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This could be the motivator to cut the cable tv and internet as the Corona Virus is 24/7 non stop even on sports channels. So todays USEFUL info is the same as weeks ago 1) wash hands alot 2) don't touch your face 3) limit social interaction 4) don't be a slob 5) and keep coming back to the media so we can tell you the same shit over and over and over.....its pathetic
I’m in Italy, at first a couple regions were affected and people were told to not travel
To those regions and interact with people. Know what people did? They traveled to those regions and interacted with people, then they made it more strict, said “do not travel in or out of these regions”....people still did it, 2 weeks later we are at where we are now. The entire country is shut down, if you leave your house without necessity you get fined €600. Necessity is to work, medical, and grocery store for needed food. Only one person from your family goes out at a time for one of the necessities, carabieneri (Italian police) is in the commissary on base making people maintain 1 meter distance from each other, removing people that took their kids in the store when it wasn’t necessary.....
You guys can read what the numbers are with spreading and deaths, it changes constantly, sure it mostly only kills older people that may have existing issues, but why put those at risk? People can’t take it serious so now we are locked down in our house, we can’t even walk down the road to take the kids to the park...
I realize Italy is only a little bigger than Florida, but I sure hope people in the states take it serious because I sure do want to be able to move back to the US this summer like we are supposed to.
man my 401k has taken a hit. Maybe a good time to move to bonds until this things bottoms out?
I heard an interesting point yesterday when people were comparing this to the flu. Yes the flu kills many thousands more, but yet we have a flu shot right now to protect most people from the flu. And, here is a virus, like the flu but a little worse, more contagious, and there is no shot to safe guard you against it. I think I would tap the brakes on blaming the government for implementing steps to control this thing.
In Oregon and Washington, all public gatherings of 250 or more people have been canceled and all non-essential school functions have been canceled. No sporting events, parent teacher conferences, field trips, or assemblies.
Shame, Shame, Shame on our political system and our media,

I'm genuinely curious what you mean. Should the federal government be doing more or less?
The media I'm watching has been repeating the same message, quite calmly - effectively saying what the CDC recommends and not to panic, and they are documenting the spread. Any panic seems to be as a result of fear of the unknown.
  1. China has put 500 million people under quarantine (they have been on the front line of this outbreak and likely know the real severity).
  2. Italy has put 61 million people under quarantine, they are the 2nd largest break out.
  3. Israel has effectively closed its borders (you have to prove you've been isolated for 2 weeks in order to get in). They have very low counts. Why are they acting so proactively?
  4. The US will be closing inbound European flights starting Friday night.
People WANT NEW news. The only new news is: it keeps spreading, and we keep reacting. There is no cure. There is no vaccine. There is limited understanding/evidence on how easily it spreads (but clearly-pretty easily). The only way to stop it appears to be to avoid contact. Since we aren't doing that....it is spreading. US is now #8 in the world in # of cases.....and growing.

@Scottintexas Should the government be doing more/less? What should the media do differently?

Interesting Data views similar to what @ZGhost posted above:
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Very interesting listen. Lots of insight.

listened to the pod yesterday. I find his story about Italy now already choosing who lives and dies because their resources are strained a bit chilling. Also, that you are symptom-free for a couple days and can transmit it, with a Gestation of 3 days.... I think the locking down is warranted to avoid that here. I did watch a few first hand accounts of people who have healed. I am optimistic for the science, but concerned about the people in charge dropping the ball making it worse than it needs to be.

Those People who say "chill out its just like the flu" and ridicule others via social media...umm. ok. so even by your definition now we have 2 flus as best case scenario? do you think our current medical system can handle that? I don't.

Never believe spin.... Its why religion and political parties don't work for me. I'm not panicking. But do have a plan that does not involve hoarding butt-wipe.

That being said....Anyone got some lamb's blood? asking for a friend..... ;) :D
I'm genuinely curious what you mean. Should the federal government be doing more or less?
The media I'm watching has been repeating the same message, quite calmly - effectively saying what the CDC recommends and not to panic, and they are documenting the spread. Any panic seems to be as a result of fear of the unknown.
  1. China has put 500 million people under quarantine (they have been on the front line of this outbreak and likely know the real severity).
  2. Italy has put 61 million people under quarantine, they are the 2nd largest break out.
  3. Israel has effectively closed its borders (you have to prove you've been isolated for 2 weeks in order to get in). They have very low counts. Why are they acting so proactively?
  4. The US will be closing inbound European flights starting Friday night.
People WANT NEW news. The only new news is: it keeps spreading, and we keep reacting. There is no cure. There is no vaccine. There is limited understanding/evidence on how easily it spreads (but clearly-pretty easily). The only way to stop it appears to be to avoid contact. Since we aren't doing that....it is spreading. US is now #8 in the world in # of cases.....and growing.

@Scottintexas Should the government be doing more/less? What should the media do differently?

Interesting Data views similar to what @ZGhost posted above:

My thoughts? Government has been extremely slow to act. Downplaying this for some time. Testing has been laughable. Strong recommendations for social distancing have been lacking. Guidelines to assess patients have been extremely inadequate. Many of us physicians are not using the "CDC guidelines" because of how laid back they are. Most leadership we see is from the ground up, not form our "leaders". It has been a hard battle to fight, and we have not even been hit that hard yet. (source: I'm a pulmonary and critical care physician)
My thoughts? Government has been extremely slow to act. Downplaying this for some time. Testing has been laughable. Strong recommendations for social distancing have been lacking. Guidelines to assess patients have been extremely inadequate. Many of us physicians are not using the "CDC guidelines" because of how laid back they are. Most leadership we see is from the ground up, not form our "leaders". It has been a hard battle to fight, and we have not even been hit that hard yet. (source: I'm a pulmonary and critical care physician)

where do practice?
My thoughts? Government has been extremely slow to act. Downplaying this for some time. Testing has been laughable. Strong recommendations for social distancing have been lacking. Guidelines to assess patients have been extremely inadequate. Many of us physicians are not using the "CDC guidelines" because of how laid back they are. Most leadership we see is from the ground up, not form our "leaders". It has been a hard battle to fight, and we have not even been hit that hard yet. (source: I'm a pulmonary and critical care physician)

What is interesting is...how would the US population react to strong measures from the government. China was able to have an effective quarantine because they are an authoritarian communist country (they'll happily shoot you if you don't comply).
Italy had a shit show on their hands when they attempted to quarantine Lombardy and 14 other central and northern provinces - everyone just said....screw this I'm going south! Totally defeated the purpose of the lock-down. Now they've locked down the whole country - only pharmacies and groceries stores are supposed to be open. Will be interesting to see how that works.

Imagine how this would play out here?

My brother owns a bar in Brandon Florida. I've been talking to him daily about what the plan is for St. Patrick's day on Tuesday. Normally his biggest revenue boost for his bar. This year...he has NO CLUE what will happen. I always go down to help him. Will be interesting to see what happens. Right now his bar is UP in sales.....people seem to be getting diverted from other things to do....so they are coming to drink. I'll likely be working the door (as always), but no cover charge this year. We are wondering if I stand there with a temperature reader and we turn away anyone with a temperature???? Otherwise....come on it!!! Have a CORONA!!!! LOL
lol on the have a corona! Man, I know it is not easy. And yeah, people will most likely object to it. No one wants to disrupt their life. But if enough people stay home, then maybe our hospitals won't get overwhelmed by the influx of sick people. It is not easy, but doesn't mean we should not try our darn best
St Patricks Day parade in Dallas, which is a big party has been cancelled. And what really chaps my hide......I'm a big golfer, love The Masters and my bucket list is to walk Augusta National some day. I finally score 2 tickets to the practice round and......boom! Roni virus smacks my plans right in the ball sack. I know my gripe is not as important as some of the crap happening right now, but dang. Maybe my only chance to see that course and.............
US travel ban to/from Europe for 30 days. NBA season suspended. Dozens of universities stopped holding in-person classes (including my daughter's) today. 200 died in Italy in last 24 hours, 1,000 in last week. No hype. No opinion. Just facts.

Get out on those boats when you can and enjoy your family time. It is going to be a strange, rough ride for a while.

I wasn't actually concerned until I heard the NBA news. How long before the car makers shut down the factories or Disney or airline employees,, anybody going out to buy a car, refrigerator or get something fixed at their house ?? what about the grocery store, how long until they tell the workers better not come in because of corona ?? The paranoia leads the whole thing to a screeching halt,

My coworker is Chinese, he grew up in Wuxi (200 miles from Wuhan) and still has family there. He talked to his brother in law this morning and he said they are back to normal life and no one even talks about Corona anymore, apparently the mass infection or people being stricken isn't as severe.

@Julian - I think the government response has been adequate, that was part of my three paragraphs of deleted political opinion that we shouldn't discuss here.

@tabbibus - thank you for sharing your first hand knowledge, how many cases confirmed vs. suspected have you seen so far ? what are some differences you've seen in the governments response to corona vs. H1N1, Ebola or other pandemics we've faced in recent years ?

I wasn't actually concerned until I heard the NBA news. How long before the car makers shut down the factories or Disney or airline employees,, anybody going out to buy a car, refrigerator or get something fixed at their house ?? what about the grocery store, how long until they tell the workers better not come in because of corona ?? The paranoia leads the whole thing to a screeching halt,

My coworker is Chinese, he grew up in Wuxi (200 miles from Wuhan) and still has family there. He talked to his brother in law this morning and he said they are back to normal life and no one even talks about Corona anymore, apparently the mass infection or people being stricken isn't as severe.

@Julian - I think the government response has been adequate, that was part of my three paragraphs of deleted political opinion that we shouldn't discuss here.

@tabbibus - thank you for sharing your first hand knowledge, how many cases confirmed vs. suspected have you seen so far ? what are some differences you've seen in the governments response to corona vs. H1N1, Ebola or other pandemics we've faced in recent years ?


Response has been slower this time. Mainly slower to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions. When the recommendation is to only worry about covid if the patient has been to a high risk country or has been in contact with known covid, in a time when transmission was clearly in the community, you feel powerless. When you have doctors asking to test but you tell them no, because of the above reasons, it limits your ability to even grasp the magnitude of the disease.

My hospital does not have a confirmed case yet. But we have been blocked from testing some cases. We have 30 something cases in our area, and that is with limited testing. Only expect it to rise as testing is more available.
Shelves of my hometown grocery store shortly after they announced first confirmed case in Burlington. No TP!
Might have to revisit my infant years and buy diapers, the shelf is full.;)

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