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Charleston Cooper River Run up to Pinopolis Lock May 20th 2017

Okay. I am trying to calculate fuel and distance for the trip. My dock is down near Wadmalaw, so I have a 26 mile trip to the start point, and I'll have 26 additional miles to get home at the end of the day. My boat typically cruises at 32-34 MPH at about 2.6 MPG. That's a 130 mile range tops. Should I bring extra fuel along? Is gas ALWAYS available up in the lake? I know I can get there no problem on a full tank, but I want to be sure I can fill up and make it home.
Okay. I am trying to calculate fuel and distance for the trip. My dock is down near Wadmalaw, so I have a 26 mile trip to the start point, and I'll have 26 additional miles to get home at the end of the day. My boat typically cruises at 32-34 MPH at about 2.6 MPG. That's a 130 mile range tops. Should I bring extra fuel along? Is gas ALWAYS available up in the lake? I know I can get there no problem on a full tank, but I want to be sure I can fill up and make it home.
The plan is before we start to head up the river is to know if the lock is operational or not, it will depend on the weather. If not operational, we will only go up the river far enough to ensure we can make it back with the fuel on board because there is no fuel along the river.
Got it. Sounds good! I am working on a way to safely carry about 20 gallons extra for me and whoever else may need it. I'm not 100% sure of my fuel economy so it seems like a wise plan to have a little extra.
I'm planning on doing some boating on Sunday, especially since I am launching/recovering in Charleston.
Andy have any thoughts about tooling out to Morris Island Light House Sunday? We are at Folly Beach threw Monday. I have always wanted to go out there by boat. I have walked to the end of Folly and viewed it.
When Robert and I meet there around 7am last fall we were the first 2 cars parked believe it or now. I'm glad to know we can overnight in those spots @robert843 because I would have driven up the hill to the other lot for sure.

Staying in Pawleys island Friday night. 20 min from ramp.
Andy have any thoughts about tooling out to Morris Island Light House Sunday? We are at Folly Beach threw Monday. I have always wanted to go out there by boat. I have walked to the end of Folly and viewed it.
Yes that is definitely on my list of things to attempt to do on Sunday, it will depend on the sea conditions.
The plan is before we start to head up the river is to know if the lock is operational or not, it will depend on the weather. If not operational, we will only go up the river far enough to ensure we can make it back with the fuel on board because there is no fuel along the river.

What about that podunk place we ended up launching at last year when the lock was closed?
What about that podunk place we ended up launching at last year when the lock was closed?
They no longer have fuel unless you want to burn alcohol. A few years ago a bad storm flooded the fuel tanks and they never got them fixed.
I have been in Charleston the last two days for work and finally drove past city marina in my travels today you can see one tall ship there. Not the best pic(tough to take at distance while moving) but those who have been know those are all yachts next to it to give you a size scale. There was another one sailing into the harbor when I was leaving this evening it looked massive off in the distance.
here is a reference for some of the boats docked over there @Andy S left his boat there last year here is a pic

We r still holding an extra room at the holiday inn express.. if there are no takers we may cancel that one room this weekend.
here is a reference for some of the boats docked over there @Andy S left his boat there last year here is a pic

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Great picture! Reminds me of the time some years back on a Jet Ski trip from Oak Island to Miami when I pulled up with my 11 foot fast yachts to a marina in between two huges yachts because there weren't any empty slips, and I guess I did not look the part of a yacht owner so he tells me I am not permitted to be at the dock unless I have a boat there. I told him that I do have a boat there! He says, which one, that big one right there? I said, no look down! In fact I had two small fast boats there!! At course after the shock that we have come from NC to FLA on jet skis set in, he laughed and immediately changed his not so user friendly attitude. ;-)
@JROD are you going to trailer down to Myrtle and make a few days on the water with us?
I am a bit behind, but definitely planning on it! Any of hotels rooms left?

They're should be. Look in your inbox for the PM I sent. You should be able to reserve the Marriott we stayed in last year.