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It's official, Utahns rank number 1 for panic buying nation wide. As a state we spent 261% more in the last week at grocery stores than we did during this same week last year. Effing stupid!

(I guess Wisconsin doesn't count for anything...)
(Everyone in a Nevada spent their money on hookers...?)
(Alaska and Hawaii don't give a sh*t)
@swatski looking for that info sooner than later? Lotsa rumors out there right now...

Update from Central WI. Our grill-out this weekend with family members has been officially postponed due to one of them being exposed to covid through a secondary possible exposure. So now they're on quarantine in Madison where community spread is now happening.

Business here has ticked up incredibly, as the goods we sell are well suited for people that have to stay home. I'm only concerned if there's a shut down order by the governor and we're forced to stop. That'll hurt a lot of our hourly employees.
It's official, Utahns rank number 1 for panic buying nation wide. As a state we spent 261% more in the last week at grocery stores than we did during this same week last year. Effing stupid!

(I guess Wisconsin doesn't count for anything...)
(Everyone in a Nevada spent their money on hookers...?)
(Alaska and Hawaii don't give a sh*t)
View attachment 113848

WI panic buying is real, for sure. We just don't answer/trust polls. :)
Any idea on when the info will be released?
Hopefully it won’t. I should have known better than to post, so - my apologies. Make no mistake about it though - we are at a breaking point, things can roll either way, yesterday in here there was just a brutal reminder of that.

Hopefully it won’t. I should have known better than to post, so - my apologies. Make no mistake about it though - we are at a breaking point, things can roll either way, yesterday in here there was just a brutal reminder of that.

Thanks for the update, and good to read that we are "not there yet." - whatever "there" is.
It's official, Utahns rank number 1 for panic buying nation wide. As a state we spent 261% more in the last week at grocery stores than we did during this same week last year. Effing stupid!

(I guess Wisconsin doesn't count for anything...)
(Everyone in a Nevada spent their money on hookers...?)
(Alaska and Hawaii don't give a sh*t)
View attachment 113848

Interesting chart. Staples like chicken, eggs, milk, and bread are impossible to find. People walk into stores, don't see these products, and leave lol. Fortunately I am happy with eating tofu, spinach, pork, egg whites, and soy milk. But it would be nice if people stopped hoarding all the chicken and bread..

My friend owns a small gym in Brooklyn. He only allows a maximum of 200 members because he likes to develop good relations with his clients and train them. He had to shut down because of city laws. Like other business owners here, he is adapting to the situation. He is sanitizing equipment and delivering it to his client's homes so they can continue to train.

For myself, I was able to borrow an adjustable weight bench and adjustable dumbbells. I have enough weights to have 110 lb dumbbells so I can still bench. So working from home, exercising at home, and going on solo bike rides will be more then enough to keep me occupied in the coming weeks. Sometimes it's nice to be single guy living alone

is it really that unbelievable?

I run into kids (and the parents who don't care or overcare) like this all the time..., This is the new "Winning" our society has created for them. As long as they're successful, everything is fine. IMO, College has become just a financial status symbol, unfortunately, by people like this.

There are some Entitled brats out there. ...
Somebody was... us.

My college kid has been at home since last Thursday, and acts like she hates me for not letting her leave. :cool:
There’s no way this is the consensus attitude of people this age. None of the kids being interviewed exactly seemed like the “cream of the crop”...

Right. These are the same people, as adults, that will fight over toilet paper during a crisis.
Lol, I'll just leave it here, but... if I did say something it would be along the lines of how easy our health care system could be overwhelmed... (I don't know much about baseball but think of it as playing with a pitching lineup that is very, very short). Or something like that.

Hope we will hear from @tabbibus soon, he is on the front lines so it would add great perspective if he can share.
Myself, am more of a lab-rat, lol.

They already said

They said they are not enforcing the HIPAA regulations with this. So that healthcare back to the wild Wild West.
THe HHS announcement only address the disclosure aspects of the matter. The advanced directive is basically a living will not impacted by the HHS announcement.
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