I wasn't actually concerned until I heard the NBA news. How long before the car makers shut down the factories or Disney or airline employees,, anybody going out to buy a car, refrigerator or get something fixed at their house ?? what about the grocery store, how long until they tell the workers better not come in because of corona ?? The paranoia leads the whole thing to a screeching halt,
My coworker is Chinese, he grew up in Wuxi (200 miles from Wuhan) and still has family there. He talked to his brother in law this morning and he said they are back to normal life and no one even talks about Corona anymore, apparently the mass infection or people being stricken isn't as severe.
@Julian - I think the government response has been adequate, that was part of my three paragraphs of deleted political opinion that we shouldn't discuss here.
@tabbibus - thank you for sharing your first hand knowledge, how many cases confirmed vs. suspected have you seen so far ? what are some differences you've seen in the governments response to corona vs. H1N1, Ebola or other pandemics we've faced in recent years ?