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That facebook story scares the crap out of me. I'm unsure how it doesn't scare the holy dog crap out of everyone else in the country (or on the planet for that matter). Despite being in relatively good health overall, sneaking up on 40 means I'm a little more at risk than I used to be.

I mentioned earlier in this thread that my wife’s law firm she works for had one of their lawyers get infected in New Orleans and they have gained a bit of national exposure now because he was the first person who was healthy and in his mid 40’s with no underlying conditions and is still on the breathing machine. He made some progress earlier in the week but has had some setbacks so he’s back on the breathing machine. Hopeful he can make it out of this but yes it is scary it is not just the elderly that can be affected. These stupid kids at the beach who think they’re invincible might feel like idiots now but that would assume they even have a brain between their ears. Bunch of tide pod toilet lickers. All those idiots are probably carriers and will cause a spike in infections when they return. Really wished they would round them up for negligence and keep them away from general public for 2-3 weeks.

That facebook story scares the crap out of me. I'm unsure how it doesn't scare the holy dog crap out of everyone else in the country (or on the planet for that matter). Despite being in relatively good health overall, sneaking up on 40 means I'm a little more at risk than I used to be.

It’s concerning, but it’s one case. There’s so many factors that can change person to person. Not disputing the authenticity of the post, but it is Facebook. I’m 36, so creeping up on 40 myself but consider myself healthy for my age. I do a lot of cardio which taxes the lungs so I’m hopeful that along with eating well and being in good shape will give me an advantage as I get older. Maybe it won’t, who knows.
On a positive note I’ve lost 9 freakin lbs since Thursday!!! No gym, no excercise. Just stress and cutting out snacks at night trying to ration lol. At this rate I’ll be down to 185 lbs or less by the time the boat hits the water lol.
I mentioned earlier in this thread that my wife’s law firm she works for had one of their lawyers get infected in New Orleans and they have gained a bit of national exposure now because he was the first person who was healthy and in his mid 40’s with no underlying conditions and is still on the breathing machine. He made some progress earlier in the week but has had some setbacks so he’s back on the breathing machine. Hopeful he can make it out of this but yes it is scary it is not just the elderly that can be affected. These stupid kids at the beach who think they’re invincible might feel like idiots now but that would assume they even have a brain between their ears. Bunch of tide pod toilet lickers. All those idiots are probably carriers and will cause a spike in infections when they return. Really wished they would round them up for negligence and keep them away from general public for 2-3 weeks.

Maybe it will wipe some of them out. Ok really though yeah rounding them up and quarantining them would be hilarious. Dumb pricks.
Lol they trying to thin one of the greatest generations to ever exist. Those millennials don’t bring jack shit to the table especially with their liberal arts degree or cooking or whatever it is they go to college for these days. I don’t wish death on anyone but that generation of kids is beyond stupid from all the things they’ve posted over the years on social media and all their stupid “challenges”. What scares me more than any virus is when I’m in my 60’s and 70’s that generation will be in office!!! If people think AOC is dumb wait until a bunch of those spring breakers somehow get voted in lol. Lord help us haha
This display of idiocy by the spring breakers is PRECISELY why I refuse to pay for college for my children. I wouldn’t care if I was a millionaire, that time away “educating yourself” is about as meaningful as the work you put in to it. Want to go to school? Work hard. Get scholarships. Go to JC, and work. The college education will be worth that much more to them. Want some advice from me? Ask away. Want help planning your education? No problem. Want rides to school/work/whatever? By all means. Live here rent free. Eat here for free. But ultimately that degree isn’t for me, it’s for you. I don’t begrudge anyone that does send their kid to college. I applaud it, I just can’t justify sending my kid somewhere for tens of thousands of dollars per year just for them to do some shit like what we are witnessing. That’s how you get an entire generation of people who think socialism is the next great idea.
Yup I went to JC, TC and busted my ass. It got my foot in the Manufacturing Engineering door in 2004 and I've been busting ass ever since. We've hired a few millenials over the years and let me tell you, their work ethic is absolute shit. One of them recently left our company to go to another company for more $$. Understandable move ....I get it. Here's the thing though. This guy expected to make decent money right from the get-go because he had his degree and a few years of Air Force experience as a mechanic. Want to know what he did all day in the office? Watched Netflix. Not even kidding. Any time I asked him to do something it was always less than half-assed. In my industry you can't really afford to be half-assed because we make life saving and property saving devices (fire extinguishers and systems). So he left because he always said he had nothing to do but there is ALWAYS something to do in Product Engineering. Not a day goes by that I don't have a mound of crap to work through. Not all of it is glamour and cool fire tests. A lot of Product Engineering is boring AF unless you're into engineering and have a mechanical aptitude. He simply had no drive, like may people I know in his age. Just entitled brats. If you go into my field just expecting to get paid because "muh diploma says I did this" then they get a real hard dose of reality when they come to work lol. I was recently promoted to a Product Engineering Manager and do not have a Master's yet I run circles around these kids we hire simply because I value learning and have a excellent work ethic despite 16 years of real world experience. They come straight out of college as green as any pasture you've ever seen yet their entitled minds cry when they don't make that six figure pay their liberal professor lied to them about. They will spout off all the key engineering terms but when it comes time to actually applying their skills it just falls apart on them because they can't connect the.dots on a project or even design implementation. It's like someone gave them a 4-5 year diploma based on flash cards. Zero skill, drive or work ethic. I could go in and in but I think most people understand today's 20-somethings are a bunch of rock kickers. Yea a lot of the blame can be put in their parents coddling them and giving them a silver platter from day 1 but thankfully not all of our parents raised us that way. I'm glad I had to bust my ass my entire life as it feels good and an accomplishment each step of the way. These kids don't know the real world and only live in fantasy land. I don't ever recall being that way when I was young. Sure we partied but we at least had some reservations, respect for elders and society.
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This display of idiocy by the spring breakers is PRECISELY why I refuse to pay for college for my children. I wouldn’t care if I was a millionaire, that time away “educating yourself” is about as meaningful as the work you put in to it. Want to go to school? Work hard. Get scholarships. Go to JC, and work. The college education will be worth that much more to them. Want some advice from me? Ask away. Want help planning your education? No problem. Want rides to school/work/whatever? By all means. Live here rent free. Eat here for free. But ultimately that degree isn’t for me, it’s for you. I don’t begrudge anyone that does send their kid to college. I applaud it, I just can’t justify sending my kid somewhere for tens of thousands of dollars per year just for them to do some shit like what we are witnessing. That’s how you get an entire generation of people who think socialism is the next great idea.

I agree. Either they get a scholarship or a job to pay for it. My daughter got full scholarships to 2 different schools. She chose to stay local and live at home. She doesn't like the "it's my house, my rules", but she tolerates it because I pay for food, clothes and fuel. As long as she's in school and maintains the required GPA to keep the scholarship, she's welcome to live at home. When she decides she's ready to move on, I'll help when and where I can, but I won't tolerate shenanigans and stupidity. If she turns into the typical millennial, she knows that daddy's out and she's cut off.
I'm a millennial. I want to point out that spring breakers are likely to be generation Z (born after 1996). Us millennials are blamed for everything, but I can proudly say that we can't be blamed for spring break. We're home, quarantined, and scared because we're not on our parent's insurance anymore. (we're mostly older then 26 :winkingthumbsup")
Yup I went to JC, TC and busted my ass. It got my foot in the Manufacturing Engineering door in 2004 and I've been busting ass ever since. We've hired a few millenials over the years and let me tell you, their work ethic is absolute shit. One of them recently left our company to go to another company for more $$. Understandable move ....I get it. Here's the thing though. This guy expected to make decent money right from the get-go because he had his degree and a few years of Air Force experience as a mechanic. Want to know what he did all day in the office? Watched Netflix. Not even kidding. Any time I asked him to do something it was always less than half-assed. In my industry you can't really afford to be half-assed because we make life saving and property saving devices (fire extinguishers and systems). So he left because he always said he had nothing to do but there is ALWAYS something to do in Product Engineering. Not a day goes by that I don't have a mound of crap to work through. Not all of it is glamour and cool fire tests. A lot of Product Engineering is boring AF unless you're into engineering and have a mechanical aptitude. He simply had no drive, like may people I know in his age. Just entitled brats. If you go into my field just expecting to get paid because "muh diploma says I did this" then they get a real hard dose of reality when they come to work lol. I was recently promoted to a Product Engineering Manager and do not have a Master's yet I run circles around these kids we hire simply because I value learning and have a excellent work ethic despite 16 years of real world experience. They come straight out of college as green as any pasture you've ever seen yet their entitled minds cry when they don't make that six figure pay their liberal professor lied to them about. They will spout off all the key engineering terms but when it comes time to actually applying their skills it just falls apart on them because they can't connect the.dots on a project or even design implementation. It's like someone gave them a 4-5 year diploma based on flash cards. Zero skill, drive or work ethic. I could go in and in but I think most people understand today's 20-somethings are a bunch of rock kickers. Yea a lot of the blame can be put in their parents coddling them and giving them a silver platter from day 1 but thankfully not all of our parents raised us that way. I'm glad I had to bust my ass my entire life as it feels good and an accomplishment each step of the way. These kids don't know the real world and only live in fantasy land. I don't ever recall being that way when I was young. Sure we partied but we at least had some reservations, respect for elders and society.

I had to do a double check to see if I typed this.
Well our governor here in PA just shut down the whole state unless you are a life sustaining business. I looked at the list and was glad to see beer distributors are considered life sustaining.

Scary part is he didn't give a time frame.
I'm a millennial. I want to point out that spring breakers are likely to be generation Z (born after 1996). Us millennials are blamed for everything, but I can proudly say that we can't be blamed for spring break. We're home, quarantined, and scared because we're not on our parent's insurance anymore. (we're mostly older then 26 :winkingthumbsup")

I'm glad you're not one of them and let me be clear not all 20-somethings these days are stupid tide pod toilet lickers. That gives us older ones hope for our future when y'all are running the show.

That being said per the US Census Buereu they classify millenials as anyone born between 82 thru 2000. The Pew Research Center has a more narrow range so it's all up to which study or camp you favor. At the end of the day if you're not a tide pod eater or toilet bowl licker or challenge freak and do your part in society then you're a-ok in my book :winkingthumbsup"
I haven't had a drink since Jan 31st at the Tool concert in Memphis. I think I might make one tonight so you don't feel alone :D
Crap! I’m averaging 2 old fashioned cocktails an evening right now! [HASH=3515]#caronaholic[/HASH] [HASH=3516]#worried[/HASH]

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May as well keep this going... I'm with y'all on the working from home and having the frigde a few feet away... A challenge I have never had to overcome yet!

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 7.19.51 PM.png
Okay, somebody has to go next level with this pic!!
We have to keep things in perspective. There are going to be unusual cases....sad cases.....but we have to keep positive. The risks of being infected are small, and the chance of full recovery is great! DONT live on the F****** internet or the radio all day. Go about normal things...think about normal things. Yes, be cautious....wash your hands, stay away from close contact with strangers. I am almost 71....so I am in the higher risk group. But I am healthy, eat healthy, work out a little most everyday, and keep my ass off the sofa as much as possible. With God's will, and sensible behavior, I/we will get thru this. I just hope the country's economy can recover. That scares me more than the virus!
Things sound bad here in NYC. In the mountain biking group, a nurse says that they are at 100% capacity and are delaying elective procedures. We are being warned not to hurt ourselves in mountain biking because there isn't enough staff to treat people. Sounds like I should be avoiding the diamond trails :(

From the facebook group:

"As the pandemic is unfolding if anyone has questions that I can try to answer please let me know (feel free to PM). I’m an ICU RN and my unit is actively caring for these patients. While I won’t discuss where I work or patient specifics I will confirm that no visitors are allowed to these units and MANY hospitals have canceled elective surgeries. While I recognize the importance of human connection and maintaining your activities, I simply urge you to take as much caution as you can to stay safe, the hospital systems simply cannot handle it. Not only has my unit ceased all surgeries we were performing and moved our existing patients, but we simply don’t have enough equipment to protect ourselves from those infected. I urge you, almost beg, to heed the warnings and recommendations to distance and wash up. Thank you and stay healthy ❤️ I miss riding, seeing all of you and mostly the normalcy that so quickly vanished."
May as well keep this going... I'm with y'all on the working from home and having the frigde a few feet away... A challenge I have never had to overcome yet!

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This is like the movie “Inception” for cocktails...and here I am without one.
Self-Inflicted injury has me worried as well. I'm trying to decide what to do with my weekend.

Normally I'd do something in my work shop but risk of injury has me shying away from that. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it but a bad laceration that needs medical attention not only has potential to expose me to the virus, it will add one more head to an emergency room. I don't think that's a problem here yet, but every mask or gown that they don't have to consume while working on the dummy with the bowl-gouge stuck through his hand is one more mask and gown they can use to fight this thing.

Medical supplies are the ammunition and body armor of the medical professionals that we are asking to fight this war. I don't want to make them burn through what is already in short supply because I was "bored."
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