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So, where is everyone at personally on this thing?

Neighbor and I were |..| that close to leaving late Monday night to retrieve his 13yo daughter from Florida. She went with another family that was resistant to cutting the time there short. He said "fine, you don't want to leave, I'll come get her". We were going to "banzai" run to Destin and back from Louisville. 3 drivers, truck doesn't stop except for fuel. Luckily a few hours later the other family called back to announce plans to head home Tuesday morning......The concern wasn't "catching something", but more along the lines of being trapped by travel bans away from home. Now is not the time to be messing about with that.

As for our family. We're usually pretty reserved anyway with going out and about. Usually stay home most weeknights, and rarely "run around" on the weekends with the whole family. Really looks like "more of the same" from that aspect for us. We're letting the boys play outside with the neighbors, but not going to find other kids to play with. No playdates, or visits to the YMCA pool that are about a once a week thing for us. Her company sent her home with a laptop on Thursday and said "Stay there until we call you back". She's in marketing for a local bank, so it's a "non-essential" postion that can easily work from home. I'm still heading into the office, and intend to do so until they tell me not to. I work in R&D as an engineer, and we have a couple "critical" jobs going for high profile customers that I need to be here for to easily answer manufacturing questions. I can work from home as well, so I'll probably "call in" a few days next week to help Shelly with the boys so she can get some work done as well. Been bringing my lunch and spending the majority of my days in my office though. Have a tape measure on the floor from my chair.....don't come past my 6ft :D Boys daycare and school are closed starting Monday, so we'll have them both at home. I'm sure that will be taxing. Spring break is over for the older one on the 31st. I suspect they'll call it off longer than that, but haven't heard official word yet.

Overall, just feels "weird" driving around. Traffic is exceptionally light on the commute. All the restaurants are closed for dine in, so there are LOTS of lines for drive-thru everywhere. Looks eerily "unpopulated" in some areas where I'm used to seeing a ton of cars.
...... it feels like the start apocalypse....

I had that feeling Thursday of last week.

Came out of a "planning meeting" at the office where we laid out our departments plans for an "unprecedented societal closure". Then drove home in the gray/rainy weather. As I crossed the Ohio River, there was an erie fog hanging over the water, and just the top spotlight of a barge could be seen poking through. I had NPR's Coronavirus coverage on the radio.......I had a flash of panic right then and there....."This is it, we're all going down, this is the end of times. At least it was a good run". Snapped out of it quickly, but man it was near panic inducing fear for about 5 minutes.
I started drinking Basil Hayden's at 2:30 yesterday! Man, I thought to myself I can't make this a habit for the unforeseen future!!
I've managed not to panic so far, but I look to the east every time I walk out the door to try to catch a glympse of any burning chariots. Lol!

Gray and rainy here too to top it all off...
So, where is everyone at personally on this thing? My wife and I as of about Monday kind of eased into a shelter in place mentality. We have food that should last about 2 weeks or so and both are working from home. My company officially made the policy of no face to face meetings with customers yesterday. So as I write this we are officially shelter in place.

Here lies the problem. My daughter (almost 20) who still lives with us is a waitress at Chuy's. She came home last night and I asked how busy was it. She said she had 1 table the whole day. She's also hanging out with friends still (at a sleep over right now) and plans to go to Galveston for Spring break next week. I am concerned she is going to drag something back home. At what point to I say to her, look, we are locked down, therefore you are locked down? I feel like I'm there right now, but this is going to go over like a fart in church when I tell her this. I really feel like it's not fair if my wife and I are staying in place and my daughter is out living it up and God knows who she is coming into contact with.

I never thought I would be forced with these kinds of F'd up decisions....

I've been working my family through the change curve for the last 2-3 weeks in preparation for the time I might have to lay down the law in the way you are contemplating. First order of business was to get my 80 year old father with bad lungs and his 75 year old wife to stop visiting grandkids and lock down in their home. Sister, brother, and I armed with lots of guided references to internet resources of what really happened in China and was / is happening in Italy, Iran, and now Spain finally convinced them.

Second problem was my wife. She is stubborn and was dug in on her "it's just the flu, this is all ridiculous!" position. As more and more severe restrictions have been coming closer and closer... well, she has mostly come around.

If at all possible, get her mom on same page with you, then lay down the law. It is time. It would be bad if she were stuck in Galveston. Strong possibility that could happen. Also, likely fed / state / local authorities will ban most or all the social activities that a Galveston spring break would offer. If you need to get graphic with her, show her videos / articles of Italian doctors and nurses discussing the triage decisions they are actually making in Italy (not some undeveloped country) RIGHT NOW (not in some theoretical "if this gets worse" case). Also, look into data of severe coronavirus cases in young people in Italy and Spain. Older people are much more at risk, but young people are not totally spared.

Was just watching one of my escapist YouTube sailing series videos a few minutes ago. Guy mentioned an old truism that is appropriate here (for both you and her mom and all of us): "Everybody wants to be captain until you have to do captain shit."

Apologies for tone, you and I have not met, but above is my two cents. This whole thing will pass, but everyone needs to do their part to minimize both how ugly and how long our shared experience with this virus will be.
It’s been interesting up here in Canada, I am lucky to be in a small town in Saskatchewan total population in the province of about 1.1 Million. I like to think I am pretty darn pragmatic and level headed, haven’t really been too frantic, just hunkering down. Though the economic damage, I expect, will be immense and I am being cautious about at risk populations, life hasn’t crumbled yet.

Working in agriculture, we are continuing to push forward with planting on the horizon, I am being encouraged to work from home office, so less time on the road but otherwise life is going on.

Having said this, I am right there with you @2kwik4u , all is well until I realize how others are panicking, went to Costco In the city on Friday partially just to see it and also partially to just do a normal shopping trip. After being surrounded by the panic of others, it was amazingly contagious! It is interesting how we all feed off of each others emotions!
So, where is everyone at personally on this thing? My wife and I as of about Monday kind of eased into a shelter in place mentality. We have food that should last about 2 weeks or so and both are working from home. My company officially made the policy of no face to face meetings with customers yesterday. So as I write this we are officially shelter in place.

Here lies the problem. My daughter (almost 20) who still lives with us is a waitress at Chuy's. She came home last night and I asked how busy was it. She said she had 1 table the whole day. She's also hanging out with friends still (at a sleep over right now) and plans to go to Galveston for Spring break next week. I am concerned she is going to drag something back home. At what point to I say to her, look, we are locked down, therefore you are locked down? I feel like I'm there right now, but this is going to go over like a fart in church when I tell her this. I really feel like it's not fair if my wife and I are staying in place and my daughter is out living it up and God knows who she is coming into contact with.

I never thought I would be forced with these kinds of F'd up decisions....

I currently have an 18yo that's been in her room and hasn't spoken to us for 2 days because we won't let her leave or have friends over. It sucks right now, but I think she'll thank us later.

I can't wrap my head around how college aged kids aren't taking this virus seriously. I see pictures from spring break and it makes my blood boil. I have a 19 year old and I put it to her bluntly. I asked her if going out to parties or hanging out with friends was more important that my life, my wife's life or her older relative's life. I got a blank stare at first, then she got a little pissed and upset, but she got the message.

^^ That's my daughter too. She has friends at the beach and thinks we're overreacting by not letting her join them. She got passed, stopped talking about it, and went to her room. At least it's quiet around here I guess..... except my 11yo is so overjoyed at being able to stay home, she's done nothing but walk around singing the same 3 songs on repeat.
Day 1 of working at home for me and this is going to suck. I can’t stay out of the damn kitchen and my gym is closed. I’m going to start running outside or working out in basement gym. My 5 year old son is here home with me. Wife is nurse manger so her job is hectic right now. If we get sick it will probably be from her bringing it home.
Florida just closed State beach areas.
So much for chilling on the beach far away from others this weekend.
A few of my daughter friends just went out to FL - as Spring breakers in FL - that is beyond... inconsiderate.

As a father, I do not understand the mentality of people who would do that right now.
Can’t divulge details, for obvious reasons, but let’s just say there is some disturbing news that will be coming out of the new testing, bad on many levels.
Basically - the $hit is about to hit the fan.

(Now, that also includes fly over country).

Can’t divulge details, for obvious reasons, but let’s just say there is some disturbing news that will be coming out of the new testing, bad on many levels.
Basically - the $hit is about to hit the fan.

(Now, that also includes fly over country).

Broski!!!! @swatski

That's the equivalent of nah nah nah poo poo.... I know something you don't and I'm not gonna tell ya!!

All kidding aside, not exactly sure what you, or anybody on the forums do professionally (for the most part), so it's not terribly obvious to me why you wouldn't be able to divulge. But, I digress.

God Speed!
i expect the local schools her in Iowa to close imminently, following governor recommendation of 4 weeks. Soccer club meets tonight, will follow.

My confidence in our resilience is slowly being eroded. If you have children like this, punch yourself in the face.

Our soccer club met Monday. Followed the state league. canceled til minimum of april 13. We left it open-ended. I'm sending my kids video challenges. :)

JUST got setup to start coaching the jr high soccer team for my alma mater... canceled-i dont see this coming back. so sad.....My boy was so excited to lead his school team for the first time.

whatever it takes to keep people safe though.
Can’t divulge details, for obvious reasons, but let’s just say there is some disturbing news that will be coming out of the new testing, bad on many levels.
Basically - the $hit is about to hit the fan.

(Now, that also includes fly over country).

Will this info become public knowledge shortly?
Best thing I have seen about these 20 something idiots not staying home was in regard to the elderly who are at risk. It said "Our generation went to war for this country, all we are asking is for your generation to sit on the couch for a few weeks"......really puts it in perspective

Man there are some brain dead kids / millenials these days. They simply fail the basic skills to connect the dots and understand that they are basically carriers while feeling young and invincible. Same idiots that lick toilet seats or eat tide pods for a challenge. I was young and dumb once too but never that dumb.

I'm glad they are closing beaches. Boohoo to those stupid ass kids.
Yesterday went something like this with my 19yo:

"<boyfriend> doesn't seem to be taking this very seriously. He's being an idiot."

"Are you still planning on going over to his house?"


1 hour later

"I want you to think real hard. Mom and I have basically locked this place down. Now you wanna go see someone who's just going out and about like they just don't care? We might as well all be out licking toilet seats. It only takes one contact and we all have it."

<ugly look>

After several more tries to get her to make the right decision, I gave up and dropped the hammer.

"Katie. You have asthma. If you get this you are going to die. Period. Dead. End of Um. You're not going to see him for a while."

My 17yo son was equally dismayed when I told him that his girlfriend in Hartford (about 45 min away) will just have to live with talking to you on Face time.

They got over it, but weren't real happy.

I told my wife: We have to lock this shit down now. No more namby-pamby "oh, but I really wanna" crap. I'm done.

I THINK we're both on the same page.

I'm not looking forward to the conversation next weekend when the 19yo wants to see her boyfriend on her birthday.
Yesterday went something like this with my 19yo:

"<boyfriend> doesn't seem to be taking this very seriously. He's being an idiot."

"Are you still planning on going over to his house?"


1 hour later

"I want you to think real hard. Mom and I have basically locked this place down. Now you wanna go see someone who's just going out and about like they just don't care? We might as well all be out licking toilet seats. It only takes one contact and we all have it."

<ugly look>

After several more tries to get her to make the right decision, I gave up and dropped the hammer.

"Katie. You have asthma. If you get this you are going to die. Period. Dead. End of Um. You're not going to see him for a while."

My 17yo son was equally dismayed when I told him that his girlfriend in Hartford (about 45 min away) will just have to live with talking to you on Face time.

They got over it, but weren't real happy.

I told my wife: We have to lock this shit down now. No more namby-pamby "oh, but I really wanna" crap. I'm done.

I THINK we're both on the same page.

I'm not looking forward to the conversation next weekend when the 19yo wants to see her boyfriend on her birthday.
I feel ya dude.....I think you did right. I guess I'm fortunate my daughter is single right now! Today was a tough day for this house between the projects I had that were put on indifinate hold, the battle with my daughter, and our 401k's massive hit. Just down right depressing. I was going to go for a walk, but now I think I'll just drink.....
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