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Chewy.com household here too. Toys are way cheaper that the stores.
I just with Alabama would allow home delivery of liquor.
I just with Alabama would allow home delivery of liquor.
I ordered 15 bottles of red blend wines delivered straight to the door (Groupon Deal). Wines pretty good; if you like wine.
KY got that approval yesterday. They can take a lot of things from us, but our bourbon isn't one of them :D
I like your Bourbon: Kentucky Bourbon Ale. Good stuff... :cool:
I like your Bourbon: Kentucky Bourbon Ale. Good stuff... :cool:
Just be careful. That stuff is like 12% if I remember right. 4 of those and I'm a gonner for the evening :D :D
IL now expected to issue Shelter In Place.

I heard that, and expected this for Iowa. Watching her press conference now. Nope. but you can have booze delivered! lol I giggle but thats good. really. Keep people who are distancing happy.

Different areas require different solutions. IE: I can walk for miles and barely see a person. Chicago area. not so much. The metro areas of this country-it is MUCH more difficult.

Many people are not doing this. and that's the issue, so it may come to a mandate.
Just be careful. That stuff is like 12% if I remember right. 4 of those and I'm a gonner for the evening :D :D
10%, Saint Bernardus #12 is 12%. That's my favorite. I like triples and quads. But you're right, they will kick your butt (in a hurry)
Good video to explain what we are doing:

I’m doing my part and staying home unless necessary to go out. I went and picked up boat from my parents house today and took it to marina but wasn’t near anyone else. I get imposed shelter in place orders and stuff but how long can this go on? The world keeps spinning. At some point isn’t this thing going i have to run it’s course? Or do we risk completely closing down the economy and sending us in to the next Great Depression which may be worse than the virus? I’m just trying to figure all this out!
We order dog food thru Chewy. They deliver on a schedule. Easy peasy...

You know, of all the places we order from we really have enjoyed Chewy. When our last dog passed away and we received one of his big bags of food they were so apologetic in accepting the return. They have always been super nice and even send out friendly cards once in a while. I wished all businesses cared for their customers the way Chewy seems to. We need to get back to using them with our newest pup. My wife ran to petsmart today to grab a bag and some canned dog food and she said plenty of food still in there and minimal customers.
Anyone else noticed a MASSIVE influx of spam mail related to this thing? I mean geez so much Bs is making it through our work IT spam filter. We have a lot of older non-tech savvy older people at my work that click on all sorts of bogus emails lol, I bet my works IT group is just wanting to beat the hell out of people or take their computers lol. My parents are also guilty of just clicking on random crap that comes their way and I've had to educate my mom that the web is no place to just randomly click on crap. I guess the hackers and malware assholes are in fully force trying to pray on people during this time. Special place in hell for those people.
IL has made it official. Shelter in place until April 7th. I really wish I didn’t live here. That is all.
So restaurant owners should:

1) Follow the guidance of their government officials
2) Follow the guidance of random Facebook/Forum members

Don't blame the restaurant owners for following the government's rules!!! Are we supposed to assume our government is full of idiots that don't know what they are doing, and Facebook is what we should all listen to?????

I understand your point. But it is not facebook. Social distancing has been requested by scientist and physicians on a national level. Some restaurants are being responsible and only doing take out and delivery. In fact, today, my town made an order to close all dine in restaurants. Do we really need a government order to do the right thing?
I understand your point. But it is not facebook. Social distancing has been requested by scientist and physicians on a national level. Some restaurants are being responsible and only doing take out and delivery. In fact, today, my town made an order to close all dine in restaurants. Do we really need a government order to do the right thing?

Yes...that is the purpose of our government. To act in the best interest of the people, to research and plan what to do in crisis situations (so panics are avoided), to make laws, and to tell everyone what to do in crisis situations like this.

If the government says....."its ok for restaurants to remain open", why would I as a restaurateur go looking for evidence to the contrary? I'll always be able to find it. So what you are saying is individual intuition and research is better than government guidance???? I think that is a really bad idea! I am CERTAIN I could find a TON of sites online today saying this is a hoax....lick anyone you want!
I’m doing my part and staying home unless necessary to go out. I went and picked up boat from my parents house today and took it to marina but wasn’t near anyone else. I get imposed shelter in place orders and stuff but how long can this go on? The world keeps spinning. At some point isn’t this thing going i have to run it’s course? Or do we risk completely closing down the economy and sending us in to the next Great Depression which may be worse than the virus? I’m just trying to figure all this out!
It's not the virus that runs its course. It's us that runs the viruses course. We can starve it or feed it. It's our course to take. The virus can't think but we can.
Speaking of thinking.... I got to thinking: If WI does a shelter-in-place, what kind of bad stuff can happen that can hose me?

Spring. That means trees can fall through roofs. I've got a little plywood on-hand and could make temporary repairs to protect my home's insides if the damage isn't too great - without ever leaving the confines of my property. Check.

Plumbing, pipes, etc. I've got a reasonable supply of fittings, flux, solder, propane, and even a little MAPP gas. Long ago I installed local shutoff valves near all of my fixtures. Check.

Spring. Spring.. Oh! Rain! Sometimes lots of it. Sometimes for days on end. Ever try finding a sump-pump after two solid weeks of rain? Like Toilet Paper during a Corona Virus outbreak. If ya can find one, you're gonna have to fight someone for it.

So, for only the second time in 7 days, I left my home. This time it was for a Fleet Farm run. I bought a sump pump to keep on the shelf as a spare and the necessary fittings to hook it into my discharge line. So at least my house won't float away.

While I was at it, I grabbed 3 more bags of water softener salt to get me through.

Curiosity drove me to the firearms section. (I found it funny that the three guys at the counter, the one I saw in the aisle and I were ALL wearing flannel.) They are a bit picked over, but there are still firearms to be had. (Not sure if the background check system is up and running or not so maybe ya just can't buy em.)

The pistol ammo shelf was pretty barren - but not completely empty. Except for the cheap-a$$ .22LR that's been on a special counter "on sale" for about a year now. They were carrying it at the tail end of the .22 ammo shortage and apparently haven't been able to get rid of it since. I haven't tried it, but it's gotta be garbage 'cause they STILL can't sell it.

I spun next door to the Wal-Mart and with the exception of TP and a lot of the sanitizing cleaning products, they had anything I could have wanted. I went with store-brand cream cheese for the daughter's bagels and a bag of shredded cheddar for my omelettes - just in case.

I have to admit people seem to be going about business as usual. Fleet Farm DID have a person at the door handing out shopping carts. She was wearing gloves and sanitizing them with some mystery substance. I was expecting to find things moving a little slower out there.

I had a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my coat pocket and made sure to use it as I approached my car and then again after I put my items in my car. I didn't touch my steering wheel before sanitizing and giving it a moment to do it's job.

I'm leaving my purchases (except the cheeses) in the garage for a few days in case there's anything living on the surfaces. The most likely candidate would be the bags of softener salt since I suspect sump pumps sit on shelves for many months without being touched.

Final stop was for fuel. That involved a lot of sanitizer.

Tomorrow I've got to run out to Madison with Katie to grab the last of her stuff from her dorm and she'll turn in her key. Remote learning from here on out.

After that I should be able to hide in my house until this is over.
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