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I went with a mesh system (Orbi RBK50) a couple of months back and have been very impressed.
Since I’ll be home with the kids for at least a couple of weeks I just got a subscription to Disney Plus. I was skeptical at first, but was blown away by how much content they have!
Just an update in IL...the governor closed all bars and restaurants at EOB tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I get it, but in this state I fear what they’ll do to pay all the thousands of tip reliant service workers for their time off. He’s saying two weeks. In the People’s Republic of Illinois though, this will lead to govt bailouts and even MORE debt. Which will mean higher property taxes (as if our 3rd highest in nation aren’t high enough). Again, I get it, but unless you are familiar with IL you don’t realize what a $#1! show this will be.
Just an update in IL...the governor closed all bars and restaurants at EOB tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I get it, but in this state I fear what they’ll do to pay all the thousands of tip reliant service workers for their time off. He’s saying two weeks. In the People’s Republic of Illinois though, this will lead to govt bailouts and even MORE debt. Which will mean higher property taxes (as if our 3rd highest in nation aren’t high enough). Again, I get it, but unless you are familiar with IL you don’t realize what a $#1! show this will be.
Your right. And it just not there. T says workers will be compensated but does not lay out how this will work. How will small businesses be able to pay their employees and their bills. 2021 taxes will be payback. We need details now.
Your right. And it just not there. T says workers will be compensated but does not lay out how this will work. How will small businesses be able to pay their employees and their bills. 2021 taxes will be payback. We need details now.
I honestly think the politicians are saying stuff just to calm people down. They are trying to appease everyone and it's just not possible unless they came up with some miraculous cure and gave it away free.
My wife works for a school as part of custodial staff. Schools out but they certainly want her in there cleaning!!!
I stood in line at a store for some food Friday night and it was fun talking to people. A lot of moms freaking out that they have to feed the kids because they paid or recieved hot lunches at the schools typically. Our kids' school actually just implemented an E-learning system last year so that is getting utilized. For what I pay for private school it's a real bummer. Almost makes me want to look into home schooling. My wife wouldn't have to work and we could get on that boat more often for sure! But then I do homework with my kids for 3 hours at night after work and I feel like screaming in the garage.
My wife is going to have a play date with a friend of hers and her kids. The friend is a bartender. So a bar tender and a school custodian and 6 kids. Brilliant. Not like there's any exposure there right? I asked her why... Cuz the friend owes money lol. Oh... ok... I may have given her a bit of a hard time for this, we'll see if they end up doing it or not.
So for those of you in the know I got a question.
Will getting exposed to this be a good thing? Kinda like a vaccine where it's weakened or whatever?
Oh my goodness. Since church was cancelled I totally forgot to talk to my friend. He's a Doctor - pathologist. Looks at blood and viruses for a living. I may need to find out what he thinks of all this stuff tomorrow!
Ok so pathologist says take it very seriously and left it at that. I am guessing he is very busy. Wife told me they weren't even allowed to utilize the drive through. Guessing it's a big deal to them!
So for those of you in the know I got a question.
Will getting exposed to this be a good thing? Kinda like a vaccine where it's weakened or whatever?
Oh my goodness. Since church was cancelled I totally forgot to talk to my friend. He's a Doctor - pathologist. Looks at blood and viruses for a living. I may need to find out what he thinks of all this stuff tomorrow!
So for those of you in the know I got a question.
Will getting exposed to this be a good thing? Kinda like a vaccine where it's weakened or whatever?
Oh my goodness. Since church was cancelled I totally forgot to talk to my friend. He's a Doctor - pathologist. Looks at blood and viruses for a living. I may need to find out what he thinks of all this stuff tomorrow!
Man, 2017 seems forever ago. My wife says i shouldn't bring that up anymore.
Should be getting my heart monitor taken out in April btw. Was looking for afib. Didn't find any. They call me once a month to tell me but basically we end up chatting cuz nothing to report is boring. My wife and speech therapist say i lost the filter of when to stop talking, but i feel that is the main thing i have noticed from brain damage. Praise God for that!
Your right. And it just not there. T says workers will be compensated but does not lay out how this will work. How will small businesses be able to pay their employees and their bills. 2021 taxes will be payback. We need details now.
The absolute biggest issue I see isn’t necessarily the workers either. Many of the smaller restaurants around here (and everywhere) have an owner and a few employees. These owners don’t have the cash flow to keep a business viable being shut down two weeks or more. So they go out of business, then there are 3-4 unemployed. Oh and that spot in the strip mall or wherever, it sits empty. That’s also less tax dollars coming in for the town and state. It is just so frustrating, because there are myriad other places that are just as likely to spread disease. Gyms, markets, theaters. In IL a place can stay open if they offer delivery. So the delivery guy becomes the transmitter, when he stops at 2-3 houses in a row making deliveries? @Speedling is right, they are just saying whatever to keep people pacified, but a governors words and actions have repercussions. At this point for 90% of the population the economic backlash is more harmful than the virus.
This is the first time I can remember these steps have ever been taken to fight an out break. Why were these steps not taken this early during the h1n1 out break? Is this one spreading different? I learned on the CDc website that h1n1 infected 60.8 million people and killed over 12000 Americans. ( some say over 20k) to someone who admittedly knows nothing about this kinda stuff it appears this is a lesser of the two but waaaaay more emphasis is put on it and unprecedented steps are being taken far far earlier But people are more pissed about these steps than when h1n1 was running rampant. What am I missing? Am I comparing apples to oranges?
We are in lockdown mode at my house and have been since Friday. We have enough food and drinks to last us for a month or more before needing to replenish. Shit is getting real here now that we have confirmed cases in my county and surrounding counties. I counted ammo as well yesterday and tried to get my buddy who was out shopping to get me more .40 S&W but they were out of pistol ammo and only had rifle ammo. Everything is shutting down here. We are working from home and hopefully will still have our jobs when this is all over.
This is a guy who works for the same law firm my wife does. He works out of their New Orlenas branch. So sad and apparently it's not just the elderly or compromised immune system.
My pharmacist friend (also a type 1 diabetic) said drinking water through out the day can help prevent this from ever getting into your lungs. It's good to drink any ways but this is good info to pass on. Every little bit (of info) helps.
This is the first time I can remember these steps have ever been taken to fight an out break. Why were these steps not taken this early during the h1n1 out break? Is this one spreading different? I learned on the CDc website that h1n1 infected 60.8 million people and killed over 12000 Americans. ( some say over 20k) to someone who admittedly knows nothing about this kinda stuff it appears this is a lesser of the two but waaaaay more emphasis is put on it and unprecedented steps are being taken far far earlier But people are more pissed about these steps than when h1n1 was running rampant. What am I missing? Am I comparing apples to oranges?
There was a doctor on the local Fox station this morning. She was asked how this Covid is different from the flu. According to her not only is the mortality rate significantly higher it also appears to be much more contagious.
My pharmacist friend (also a type 1 diabetic) said drinking water through out the day can help prevent this from ever getting into your lungs. It's good to drink any ways but this is good info to pass on. Every little bit (of info) helps.
Sure. But, some things just are what they are. Misinformation about the coronavirus has been head-snapping... Regardless of politics, the claims that it was contained in US and "we shut it down" when it was actually spreading, testing was available when it wasn’t, a vaccine would be available in months (it won’t be).
It does seem like we were slow with the testing. That said the only thing worse than no data is bad data so perhaps ensuring the results were accurate was part of it? It is easy to do post analysis and criticize. The data seems to be getting better fast but way too many talking heads rushing to analyze and quantify to fit a narrative rather than the analysis driving the narrative and being presented as facts without drama.
No doubt that social distancing will help the curve and most are doing the right thing. I believe some of the panic for basic grocery items is people preparing to self quarantine as precaution or because they may need to. Most grocery routines are weekly. Multiply that that by three and that is some of what we are seeing. Then add in the media, hoarders, preppers, and human nature; the result becomes some folks protecting a multi year panic supply of TP and Purell in their pantries. I am not saying things are not going to be tough but some of this panic has been artificially induced and produced real concerns that did not need to come to the degree they have.
I will keep saying it. Stay clam and be moderately prepared. I will add to stop obsessing over this and reading/watching too much media on it. I am paying close attention as one of my main work specialties is finding and analyzing data that predicts human behavior. I am seeing lots out there is influencing human behavior. The morning the media ran comments on TP when it was not yet in super short supply was the same day all the stores sold out. That is just one example. One thing we need to be very careful of is not to create a deep divide on human necessities between the haves and have nots. That is a recipe for civil unrest which would make things even worse for both the haves and have nots.
It does not hurt to smile or have an upbeat attitude as opposed to staring down your fellow man at the grocery store. It does not hurt to thank the folks that are working long hard ours to stock the shelfs or ring up your panic purchases. It does not hurt to calm family and be positive. In fact it all helps combat the negative human behavior that we seeing today. I am not saying life should be all rainbows and unicorns but rather that we can all play a small part in making sure this does not get worse than it needs to rather than contributing to the artificially induced side of the problem.
The absolute biggest issue I see isn’t necessarily the workers either. Many of the smaller restaurants around here (and everywhere) have an owner and a few employees. These owners don’t have the cash flow to keep a business viable being shut down two weeks or more. So they go out of business, then there are 3-4 unemployed. Oh and that spot in the strip mall or wherever, it sits empty. That’s also less tax dollars coming in for the town and state. It is just so frustrating, because there are myriad other places that are just as likely to spread disease. Gyms, markets, theaters. In IL a place can stay open if they offer delivery. So the delivery guy becomes the transmitter, when he stops at 2-3 houses in a row making deliveries? @Speedling is right, they are just saying whatever to keep people pacified, but a governors words and actions have repercussions. At this point for 90% of the population the economic backlash is more harmful than the virus.
St. Patrick's day is his biggest day of the year. It offsets typically slow Jan and February. But he's stocked up a ton of food for the event that will almost certainly go to waste as people aren't going out. We are spreading tables out to keep people apart.
If he is forced to close his employees wont get paid. He cant afford to pay them. Even if he did, it would be their hourly pay, that for bartenders and wait staff. ..that is tiny (they work for tips) But that money would be coming out of his pocket....and he has mortgages to pay etc.
@bronze_10 those numbers are why we are concerned more with Covid19. 60 million infected with 12,000 deaths is a mortality rate half that of the flu. 0.0002 mortality rate. Right now Covid19 mortality is 2.7% (0.027). Which would mean if the same number of people are infected as above ..... 60 million * 0.027= 1,620,000 dead.
Sobering stuff.....and that would assume the healthcare system doesn't collapse under the load and drive up the mortality rate....
Corona virus is coming, you can't be trusted to buy firearms or ammunition or even give them to your neighbor,
Champaign, IL is a college town so if it's like my neighbor Denton, TX with the Univ. N. Texas it doesn't surprise me to much a city council would do this,
Doing a little background reading on this, supposedly these were emergency powers already written into their ?bylaws?, they just felt the need to vote them into the record, they are currently NOT prohibiting the sale of firearms, gasoline or alcohol but at a moments notice the mayor could enact them when she felt necessary,
even though it will probably be deemed unconstitutional from previous rulings
in. Bateman v. Perdue, a 2012 federal district court case from North Carolina struck down certain North Carolina statutes related to guns in emergencies:
, an ordinance has passed in Champaign, IL, to empower the mayor to “[o]rder the discontinuance of selling, distributing, dispensing or giving away of … firearms or ammunition of any character whatsoever.”
Good friends of ours are working from home.. well one is. She works for CDC and has been getting off her laptop between 1-2am and back at it at 6am.
I dont know her title, but she is pretty high up and said this thing even self quarantining and closing schools might not stop it. It has already mutated.
I work for myself... I work outside doing pest control and most of service is on exterior of homes so for now customers are fine with keeping their houses treated.
Depending how long this lasts and what companies do to cover cost of kids at day cares ect I could find myself on the outside wondering what to do as pest control is first thing cut to save money.
Lucky my wife does book keeping for golf course so my social distancing is going to be a lot of solo rounds of golf.
I don't know what is making me more stir crazy.....This damn virus, or the constant rain the North TX area is getting! Good Lord I'm going nuts. I'm a golfer, own a golf cart, live by a golf course, and all I can do right now is read negative news!!!! Uggghhhhh!!!
Edit....based on news of bars closing I will be making a run to the liquor store to restock my Basil Hayden's!! Ain't no way I can be quarantined with my wife for unknown time period without bourbon!