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My wife and I went grocery shopping to different stores partly cuz we wanted to see the madness. Costco, she said she wasn't even going in there. She went to Aldi and I went to the bigger "regular" store near us. I was behind a kid that was doing door to door grocery type delivery for different services. Was getting pre-shopping tips of $25 or more. Made $300 yesterday. My wife took pictures of the kids in front of empty shelves and such.
Well, with a recession looming around June/July, maybe these people will have toilet paper, lol

What stinks is that mortgage rates jumped back up pretty hard. I was about to cash out refi which was literally gonna pay off my truck with no change to my mortgage payment. But now they jumped back up the 0.5 that they lost a week ago!
Grab the deals as soon as they come I guess!
Stocks look juicy right now if you have the cash on hand.
And if that is too political I'll remove it, but I felt it stayed on topic well....
(Maybe it's finally time to buy a welder and have my kid teach me something for a change.)
You won’t regret this. I bought a welder and started teaching myself to weld, it is amazing knowing you can make something you'd normally have to go buy. And what you make will be WAY stronger than what you purchased. I’ll warn you, if you do be prepared to get addicted. And have a lot of scrap steel laying around. My next adventure is get a spool gun and start welding aluminum. Maybe make my own center console some day?
Yeah.....I had to cut that video off. Sanjay is more of a media talking head than a Dr. now and I really hate all the Monday morning quarterback crap. All these decisions are tough decisions and I think it's petty as hell for some of these guys that aren't faced with the levity of the situation to speculate after the fact of what was right and what was wrong.
Yeah.....I had to cut that video off. Sanjay is more of a media talking head than a Dr. now and I really hate all the Monday morning quarterback crap. All these decisions are tough decisions and I think it's petty as hell for some of these guys that aren't faced with the levity of the situation to speculate after the fact of what was right and what was wrong.
I'll remove it if you found it too political.

I am curious, and have been googling with no success, to see if his data is correct. If those test numbers are accurate that is pretty alarming.
Hate to step into this, but...

There is no German test that I know of, the last time I checked Roche's headquartered in Basel (Switzerland). And I should know as I trained there for a few years in early 90s (at the Roche's own the Basel Institute for Immunology), lol.
I can assure you Roche leadership would not appreciate having their test called... German, lolol.

So, there is that.

Looks like they are accurate for the Jan timeframe, but since then testing has increased. That said, if South Korea is running 10k a day (not confirmed), you'd think we would want to be up there or higher! We definitely got off to a slow start. And if those early tests weren't working properly....even worse. The raw data does indeed show the problem....

Yeah.....I had to cut that video off. Sanjay is more of a media talking head than a Dr. now and I really hate all the Monday morning quarterback crap. All these decisions are tough decisions and I think it's petty as hell for some of these guys that aren't faced with the levity of the situation to speculate after the fact of what was right and what was wrong.
I would say the Sanjay guy's a clown. But he's a small clown.

I'll remove it if you found it too political.

I am curious, and have been googling with no success, to see if his data is correct. If those test numbers are accurate that is pretty alarming.
Naw....I won't go that far. I'm my own censor, so if I watch or read something I think is bunk, I just simply tune it out. But, Sanjay has commercialized himself way too much, and I think as soon as you do that you lose credibility. Kinda like that D. Oz cat. He was a good resource, now he's all about selling shit. Sanjay is on the same path in my opinion.
This country is just starting to take this seriously. About f!cking time. We also have no where near the amount of tests required to know where we stand. Can't get a test till you have symptoms. WTF. Really!!! Due to tests not being available the country is forced to take extreme measures by shuting down event and closing several businesses. What choice do we have.

This country is too damn cheap for it's own good. It always IMO gets back to $$. Unfortunately more people will die. Damn I pissed. The wealthiest country on the planet and we can't move fast enough.

Sorry, had to vent a little...next!
And the politicians on both sides are:
  1. Worried about how they'll look
  2. Worried about how their response will be seen in the public eye and how it will effect their position
  3. Worried about how the other side will look
  4. Fighting to ensure "their side" looks good.
While Rome burns....
Things are becoming soberingly real for my family and I. My wife gets her temp read before she is allowed into work every morning. My son’s high school just started spring break two weeks early (cancelled all athletics/extra curricular events as well) and the college he is starting at next year just cancelled / postponed indefinitely orientation originally scheduled for mid-April. The local transit agency, BART for Bay Area Rapid Transit, claims ridership was down 30% this week but the lot close to me was more like 90% vacant yesterday (Friday) when it is usually full.

My wife and I plan to stock up on food this weekend in case, as rumor has it, we are put on lock down like Italy is. I’m fearing what I’ll find when I get to the stores, actually I’m more worried about what I won’t find (food and short lines). I saw an interview with Dr. Oz last night and was glad to hear some of what he said, specifically things should get and look a lot better by this Summer when we know more about the virus (but now that it’s out we will never be rid of it).

If there is a bright side to this, people should be washing their hands more and better in the future and be better prepared for possible future quarantines as well. I. Th short term traffic has been great/non existent this past week. I am going to float the idea of buying and delivering food as a side job for my son while he is on extended break. Normally we would have no issues with his friends coming over to hang out and eat but this won’t be the case in this situation. I’m not to the point where I’m ready to buy a gun but just found out there is an 11 day waiting period to do so (rifle or handgun) here in CA. I’m not worried about this though, I have more than a few friends with mini armories at home that will lend me one or a few if needed. I hope it doesn’t come to that.

In looking for alternative more local activities I’ve found that it’s impossible to get a cheap hotel room at places like Napa right now. It’s $400 per night to stay at the embassy suites and there are no vacancies for the next 2 weeks. Yeah, I know first world problems at least until I or someone I know tests positive for the virus, if/when we ever get tested. When stars like Heidi Klum can’t get tested, I know that members of the general public, like me and my friends and family, are just SOL. I suspect the tests are free and readily available to our politicians and it burns just thinking about that.
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Honest question here... what happens at the end of these 2-3 week shutdowns if the virus is still present? Won’t it just flair right back up again and we will be back to square one? Unless completely irradiated it only takes one person to start the whole process over again right? What am I missing?

it gives the healthcare system time to ramp up, and breathing room to spread out the cases over time instead of one big influx.
I'm a football official, and there is one truth to sports that also holds very true to politics......50% will say that was a horrible call, and 50% will say it was a great call. It really just depends on whose side your on!
Sure. But, some things just are what they are. Misinformation about the coronavirus has been head-snapping... Regardless of politics, the claims that it was contained in US and "we shut it down" when it was actually spreading, testing was available when it wasn’t, a vaccine would be available in months (it won’t be).

Hopefully cool heads are prevailing, about time.

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I can only hope and pray that they will soon or are now focusing on fixing the problems instead of or in addition to the blame. At the same time, I don’t believe that hope and prayer are strategies, at least not good ones.
Schools are getting shut down in Alabama on Wednesday, basically an extended Spring Break.

My oldest daughter was told on Thursday not to return to classes at UAH (University of Alabama Huntsville) until further notice.
Most of metro Atlanta schools are down for 2 weeks. Then spring break for largest county in state.

My son is out for 2 weeks, goes back 1 week then has spring break.

I am honestly thinking about taking this offer to sell my company pay off all debt and just live on coast with camper and boat while my wife is able to work remote.

I can fish and crab for my food and home school my kids.

My son would be devastated but they already canceled his baseball season for next 2 weeks also.
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