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My company just (officially) shut down all travel today. If you're going anywhere for business, you need approval from the Big Cheese. If you travel to one of the countries that's been hit hard, you are to stay home for 14 days - unpaid if your job doesn't allow remote access. (Basically the hourly crews.)

It's funny because if that had come out 24 hours sooner, it would have saved my buddy and from driving to frigging Ohio and back in two days (for something that turned out to be a big nothing anyway). Sigh. My sciatic is killing me right now.

Katie was told not to return to UW Madison campus after spring break. They may be allowed to return to the residence halls after April 10th. Until then, they are making provisions for students to work remotely. I'm sure that will go over just great. Hopefully their IT infrastructure can handle it.
My wife owns her own travel company. She specializes in Disney but sells other high end brands as well. She has canceled well over 100k in trips in the last several days with no signs of letting up. Us, however, just booked an Alaskan Disney cruise for June and we are (still planning) to be in Disney World in April.
My wife owns her own travel company. She specializes in Disney but sells other high end brands as well. She has canceled well over 100k in trips in the last several days with no signs of letting up. Us, however, just booked an Alaskan Disney cruise for June and we are (still planning) to be in Disney World in April.
We have a trip to Orlando Disney World scheduled in June. I’m not ready to pull the plug on that, but the in-laws, who are going with us, are nervous already.
My wife owns her own travel company. She specializes in Disney but sells other high end brands as well. She has canceled well over 100k in trips in the last several days with no signs of letting up. Us, however, just booked an Alaskan Disney cruise for June and we are (still planning) to be in Disney World in April.
I heard that cruises and such were selling very cheap right now, is that true?
We have a trip to Orlando Disney World scheduled in June. I’m not ready to pull the plug on that, but the in-laws, who are going with us, are nervous already.
So far most folks are not canceling trips to the parks just yet.... It's the cruises and trips to Europe that she sees suffering right now.
Wow, new restrictions just announced, no travel to/from Europe for 30 days.
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I heard that cruises and such were selling very cheap right now, is that true?

As far as cruises go, she only sells Disney cruises and some European river cruises as of right now. She plans to bring on Royal Caribbean within the coming weeks as well as Celebrity. Disney cruises are pretty expensive (if you have ever sailed with them, you know why) and we haven't seen much of a price decrease yet. I feel it's coming though. I've heard the other cruise lines have been throwing out some really low fares but I don't have any details.
Travel has been shut down for pretty much all Department of Defense activities.
Even local travel is being scrutinized, and our contractors are being urged to stop going to meetings...
My daughter is in her second year at UW Madison. Their spring break is next week. Yesterday they were notified to be prepared to finish the semester remotely as the residence halls may not be reopened after spring break.

As was mentioned earlier, trying to stay in the middle between panic and "ho hum" is the way to go.

I sometimes hear folks that lived through "Y2K" talk about how it turned out to be a "big nothing" and everyone got all worked up "for no reason." What they don't realize is that the reason it was a "big nothing" is that engineers and computer science people around the planted busted our a--es to make sure it was a "big nothing" - and in some cases we were a little worried about whether or not our "fix" was going to work. (The industrial control systems that keep the lights, water, and gas going all had the potential to fail and all had to be touched- if only to make sure they wouldn't "brick" when the clock hit midnight.)

I guess what I'm saying is, in spite of our suspicions, we're going to have to put some trust in our healthcare authorities. Like that young Controls Engineer back in December of 1999, they just might be working really hard to make sure we all say "Remember that time they scared us half to death with that Corona Virus thing? What a joke."

In the meantime, let's hope Charmin and Cottonelle can get their production ramped up to meet demand.

June 1999- I was in school using my GI Bill and just started working part time at a very large company doing entry level computer science stuff. Even still green I was tasked with negative testing the Y2K fixes in a prescribed manner before the end of the year. Needed multiple good results with no false positives and no bad results prior moving to the next low level test. So yeah I will back up that Y2K was no big deal because lots of people did lots of work. Even then there were likely some small impacts that no one dared admit but were all rapidly fixed.

Scientists like to be boldly right but the good ones also admit wrongs for the good of the facts/science. The truth with what is going on now is that the data quality and analysis informing the decisions is no where near perfect and being biased by human nature, the media, and politicians. Just as @Julian pointed out different measures aka variables will impact the result. We don’t yet have the data to accurately quantify the impact of adjusting different variables. That said the panic is human nature at its worst.

Stay calm, Be moderately prepared, and don't forget to get your Boat on!
I find everyday I'm understanding my father more and more,

I find the whole reaction to this ridiculous, I've deleted the three paragraphs I've typed trying to vent my frustration with this,

Shame, Shame, Shame on our political system and our media,
My $.02: 99% of us on this forum have boats. It might be time to have a staycation. Now is not the time to take chances. This will get worse. Soon it will be someone we know. Stay alert, keep your distance from large crowds, wash regularly and be smart. 2 men just died in our county; one was 60 the other 45. It does not discriminate.
My $.02: 99% of us on this forum have boats. It might be time to have a staycation. Now is not the time to take chances. This will get worse. Soon it will be someone we know. Stay alert, keep your distance from large crowds, wash regularly and be smart. 2 men just died in our county; one was 60 the other 45. It does not discriminate.
Im lucky enough to keep my boat at the lake where we have a home, looks like it may be a long summer at the lake with my boat.
Wow. NCAA tourney... no fans permitted. Of course the year UD is ranked 3! Wonder if they will pump in fan noise through the PA system... Will be interesting g to watch for sure. Just think of the economic loss for all those city’s. Guess as long as the bars don’t close up shop...
First four and final four coda. Move it to Dayton
This give live stats of what’s happening around the world relative to Coronavirus. Sorry if this was posted previouly, I haven’t read all pages.
US travel ban to/from Europe for 30 days. NBA season suspended. Dozens of universities stopped holding in-person classes (including my daughter's) today. 200 died in Italy in last 24 hours, 1,000 in last week. No hype. No opinion. Just facts.

Get out on those boats when you can and enjoy your family time. It is going to be a strange, rough ride for a while.
Again, did you all notice the exemption for cargo shipments?
General freight prices have tripled in the last week.
I’m thinking FDX is a buy at these knee jerk stock prices.
I was talking to a doctor friend last night and we agreed that people are over reacting. Only people need to practice good hygiene. But people dont want to hear that, psychology dictates that when people dont know how to respond to an imminent threat, then they will act out in irrational ways. In NYC people are buying all the toilet paper (???) and attacking asian people in public. In my friend's building, a lady attacked a small asian girl in the elevator for not wearing a mask.

My life is business as usual. Still going to work, doing my hobbies, and planning for the Summer. A client's office had coronavirus, they notified everyone, and cleaned the office. We are prepared to do the same should that arise.
Does the media need to use the word "alarming" while providing information.

Does the media need to use the word "alarming" while providing information.

View attachment 113384
Of course they do, it attracts viewers, which attracts advertisers, which is what pays the bills. At the end of the day, it's a business and will do whatever it takes to make money.
Very interesting listen. Lots of insight. Dr. Osterholm is an Infectious Disease Expert from the University of Minnesota
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