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Do you know what would it imply, in practical terms, for local and out of state travelers? Can you still access highways? cross the state?

I don’t know what shelter in place means for your state or region but here is the exertion list for the SF Bay Area and now the entire state of California. There are so many it took three screen shots to capture them all.

For the first two days, I drove between counties with no issue, I didn’t feel like I would be restricted from driving into counties outside the initial Order’s coverage zone or out of the state completely.

As far as I know there are no restrictions anyone that wants to enter or leave the state. I assume that people who already do it on a daily basis are still doing it with no problem at all. For instance those that live in Truckee, CA but work in Reno, NV (30ish miles away).
Watch out what you are reading and hearing on FB and random texts of "I heard this from a guy, who has a friend, who's girlfriend.......etc...etc". My daughter sent a similar text to me last night and I was suspect and held back posting it here. Here's a typical article about it below.

From what I've been told we won't be allowed to leave the house unless it to get food, medicine or the need for medical care. Sorry, I don't know all of the details since I'm getting this second hand and it seems like they are still making plans. I find it odd that just last night the governor announced that all non-life sustaining businesses were to close last night and now he's going to order a shelter in place.

If you get stuck travelling across PA you can stay at our house, since I'll be at our townhome in the mountains away from the madness. :)
I'm in a precarious position right now, trying to close on a house in NJ (need to be there on Monday, lol), while the contents of my former home we are now selling in MO are traveling inside an 18-wheeler somewhere, and I am still on service this week... For various reasons the NJ transaction requires one of us to be there, unfortunately, as not everything can be done by wire - and I really do not want it to fall through.... What a disaster... lol. This is all becoming stranger than fiction, doesn't it? what a difference a week makes.

I'm in a precarious position right now, trying to close on a house in NJ (need to be there on Monday, lol), while the contents of my former home we are now selling in MO are traveling inside an 18-wheeler somewhere, and I am still on service this week... For various reasons the NJ transaction requires one of us to be there, unfortunately, as not everything can be done by wire - and I really do not want it to fall through.... What a disaster... lol. This is all becoming stranger than fiction, doesn't it? what a difference a week makes.

Damn, that sucks. Hang in there and I hope it all works out for you.
@swatski , good luck with completing your move between states. My current employer is in health care. We were told that our essential workers are still expected to work their shifts and that they should carry their employee IDs to prove employment as an essential employee at an essential business if stopped by authorities. This message was just sent out by text and voice message last night, right after the Governor declared the shelter in place order would apply to the entire state starting today.

This reflects another big hole in the Shelter in place order in my opinion. My employer has over 200k employees, from janitors and security guards to surgeons. We all have employee IDs, most of which don’t designate what we do for the company so any of us can claim we fall under an “essential” exception.
Seems they are truly looking into the hydro Chloroquine or whatever it’s called along with another medicine. Dr. Oz said this came out from a French medical paper and there FDA is actively investigating it. He also mentioned Z-pak to be used in combination with the Chloroquine and they are seeing drastic improvements in patients with CV-19 who have tried the combo. Said it brings it back down to more of a standard flu like control. I guess it’s a waiting game every day but I’ll take little slivers of hope anytime.
Wow @swatski i had no idea you were moving in all of this!!! Man please be careful and I know it must be stressful for you. Hang in there bud and please be safe!!
I'm in a precarious position right now, trying to close on a house in NJ (need to be there on Monday, lol), while the contents of my former home we are now selling in MO are traveling inside an 18-wheeler somewhere, and I am still on service this week... For various reasons the NJ transaction requires one of us to be there, unfortunately, as not everything can be done by wire - and I really do not want it to fall through.... What a disaster... lol. This is all becoming stranger than fiction, doesn't it? what a difference a week makes.


Good luck man. We'll be praying for you.
No they should use common sense. I don’t look to any government for common sense advice. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see this virus is to be taken very seriously. As in value your life and the lives of those in your family. Sorry but no amount of business needs to be open to public sitting and gathering. If you want to keep your business alive come up with creative ways such as carry-out or other means to limit interaction with people. Think smart, don’t rely on anyone thinking for you.
I'm not talking about "common sense" advice for the average Joe. The government is the only body that is going to dictate and enforce rules that will result in good isolation. The fact that a number of states are still allowing Restaurants to remain open is insane! My brother is HOPING they close in Florida because it has financial implications for him - he has insurance that would cover the losses if he's forced to close....but if he voluntarily closes...no.

So YES...the f'ing government SHOULD be doing their f'ing jobs and taking this seriously! The US government response is pathetic - federal, state and local! If their approach to containing this is "everyone use common sense, don't look to us to make rules".....we are all fucked! RANT OFF.
Saw this this morning

I'm in a precarious position right now, trying to close on a house in NJ (need to be there on Monday, lol), while the contents of my former home we are now selling in MO are traveling inside an 18-wheeler somewhere, and I am still on service this week... For various reasons the NJ transaction requires one of us to be there, unfortunately, as not everything can be done by wire - and I really do not want it to fall through.... What a disaster... lol. This is all becoming stranger than fiction, doesn't it? what a difference a week makes.


I would ask for an exception. It's as much in their interest as yours to do it by wire.
Seems they are truly looking into the hydro Chloroquine or whatever it’s called along with another medicine. Dr. Oz said this came out from a French medical paper and there FDA is actively investigating it. He also mentioned Z-pak to be used in combination with the Chloroquine and they are seeing drastic improvements in patients with CV-19 who have tried the combo. Said it brings it back down to more of a standard flu like control. I guess it’s a waiting game every day but I’ll take little slivers of hope anytime.

So Dr. Oz finally thinks this is real? Him and the MTV sex doctor stop spreading the "ItS jUsT tHe FLu" lies? [HASH=3521]#%$![/HASH]#@$%@!%#$
I don’t know who he is I’ve just seen his name mentioned on here and elsewhere a lot. I don’t typically watch much tv and certainly no MTV lol.
I'm not talking about "common sense" advice for the average Joe. The government is the only body that is going to dictate and enforce rules that will result in good isolation. The fact that a number of states are still allowing Restaurants to remain open is insane! My brother is HOPING they close in Florida because it has financial implications for him - he has insurance that would cover the losses if he's forced to close....but if he voluntarily closes...no.

So YES...the f'ing government SHOULD be doing their f'ing jobs and taking this seriously! The US government response is pathetic - federal, state and local! If their approach to containing this is "everyone use common sense, don't look to us to make rules".....we are all fucked! RANT OFF.

I was all for completely closing the borders and entry into the US way back in Jan. Of course had the government made that all the libs would be screaming “That’s Racist reeeeeee” much as they do with everything these days. Remember they all were screaming when Trump shut down flights coming from China in January? I think it’s a delicate balance of trying to keep a country calm vs martial law being implemented from the get-go. I don’t think there is an easy route to this no matter how it gets decided. All we can do is stay home, self quarantine and isolate. Those that stay out risk themselves and everyone else they come in contact with but if everyone turns their back on them for being selfish pricks they are then they will be the victims instead of infecting everyone else that is sheltering in place.

We will likely are a big spike in infections in the coming weeks. I’m just going to bunker down and stay home at all costs. Was going to try and get the boat out next month but not even sure I want to risk that at this point. I’m ok with that. Lakes will always be there and I’d rather we all contain this thing now then drag it on for months or worse years.
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We will likely are a big spike in infections in the coming weeks. I’m just going to bunker down and stay home at all costs. Was going to try and get the boat out next month but not even sure I want to risk that at this point. I’m ok with that. Lakes will always be there and I’d rather we all contain this thing now then drag it on for months or worse years.
Unfortunately my boating season dosen't start until late May anyway. I'm hoping things will be relatively back to normal by then. ?
Whelp, liquor store run complete. After $350 I'd say the wife and I are good for at least several weeks. Real tough one was finding the dog food my dogs like to eat. Walmart was just about completely sold out of all food. Went to Kroger and they had their food. I don't like to change the food on them because it seems to have a negative effect on their digestive system.
I hate the fact that as I am walking through Walmart and Kroger, and I'm keeping my distance, I visually see everyone I pass as a big walking Virus. Like a human COVID-19 petri dish. I even know I am doing it, and I hate the fact that is how my brain is processing this. Just makes me sad we've come to this.
Whelp, liquor store run complete. After $350 I'd say the wife and I are good for at least several weeks. Real tough one was finding the dog food my dogs like to eat. Walmart was just about completely sold out of all food. Went to Kroger and they had their food. I don't like to change the food on them because it seems to have a negative effect on their digestive system.
We order dog food thru Chewy. They deliver on a schedule. Easy peasy...
IL now expected to issue Shelter In Place.
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