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COE here has closed everything but the ramps. Picnic areas, rental slips, fishing piers/docks, and that sort of thing. Let me see if I can find the announcement.


found it....
View attachment 113705
Doesn’t it say boat ramps or at I reading it wrong?
The hoarding crap is what really pisses me off. "F" you, hooray for me. There's really no reason. I saw the little old lady in the bread aisle looking for a loaf first hand. Today's visit to the Stop and Shop revealed no pasta, no meat, no cold cuts, no butter, no paper and no frozen vegetables. Plenty of milk, eggs, and bread. I guess it depends on what shipments come in. What is up with the toilet paper!!!!!! No real lines or crowd, just the usual. My honest opinion is; EVERYONE HAS IT! It's all gonna come down to how it affects you, just like the seasonal flu. The numbers are going up because more people are being tested - NOT because it's "getting worse". Everyone needs to calm the f#%k down, wash your hands and don't cough on anybody. The media is stirring the shit and the sheeple are panicking. Every question at every press conference is about testing. The msm want's to be able to report the numbers so everyone knows how terrible it is.FB_IMG_1584327493180.jpg
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I really hope it doesn’t come down to a Wild West scenario. I think we are far from that, but you never know in our society. ....

Agree we're likely far from "Wild West." Honestly, I don't think we've all lost our marbles as much as the press is trying to make out.

That said, this is an unprecedented time. You're more likely to be scammed or hacked right now than anything else. Cyber Criminals and Scammers are LOVING this. All the work-remotely stuff makes an even MORE target-rich environment (it "creates a larger attack surface" as we cool guys like to say). (I actually had a credit-card get put on hold a couple weeks ago and forgot about it. I called the company yesterday - Synchrony Bank of all places - and got to talking to the CSR. The lady said that her team wasn't allowed to work from home for cyber-security reasons.)

That said, even in my quiet little town, there's always the possibility of a ne'er do well coming through the area and randomly selecting MY house as the one that they decide to loot and pillage.

I always recall an incident from a couple years after we moved into this sleepy, older subdivision. I was standing outside talking to my buddy when a car that definitely didn't belong in our neighborhood made three slow, loud (no muffler) laps around our 1/2 mile subdivision in broad daylight. My neighbor two doors down happened to be out filming something with his camcorder and made a point of aiming it at the car.

The dude in the car went bananas. He stopped in the middle of the road and jumped out of his car with the door left open. He started screaming at my neighbor that he couldn't take his picture and that he was going to call the cops.

My buddy and I (neither very big, athletic, or fighters for that matter) figured we could down this skinny, scraggly looking guy if we had to so we started cautiously making our way across the gap between us to show support. I was staring at the guys hands but they were empty and he was just waving them around.

By the time we had closed the gap, our new "friend" was back in his car and speeding away giving us all the finger. We all exchanged glances (and made sure we all had the complete license plate [HASH=410]#)[/HASH] and went on with our day.

It was at that moment that I realized that it doesn't matter what kind of neighborhood you live in. Outsiders can come in and you're not sitting there 24/7 watching. So yeah, I think no matter what kind of neighborhood you live in, you should keep an argument close at hand - especially now.
In other news....

UW Madison made it official today. Remote classes for the balance of the Semester. So at some point soon, we gotta run to Madison to empty out Katie's room. A move I suggested last week when she came home but was guffawed at. (I'll point out that a lot of guffawers around here are eating crow over the last few days. Dad's not nuts. He's not a Prepper. He just thinks that a little extra water, bleach, TP, and a few canned goods aren't the worst idea in the world when you have SIX ADULT OR NEARLY ADULT PEOPLE living in your house...... but I digress. The only thing I don't like about being right is when I'm right in cases like this.)

The other kids had their first "real" day of remote schooling today. Two in HS, one in Middle School. It'll take some adjustment - and we need to ride 'em like rented mules - but I think it'll work out. Again..... Getting a welder is the only way for John to stay in practice. Might have to do it.

Sucks part is that the Ozaukee Youth Apprenticeship Program is just getting rolling and John hasn't even had a chance to interview yet. Most places are shutting down or severely limiting the interview process right now so the wheels of that are grinding to a halt.

I'm on my second full day of working remotely and I think I've just about got home workstation sorted out. We're using MS Teams and it seems to be working halfway decent - better than any other solution they've tried in the past. I might still need to go into the office and grab another big-screen monitor. One is O.K. but after a few weeks it's going to get old. Option "B" is to hook into the TV in the Family Room I suppose.

I don't have a huge house. It's a 4-bedroom, unfinished basement house built around 1973. It would take two of my bedrooms just to equal the square footage of the bathroom in most new homes today. That's not normally a problem - until you have 5 people all looking for places to set up a "desk." There's been some clever improvising on my kids' parts so I'm impressed with how they are handling it.

Still, this is gonna get old in a couple weeks.....

Carry on everyone and be hopeful. The stores are starting to get resupplied and they are rationing the "panic goods" a bit. Not real rationing, just keeping things reasonable so there's enough to go around.

This too shall pass.
The hoarding crap is what really pisses me off. "F" you, hooray for me. There's really no reason. I saw the little old lady in the bread aisle looking for a loaf first hand. Today's visit to the Stop and Shop revealed no pasta, no meat, no cold cuts, no butter, no paper and no frozen vegetables. Plenty of milk, eggs, and bread. I guess it depends on what shipments come in. What is up with the toilet paper!!!!!! No real lines or crowd, just the usual. My honest opinion is; EVERYONE HAS IT! It's all gonna come down to how it affects you, just like the seasonal flu. The numbers are going up because more people are being tested - NOT because it's "getting worse". Everyone needs to calm the f#%k down, wash your hands and don't cough on anybody. The media is stirring the shit and the sheeple are panicking. Every question at every press conference is about testing. The msm want's to be able to report the numbers so everyone knows how terrible it is.View attachment 113711

I agree 100%. A friend of mine took his elderly father to our local Walmart and the aisles were pretty bare, then they discovered someone in the parking lot that had a van loaded with toilet paper trying to sell it for $5 a roll. I would've lost my mind if I had seen that! In times like these we need to be trying to take care of the less fortunate or more vulnerable instead of taking advantage of them. I too believe it's already been here for awhile (the unknown bug that people had with negative flu tests) but now they've put a name to it and blew it up to induce panic like they do almost every election year.
The hoarding crap is what really pisses me off. "F" you, hooray for me. There's really no reason. I saw the little old lady in the bread aisle looking for a loaf first hand. Today's visit to the Stop and Shop revealed no pasta, no meat, no cold cuts, no butter, no paper and no frozen vegetables. Plenty of milk, eggs, and bread. I guess it depends on what shipments come in. What is up with the toilet paper!!!!!! No real lines or crowd, just the usual. My honest opinion is; EVERYONE HAS IT! It's all gonna come down to how it affects you, just like the seasonal flu. The numbers are going up because more people are being tested - NOT because it's "getting worse". Everyone needs to calm the f#%k down, wash your hands and don't cough on anybody. The media is stirring the shit and the sheeple are panicking. Every question at every press conference is about testing. The msm want's to be able to report the numbers so everyone knows how terrible it is.

Your 'honest opinion' is irrelevant and unnecessarily dismissive.

- "Everyone" does not "have it".
- Test numbers matter, they are rising, and it *is* getting worse
- You, possibly, only getting minor symptoms doesn't matter
- It is not the seasonal flu

If washing your hands and not 'coughing on people' was sufficient, that's what we would do. You being at the store, possibly infected as you say, and being near the little old lady is the problem. Hoarding toilet paper is admittedly asinine, but having enough food on hand feed your family for a few weeks is not.
I too believe it's already been here for awhile (the unknown bug that people had with negative flu tests) but now they've put a name to it and blew it up to induce panic like they do almost every election year.
You can believe what you want. However, “science doesn’t care what you believe”. This is a novel virus. No, it was not there infecting people with negative flu results last year.

Makes one wonder, what does spreading incorrect (read: false) information do? as far as the outcomes for our elderly and vulnerable, as compared to hoarding toilet paper.

EDIT: to clarify the medical genetics part statement: one can think of those viruses almost like a “blockchain”, wherein genetic footprint of the virus changes overtime - due to certain mutation rate. That permits unambiguous precursor/product (or lineage) determination.
The current coronavirus virus (SARS-CoV) is a cousin of the old “SARS” virus that has been around for a while.
SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome.

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Doesn’t it say boat ramps or at I reading it wrong?
You are reading that right.

Some guys at the office called the COE yesterday and verified that the ramps will remain open, but any services at those ramps will be closed (no public restrooms, picnic areas, etc). Supposedly you can still get to the water, and park the truck, but that's about it.

I'm assuming it's either free admission, or non-manned kiosks to access the ramps inside state parks (like Patoka, IN). I'll verify as soon as I can.
Day 1 of the shelter in place order:
I was surprised that my employer, a giant in the U.S. Health Care industry considers me essential such that I’ve been instructed to work from my office. Before I drove to work I made sure I had my employee ID and a print out of the email ready. Traffic was light but it was there, more like Sunday morning church and breakfast commute traffic not Tuesday morning rush hour traffic. I saw one highway patrol parked on the shoulder. More than half the people on my floor didn’t come to work yesterday, all of them got the same email I did, some may not have read it while others discarded the instruction therein.

My son is a distance runner hoping to make the state meet this year (if they conduct one) so he went for two runs yesterday. In the morning there were a lot of people running and walking on one of the trails he was on, there was also an officer telling people to disperse. Later that afternoon it seemed to my son that the same number of people were on the same section of the trail but no police presence.

My wife worked from home yesterday. She stated it was strange not seeing any of her coworkers but got to know some of them better because they are talking on the phone a lot more on conference calls, more than they usually do at work. Two calls have been built into the schedule one in the morning and one late afternoon. They sounded like bed checks too me.

A lot of the places I frequent are still open for business, like the nearby quick stop and donut shop (not for myself, I buy donuts and/or donut holes for the people on the floor that I work with every Friday). The local news reported that the marijuana dispensaries that sell “medical” marijuana are still open but are pushing their home delivery service more than their physical location. Like some restaurants, the storeis open but seating is severely limited. My friend told me it was still worth waiting in line at the non medical dispensaries before the shelter order went into effect because the taxes are built into the sticker price whereas the medical sites charge 18% to 35% depending on what is purchased (e.g. edibles v. Flower v. Vape products). So his $50 eighth (3.5 grams) would have cost $67.5 out the door of a medical dispensary.

Overall the disruption in daily life has been minimal to non-existent so far, too me anyway but I acknowledge that it’s only been one day.
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@Ronnie Thanks for the information. I'm expecting a "shelter in place" command to come to this part of the country soon enough. Having never lived through this kind of thing in the past, I'm really curious how it all plays out. Every "shelter in place" I've lived through previously has been for toxic gas clouds, or severe weather that passed relatively quickly, and was easily identifiable in how to protect from it. This is obviously quite different. While "how to protect from it" is easily addressed, the timing of the threat is very hard to identify, especially with the "portability" of the protection from the danger.

We're doing our best efforts to prepare ahead of time for extended stays at home, and limit our exposure to the outside the home threats. However that is clearly not sustainable for more than a week or two at a time, and some movement away from the home will be required to resupply. I'm just really curious how that will look from a logistics standpoint.
USA Canada Borders closed to all non essential travel, I guess the boat won't be wet slipped in New York state this summer, oh well. Be safe everyone!
I have to remember that this is a shelter in place order not a full blown quarantine situation like they have implemented in Italy and other parts of the world. At the same time, Italy’s went 10 days, SF Bay orders are scheduled to end on April 6th, 21 days in all. Being able to work at the office while my wife and son are at home is probably a good thing for me as well. I feel sorry for those that don’t have options and worse for those who won’t be paid during the shelter in place order.
So, where is everyone at personally on this thing? My wife and I as of about Monday kind of eased into a shelter in place mentality. We have food that should last about 2 weeks or so and both are working from home. My company officially made the policy of no face to face meetings with customers yesterday. So as I write this we are officially shelter in place.

Here lies the problem. My daughter (almost 20) who still lives with us is a waitress at Chuy's. She came home last night and I asked how busy was it. She said she had 1 table the whole day. She's also hanging out with friends still (at a sleep over right now) and plans to go to Galveston for Spring break next week. I am concerned she is going to drag something back home. At what point to I say to her, look, we are locked down, therefore you are locked down? I feel like I'm there right now, but this is going to go over like a fart in church when I tell her this. I really feel like it's not fair if my wife and I are staying in place and my daughter is out living it up and God knows who she is coming into contact with.

I never thought I would be forced with these kinds of F'd up decisions....
So, where is everyone at personally on this thing? My wife and I as of about Monday kind of eased into a shelter in place mentality. We have food that should last about 2 weeks or so and both are working from home. My company officially made the policy of no face to face meetings with customers yesterday. So as I write this we are officially shelter in place.

Here lies the problem. My daughter (almost 20) who still lives with us is a waitress at Chuy's. She came home last night and I asked how busy was it. She said she had 1 table the whole day. She's also hanging out with friends still (at a sleep over right now) and plans to go to Galveston for Spring break next week. I am concerned she is going to drag something back home. At what point to I say to her, look, we are locked down, therefore you are locked down? I feel like I'm there right now, but this is going to go over like a fart in church when I tell her this. I really feel like it's not fair if my wife and I are staying in place and my daughter is out living it up and God knows who she is coming into contact with.

I never thought I would be forced with these kinds of F'd up decisions....
Personally, I would enforce my authority over that one. In my mind, this is my house and my rules. Don't like it? Get your own place. 20 is plenty old enough to be an adult (I had a child at that age, no choice). Not saying this is the case at your house, but I don't know when we all became so concerned about letting our dependents have such a say in things. I'm sure many of us here would have gotten lit up for talking back to a parent that gave us a directive, while living under their roof anyways.

For my day to day, I live a socially distanced life regardless of Coronavirus or not. I work from home, in my basement office (when I'm not visiting customer sites). My FSR's are far more exposed visiting sites daily, so I mostly just support them at this point. I have eliminated all business travel for now, only if something extraordinary happens. Our customers are running full bore right now making water and drinks for all you guys stocking up, so we are considered critical contractors for them. My girlfriend works for a major university health system in the Chicago area (Go Wildcats) in an outpatient behavioral health setting. She has heard if they close her program, the employees will be expected to use their PTO if they stay home. We are seriously considering "socially distancing" ourselves to Florida with the boat. If she has to use PTO she will have none left for summer vacation. Her folks live in Navarre, so we'd stay either there or maybe with her sister in Mobile.
Our oldest came home from Michigan State Monday. Still needs to return to campus in a few days to pickup the rest of his stuff (refrigerator, couch, etc.) To entice students living on campus to leave the dorms they are offering an $1,100 credit for Fall semester if residents are gone by April 12th. So he and his brother will be heading back to East Lansing to clear everything as early as this weekend.

All restaurants and bars in Michigan are closed to "dine-in" so we will be supporting our local favorites via carry-out. I feel terrible for the wait staff, bartenders, busboys and all others that are getting financially destroyed now!

BigN8 - you are really in a quandary there. IMO it is time to sit her down and explain that she needs to dial it WAAAYYYYY back if she wants to continue living at your place. It is not reasonable to have 2/3 of the household taking the necessary precautions while the other 1/3 has a "damn the torpedoes full speed ahead" attitude. Again, just my two cents, best of luck!
Central WI update - most businesses that can do work from home, are. Bars closed yesterday at 5pm. Speakeasies opened at 5:01. People are still out shopping like nothing is wrong, for good or for worse. I'm still at work, however I've allowed my dept to work from home, which they've chosen to do. My family is now practicing social distancing and are keeping home as much as possible.

Wife is working from home with my daughter. Daughter is using her (normally restricted) tablets more now to keep some education planned. 19yo son is on point with security issues.

I'm rolling a little heavier than my normal CC piece out of precaution when we're out of the house. I've spoken to the elderly neighbors and made sure they know they can reach out to me anytime for anything.

Other than that life continues. We'll probably grill out and have a small gathering at the house this weekend just to keep social.
So, where is everyone at personally on this thing? My wife and I as of about Monday kind of eased into a shelter in place mentality. We have food that should last about 2 weeks or so and both are working from home. My company officially made the policy of no face to face meetings with customers yesterday. So as I write this we are officially shelter in place.

Here lies the problem. My daughter (almost 20) who still lives with us is a waitress at Chuy's. She came home last night and I asked how busy was it. She said she had 1 table the whole day. She's also hanging out with friends still (at a sleep over right now) and plans to go to Galveston for Spring break next week. I am concerned she is going to drag something back home. At what point to I say to her, look, we are locked down, therefore you are locked down? I feel like I'm there right now, but this is going to go over like a fart in church when I tell her this. I really feel like it's not fair if my wife and I are staying in place and my daughter is out living it up and God knows who she is coming into contact with.

I never thought I would be forced with these kinds of F'd up decisions....

I can't wrap my head around how college aged kids aren't taking this virus seriously. I see pictures from spring break and it makes my blood boil. I have a 19 year old and I put it to her bluntly. I asked her if going out to parties or hanging out with friends was more important that my life, my wife's life or her older relative's life. I got a blank stare at first, then she got a little pissed and upset, but she got the message.
That's the hard part with all this. My daughter will point to the spring breakers in FL living it up and other places and ask why am I being so paranoid with locking her down. In my opinion we as a Nation are being way to wishy washy with this whole thing. They need to just shut it down Nationally and set the tone. Instead we have one place on lockdown and the next place is doing beer bongs on the beach. City of Dallas closed all restaurants and bars, yet city and county of Denton which is the neighboring metro area is still open for business. The whole mixed message is just starting to piss me off.
We've been seeing attitudes change here over the past week. My wife had some older woman actively distance herself from her and my 2 young kids at Home Depot while making a return a couple of days ago... if you're that paranoid, I say stay home.

At my cabinet shop, it's my brother and I making sawdust on our own most the time. I went out and took framing measurements at 2 new construction homes, and wrapped up another install at a remodel. I would say my exposure is limited in most scenarios. I haven't had to change much of my routine, my wife on the other hand now had to coordinate my 5yo schoolwork. Contractors have mentioned they may not be able to get the inspections done to continue work. My fear is lumber and hardware suppliers might close down their warehouses, so we're stocking up on what's needed for the next 2 projects.

My mother is an RN on the oncology floor at Utah Valley Hospital. There've postponed all elective surgeries and are shifting regular parents to her floor so the other floors can take flu patents. They'll also keep staff in their designated floors to limit their exposure.

Partner all this with the fact there was a 5.7 magnitude earthquake this morning just south west of Salt Lake at 7am this morning that made my bed shimmy and it feels like the start of the apocalypse. People are going to be whipped up in a even greater toilet paper frenzy today...
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