or both?
  • Would keeping the trailer more out of water and/or power loading be options to lopsided trailering?
  • I could just need more attempts over time to tinker with process
  • MK riptide terrova 112lb 60" trolling motor and 36v epoch Li battery being installed in next couple of weeks (port side as well), which is even more weight
Look forward to any guidance,

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I would add a set of VeVe guides to the trailer. They fixed my lopsided loading. I think they are rebuilding/renaming their website currently. You can call or email them here. Veve Outdoors
A lot of information can be searched on this site about them. I loved mine and they will not bend if you hit them. The vertical pvc pipe will roll on the galvanized tubing as your boat makes contact with them moving on and off the trailer. They are very well built.


Edit: As others have said, dunking the trailer to the correct depth is essential. I use the trailer guides as a depth guage, backing down until water touches the black pads. Pulling the trailer out slowly also helps the boat settle correctly. Once in the loading area, give the winch that last crank up to the stop. And use a good set of stern tie-downs to keep the boat in place.
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I would add a set of VeVe guides to the trailer. They fixed my lopsided loading. I think they are rebuilding/renaming their website currently. You can call or email them here. Veve Outdoors
A lot of information an be searched on this site about them. I loved mine and they will not bend if you hit them. The vertical pvc pipe will roll on the galvanized tubing as your boat makes contact with them moving on and off the trailer. They are very well built.

View attachment 230606
Thanks for the reply. Seems this has been addressed in another thread. Got some ideas of where to go from here. Thanks again.

2020 FSH Shore Land’r Trailer loading issues
Leaving the live well full helps a lot.

I put the fenders under water, put the boat on and then I pull the trailer out slowly and let it settle onto the trailer slowly. If it’s off a little it straightens itself out in a few miles.
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I'm not sure about the nuances of the FSH boats, but I've owned 3 boats and have learned that all of them have loaded more smoothly with the trailer at the proper depth in the water when loading. It takes a bit of trial and error with a new boat, but once you get the trailer at the proper depth (for me, its usually right when the top of the trailer fender is at the top of the water level) the boat should load level with a little bit of throttle or winching.

You don't want the boat to float on the water at all when touching the bow stop of the trailer.
I can level mine easily in a flat parking lot after I put boat buckles on. If its crooked when I pull it out I put the rear boat buckles on racket them tight, and go to the front and winch and give it another click. It's easy because the rear buckles are pulling the boat forward. Then go put another click in the rear buckles to retighten them. Centers it every time.
I also have trailer guides. Really helps in the river .