@swatski I realize you have other priorities so don't feel like you have to answer me directly or immediately as I sit and waste time on corona, I'm asking these out of ignorance so please correct any wrong assumptions,
1. Are other countries having a hard time creating test kits? if not why aren't we copying theirs or why aren't they sharing theirs?
2. If you or your family (healthy wife and kids, I'm assuming) would get symptoms, fever, chills, would you go to the doctor/hospital to get tested ?
if my family ( wife and kids 20,18,15) exhibited any symptoms I think we would just self quarantine and treat symptoms as such unless something became unmanageable.
Now if my 83 year old mom or in-laws exhibited symptoms I would be a lot faster in telling them to go for professional treatment.
3. this virus was "unknown" 6 months ago and it wasn't until aprox. Jan 1 that China told us what the "sequence" or whatever the key is to detecting it. In your semi-informed professional opinion, What would be an acceptable time frame for scientist to come up with a A. Test B. test kits for public use at least by each states Health department C. Vaccine D. Cure