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I hate to say this but the government especially local governments need to get serious and start cracking down since people are too stupid to understand the seriousness of this virus.

This is beyond selfish and stupid.

It's not about "doomsday prepper's" or "panic buyers". It's about being smart and getting ahead of the storm knowing its barreling down on you. Seen a lot of smearing and memes pop up lately about people mad other people bought stuff. It's not because they think the world is ending (well some always do) but more so because we know an impending gov't lockdown is going to likely take place. So it makes sense to shop now than wait until the big wave comes and shit really ratchets up. That is when it will be hard to go outside or anywhere without a reason and likely see police stop people on the roads. That's also when you'll likely only get to go to the grocery store or a doctor and that's it. When you go to a grocery store you'll need to wait in a long ass line 3-4 feet apart from anyone else. It's the same situation that is happening in Italy and we are a couple of weeks behind them, so I fully expect shit to get real soon. Can't fault people being smart and buying before it becomes too hard or risky to buy. I expect a gov't lockdown for more than a month. It's the only way I can see us beating this thing because there is no vaccine. Have to limit exposure to people now or our hospitals will collapse.

I've been seeing a lot of restaurants post to provide free lunch to kids while school is closed and that's great and all. The problem is unless they are taking very extreme and smart measures to prevent human contact it's just going to allow for more spreading. I get it kids needs to eat and for some the school lunch is all they have. Restaurants and businesses just need to come up with smart ways of still offering those free meals and services but in a way that it's safe for everyone.

You clearly took offense, yet I wasn't targeting you, or really anyone here.

If you bought prudently, and are prepared, I agree with you. If you bought 14 cases of water and 6 cases of TP, or any other absurd amount of anything, you're a "Doomsday Prepper". And honestly, IMO, part of the panicking population causing a problem with the supply chain.

Let me be clear on an "absurd amount", if you've got more than 1mo supply of anything, that you didn't already keep on hand, you're over reacting. We don't need people buying ALL the things RIGHT NOW. We're attempting to not overrun the hospital, by slowing the infection rate, but the exact same mentality doesn't apply to the grocery store, gas station, or ammo supply?

I completely do not understand the panic to buy all the things right now and have months on months of supply on hand. Store are already restocking, the use rate of supplies hasn't changed but there was a spike in demand. Is the thought that because you can't see something on the shelf it doesn't exist? Do people think that, in this country, we'll be held at gunpoint and not allowed to retrieve groceries in a month? What is the expectation here of what is really going to happen over the near future?

I don't have those answers. I'm not sure anyone really does. I can't forsee this getting bad enough for long enough to be panic buying anything. I just can't get there. Maybe I'll be eating my words in a month and begging for food. Who knows.
We didn’t buy any more things than we normally buy except for more water than usual and some canned foods. We typically grocery shop every other weekend but instead we bought two weekends in a row. None of it was hoarding. We always buy bulk toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex from Sam’s so we always have plenty and did not buy during the whole TP craze.

As for people holding people at gun point, in maybe where you live crime isn’t a thing but around the counties I live in you can get shot for your cell phone. Can only imagine if food were to run out. So yea, I would rather be somewhat prepared than not and glad I go to the range to practice. In this fragile world you just don’t know.
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We didn’t buy any more things than we normally buy except for more water than usual and some canned foods. We typically grocery shop every other weekend but instead we bought two weekends in a row. None of it was hoarding. We always buy bulk toilet paper, paper towels and Kleenex from Sam’s so we always have plenty and did not buy during the whole TP craze.

As for people holding people at gun point, in maybe where you live crime isn’t a thing but around the counties I live in you can get shot for your cell phone. Can only imagine if food were to run out. So yea, I would rather be somewhat prepared than not and glad I go to the range to practice. In this fragile world you just don’t know.

You aren't the problem, or contributing to it.

The people in my area are losing their damn minds. Here's two pictures I took while at Sams Club yesterday. I was picking up coffee, diapers, soft drinks, and more of the usual "bulk" items we get once a month or so.

IMG_20200316_121134.jpg IMG_20200316_121139.jpg

Been going to this same store for the better part of 20 years. First time I've EVER seen an empty shelf. This early in the process it can only mean impulse or over prep buying. My gut tells me that this spike in demand will taper off, and be back to "normal" in a week or two. Let the stores restock and let the supply chain do it's thing.

I'm genuinly curious how a "shelter in place" or complete lock down will be handled in this country. There are enough stupid people that will still go out and about when that happens. Will they do a "marshall law" type thing? Will it be the honor system? How does that look in practice? Anyone here in law enforcement that can comment on that?


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That's how Sam's looks here too.

If I've learned anything over the years working with the public...... a person can be smart, but people are stupid.
You clearly took offense, yet I wasn't targeting you, or really anyone here.

If you bought prudently, and are prepared, I agree with you. If you bought 14 cases of water and 6 cases of TP, or any other absurd amount of anything, you're a "Doomsday Prepper". And honestly, IMO, part of the panicking population causing a problem with the supply chain.

Let me be clear on an "absurd amount", if you've got more than 1mo supply of anything, that you didn't already keep on hand, you're over reacting. We don't need people buying ALL the things RIGHT NOW. We're attempting to not overrun the hospital, by slowing the infection rate, but the exact same mentality doesn't apply to the grocery store, gas station, or ammo supply?

I completely do not understand the panic to buy all the things right now and have months on months of supply on hand. Store are already restocking, the use rate of supplies hasn't changed but there was a spike in demand. Is the thought that because you can't see something on the shelf it doesn't exist? Do people think that, in this country, we'll be held at gunpoint and not allowed to retrieve groceries in a month? What is the expectation here of what is really going to happen over the near future?

I don't have those answers. I'm not sure anyone really does. I can't forsee this getting bad enough for long enough to be panic buying anything. I just can't get there. Maybe I'll be eating my words in a month and begging for food. Who knows.
Ammo is gone around here. None to be had, the little Gun shops are also out.
Most long term gun owners stocked up during O presidency, and have thousands of rounds.
That's how Sam's looks here too.

If I've learned anything over the years working with the public...... a person can be smart, but people are stupid.

We call them sheeple.

Make sure you take the time to read this article thoroughly, its long but is data driven and well worth the read. We all need to act NOW! We must Isolate to contain.

Good article. A little long, but I get his math. Essentially mortality rate is directly related to social distancing. If we don't distance, hospitals are overwhelmed, patients can't get help, mortality increases. If we distance, curve flattens, hospitals can handle the load, mortality rate decreases
From the article:

"All of them were hit by SARS in 2003, and all of them learned from it. They learned how viral and lethal it could be, so they knew to take it seriously. That’s why all of their graphs, despite starting to grow much earlier, still don’t look like exponentials. "

I am astounded that despite all warnings and preparations that people still aren't practicing good hygiene. I see a woman hurrying through the grocery store, grabbing everything she can, while coughing on everything. My coworker is wearing a face mask only to remove it and cough without covering his mouth. Another coworker is violating my personal space and breathing on top of me. Every doctor and public official made this warning so ****ing loud and clear "PRACTICE GOOD HYGIENE AND THIS WON'T SPREAD" and it failed MISERABLY. Now we're on lockdown and using nuclear option to stop this thing from uncontrollably spreading. Shame on everyone who contributed to this nonsense. Now those same people are further making this a crisis by selfishly hoarding all the resources so the vulnerable can't have it. And this is why the overwhelming majority of people have made me an expert on social distancing.

SOURCE: Living in NYC/Long Island where we are shut down. We are further down the hole then most of the country and trying not to become Italy/Iran/South Korea.
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Yesterday the six counties that make up the San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley were ordered to shelter in place. Today I was told to report to work anyway because I’m in the healthcare industry. Specifically, I support primarily healthcare operations.

So off to work I go, at least today. Kind of a bummer in that I was already planning on building in up to two hours mid-day to work on my boat while I work from home for the next theee weeks. On the bright side my mom lives in the next county over which is not under the shelter in place order so I can visit her more easily if I need to when I’m at work.

My plan is to have my employee ID and email ready because the counties have threatened enforcement of the order. I heard they will be writing tickets for fines, possibly big ones.
Yesterday the six counties that make up the San Francisco Bay Area / Silicon Valley were ordered to shelter in place. Today I was told to report to work anyway because I’m in the healthcare industry. Specifically, I support primarily healthcare operations.

So off to work I go, at least today. Kind of a bummer in that I was already planning on building in up to two hours mid-day to work on my boat while I work from home for the next theee weeks. On the bright side my mom lives in the next county over which is not under the shelter in place order so I can visit her more easily if I need to when I’m at work.

My plan is to have my employee ID and email ready because the counties have threatened enforcement of the order. I heard they will be writing tickets for fines, possibly big ones.
It sounds like the same thing is about to happen here in SoCal.
I don’t understand why the entire state or nation is not already under a similar order. What good is it to slow the spread of the virus one county but not the ones next to it? LA is another CA tourist and industry hub that is very populated but LA and the surrounding counties are not under shelter in place or lock down yet, ridiculous.

I didn’t get a pic of this but my Asian neighbor went to buy ammo yesterday, the lines were out the door and 90% the people in it were Asian. Why? According to my neighbor, who is also Asain, they are concerned by the increase of unprovoked attacks on Asians now that POTUS has confirmed that the Corona Virus is NOT a hoax and started calling it the China and/or Asian Virus. So I’m feeling like the failure in leadership is complete at both the Federal and State level.

My wife and I are lucky t have jobs that we can work and get paid for during the shelter in place period, there are millions of other people who are not so fortunate. The school district here has set up four locations where kids who rely on school for lunches may pick up food twice a week. Two lunches on Mondays and three on Wednesday’s. I will try and volunteer for a food service to bring food to the elderly or those who can’t go to the store for whatever reason. Mean while my son and his friends want to plan a trip, or a few, to the beach while they are on a three weeek Spring Break. What is the world coming to?
My coworker's sister was exposed so he is also under self-quarantine.
The deli owner downstairs is hospitalized with COVID-19.
Clients office last week had a case and closed for full decontamination.
My other coworker is being tested (he is a cancer survivor). We had someone clean his office yesterday.
Another coworker has the cold. He thinks its only a cold.

I'm working from home today. I feel like I have allergies, scratchy throat, and chest congestion. I think it's safer that I practice social distancing haha.
I'm working from home today. I feel like I have allergies, scratchy throat, and chest congestion. I think it's safer that I practice social distancing haha.

I told that to my boss yesterday! He's in denial and thinks it's blown way out of proportion; more worried about the stock market. Damn...
Nice interview with an American over in Wuhan on their current situation. We are obviously just getting started here in the US so I fully expect this to take as long if not longer before things begin to improve here. But it's nice to hear there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I can attest to the gun stores being busy. Went at lunchtime to see what it was like, in a town of 4,000 people there was a line 20 people long and pretty much everyone had ammo. The shelves were nearly bare, aside from the uncommon calibers. Idk I get it in a way, it is scary, seems like a lot of them were the casual gun owners not the lifelong hobbyists. As mentioned earlier, we all stocked up before the 2016 election just in case. I will admit, I’ve started keeping my bedside safe open at night. I don’t worry about the neighbors, but our neighborhood is one of the nicer ones in town, I can see people coming here first for supplies if it comes down to that. They do on Halloween already!
I really hope it doesn’t come down to a Wild West scenario. I think we are far from that, but you never know in our society. There are too many out there who think they deserve something and it’s theirs for the taking.

What is everyone’s thoughts on how this will impact boating? Barring a mandatory stay at home situation seems like boating is a social distancing activity if you’re not tying up with others. The only thing keeping me excited right now is the thought of my family out on our boat even it it means no friends on boat or no tie ups. We boat on COE lakes so could they possibly close the lake?
I really hope it doesn’t come down to a Wild West scenario. I think we are far from that, but you never know in our society. There are too many out there who think they deserve something and it’s theirs for the taking.

What is everyone’s thoughts on how this will impact boating? Barring a mandatory stay at home situation seems like boating is a social distancing activity if you’re not tying up with others. The only thing keeping me excited right now is the thought of my family out on our boat even it it means no friends on boat or no tie ups. We boat on COE lakes so could they possibly close the lake?
COE here has closed everything but the ramps. Picnic areas, rental slips, fishing piers/docks, and that sort of thing. Let me see if I can find the announcement.


found it....
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