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It is serious, it isnt the end of the world, the media hypes it more than they should, we can all do our part, I fear the harm to the economy more than the virus. BUT.....if the shit hits the fan, below are my weapon(s) of choice :p
The machine looks like it's seen some shit. Do they all look that "beat up"?
Damn I’m so close to going to get my boat and drop it on the water. That’s not irresponsible right? If my son and I don’t tie up with other boats??
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Hell, I'd be out there if it was sunny and 72°... it absolutely counts as social distancing.
I think one way to give adult children a reality check where the importance of social distancing to slow the spread of the Corona Virus is concerned is to sit them down and have them complete an advanced directive/living will and/or the appropriate power of attorney documents. I remember even the boldest enlisted Navy men and women being shocked into reality and sometimes tears when these forms were passed out while they waited in line at the armory soon after being told they were being deployed. Nothing like filling out your will in your late teens / early 20s to remind you that you are not invincible. The advance directive basically asks what they want their doctor to do if they can’t make care decisions for themselves (I.e., make them comfortable and let them die or use heroic measures).
While it’s always best to have an Advance Care Directive in place, it is blatantly false to say that a doctor won’t consult an adult’s parents as a surrogate decision maker for an incapacitated patient. Medical Decision making falls to the closest kin when nothing is officially documented. If your 18yo son were sedated on a ventilator and I as the treating doc needed a decision (ANY decision) made about his care, rest assured that I’d be calling you if I knew of your existence.

Obviously if your 18yo were on a trip across the county, had no ID on him, no one knew who he was or there were no identifiable family, then we as a treating team could stabilize him and then long term issues would fall to a court appointed guardian if no family could be identified.

Something for members with adult children/college children (18 or older) whether living at home or not to consider are advanced health care directives. Without one signed by your child you as a parent will not be able to make medical decisions for them in the event they get sick and become incapacitated such that they cannot make the decision for themselves. Without such a directive their MD is not obligated to share their medical status with you. As I recall the MD and other practitioners are prohibited from sharing such information with you or anyone unless the proper paper work is in place. If you are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best don’t forget about the paper work.

The same is true of college grades, that is, my son has to sign a form allowing the college to share his grades with me. That said, that form is the first one he will be completing when the time comes.
Somebody was... us.

Speak for yourself lol. I raise my daughter in good ole Gen X mixed in with Baby Boomer principles. She wanted an iwatch for the longest time and several years. I made her make good grades, do chores etc to make an allowance. She bought her iwatch with her own money. Nothing is handed out in my household. She understands that respect is earned and not something you're born with.
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Read this on FB from someone who said they came down with the virus....

COVID19 is not like the flu...at all... How do I know? Because I’ve lived through it to tell the tale!

Memoirs of a 31 y.o. male with no underlying health conditions.

March 3, 2020-Bronchitis like illness started, dry cough, no fever

March 5, 2020-Low grade fever starts, still thinking bronchitis

March 6, 2020-Fever climbs from 99.8 to 102.6 in one hour, thought it was flu and was now outside the Tamiflu window, stayed home for symptom management.

March 9, 2020-Fever of >102 continues, this isn’t flu, go to urgent care, diagnosed with pneumonia, started on Levaquin.

March 11, 2020-3 doses of Levaquin in, no improvement in symptoms, go to ER. Admitted, swabbed for COVID19, IV antibiotics got pneumonia on chest CT.

March 12, 2020-Get to a room and placed on supplemental oxygen via nasal cannula, 1 liter per minute (lpm). I’m only able to achieve 500 on my incentive spirometer, for perspective-my healthy lungs could hit 4000.

March 13, 2020-O2 saturation begins to decline, oxygen increased to 2 lpm, then 3 lpm, then 5 lpm. Oxygen saturation 88% on 5 lpm. The decision is made to use high flow (vapotherm) and move to ICU. Placed on 40 lpm and 60% oxygen. I’m terrified at this point because vapotherm is all that is standing between me and the ventilator. This is the moment I would have died at home had I not come to the hospital when I did. I would have respiratory arrested in my bed.

March 14, 2020-I have a bad coughing spell, my oxygen saturation drops to the 80’s. I’m still on 40 lpm and 60%. I’m trying to gasp for air, but because of the condition of my lungs, can only take small breaths without coughing more. I feel as though I’m about to die, my heart is racing, oxygen still low, and I’m sweating profusely. Im in respiratory distress! I pressed my call light trying to get the attention of anyone who can help. My nurse was in another room tending to another sick patient. Fortunately he sees me and comes to my room. I am now on 40 lpm and 100% oxygen, next step is the ventilator. I’m terrified. My breathing slows as my oxygen saturation slowly returns to the 90’s. I’m weaned back down to 60%. The same thing happens again in the night, and again I thought I was about to leave this world. Again I’m on 100%, this time for several hours. I’m slowly weaned again to 60%.

March 15, 2020-My morning arterial blood gas (which hurts like a ?) is normal. I get weaned to 50%.

March 16, 2020-My oxygen saturation is 97%, I’m weaned further to 30 lpm and 40%.

March 17, 2020-I’ve been in ICU 4 days, forced to use a bedpan because my oxygen saturation drops if I turn or even move too much. I am unable to clean myself; I’m feeling completely helpless and so embarrassed, but my nurses were great and very understanding. I now truly understand my patients’ feelings from all these years of nursing. I’m weaned to 25 lpm and 30%. I’m going to the medical floor.

March 18, 2020-I’m weaned to 28%. I can achieve 1500 on my incentive spirometer finally. I’m hopeful to be weaned to a regular nasal cannula. The provider comes in. I’ve been waiting for my swab results. I tested positive for COVID19...6.5 days of waiting for the outside lab to process the lab. I’m relieved because I finally have a diagnosis, a reason I’ve been so sick. I’m weaned to 4 lpm on a regular nasal cannula, 4 hours later I’m weaned to 2 lpm. 4 hours later I’m weaned to room air. My oxygen saturation stats 93% and above all night.

March 19, 2020-As I write this, I’m waiting to attempt a 6 minute walk test to see if my oxygen stays up, so I can go home. I’ve had no visitors this entire time due to my isolation precautions.

Guys, this is why social isolation is a thing. As a 31 y.o., I wasn’t supposed to get sick. I wasn’t supposed to be admitted to the hospital or the ICU for that matter. We’ve already had several deaths from COVID19 in this area. I thank God I wasn’t one of them! However, many won’t be as fortunate as I have been. Many will die, especially those with any lung or heart problems. So please, I beg you to [HASH=3513]#stayhome[/HASH]

Wha a bunch of entitled brats. They look wasted lol. That 1st guy looks like he ran his mouth to the wrong person the night prior. Can't think of a better spring break spot than Guantanamo Bay. I hear it's great this time of year! I say round me all up as they try to go back home and deport to G.Bay for an extended vacation.
While it’s always best to have an Advance Care Directive in place, it is blatantly false to say that a doctor won’t consult an adult’s parents as a surrogate decision maker for an incapacitated patient. Medical Decision making falls to the closest kin when nothing is officially documented. If your 18yo son were sedated on a ventilator and I as the treating doc needed a decision (ANY decision) made about his care, rest assured that I’d be calling you if I knew of your existence.
This is accurate in my experience. Anytime there is immediate family in the picture, the doctors will usually and normally consult with them before doing anything. I can also tell you from experience, unless your "living will" or "advanced directive" or whatever else you want to call it is on file with the particular institution where you are under care, they aren't going to be aware of it, nor are they required to follow it, in my personal direct experiences. Your mileage may vary.
Our Gvernonr Kay Ivey shut down Gulf Shores beaches effective immediately which is great because spring break technically doesn't start until next week here. Sooner the better. Boohoo for the entitled brats they can cry me a river of sweet delicious tears.
Damn I’m so close to going to get my boat and drop it on the water. That’s not irresponsible right? If my son and I don’t tie up with other boats??
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Just fly a yellow flag if really concerned. Right now I am not going out for anything but to walk the dog but plan to be enjoying the boat soon with my immediate family stuck in the house with me. Social distancing does not mean having to be miserable and we can still have responsible fun on the water.
Just fly a yellow flag if really concerned. Right now I am not going out for anything but to walk the dog but plan to be enjoying the boat soon with my immediate family stuck in the house with me. Social distancing does not mean having to be miserable and we can still have responsible fun on the water.

True, other than stopping for gas getting the boat to the water requires no interaction with others. Once on water you’re to yourself. I haven’t went out since Tuesday when our company sent us home to work other than a 4 mile run yesterday. Worked out in home gym today. I may cancel my $150 a month gym membership before this is over and invest more in my home gym.
True, other than stopping for gas getting the boat to the water requires no interaction with others. Once on water you’re to yourself. I haven’t went out since Tuesday when our company sent us home to work other than a 4 mile run yesterday. Worked out in home gym today. I may cancel my $150 a month gym membership before this is over and invest more in my home gym.

I think that's too much for a membership. I only pay $30/month and the health insurance will pay $200 per 6 months of membership so nothing out of pocket. I'm starting to think it's better to exercise arms and chest at home. While exercising I can catch up on some series, or watch spanish television/youtube to improve my spanish.

That facebook story scares the crap out of me. I'm unsure how it doesn't scare the holy dog crap out of everyone else in the country (or on the planet for that matter). Despite being in relatively good health overall, sneaking up on 40 means I'm a little more at risk than I used to be.
Just imagine if the WWW went down for a month!!! :oops::oops:

two weeks of panic, followed by two weeks of sheer bliss.

Just fly a yellow flag if really concerned. Right now I am not going out for anything but to walk the dog but plan to be enjoying the boat soon with my immediate family stuck in the house with me. Social distancing does not mean having to be miserable and we can still have responsible fun on the water.

I told my wife this. Just need the yellow jack quarantine flag. "thats a thing?" yup. she is on board :cool:

I dont know if our fellow reservoir users or police follow historical maritime communication but, its worth a try.

That facebook story scares the crap out of me. I'm unsure how it doesn't scare the holy dog crap out of everyone else in the country (or on the planet for that matter). Despite being in relatively good health overall, sneaking up on 40 means I'm a little more at risk than I used to be.

I generally tend to handle illness well... I just roll with the suck. and i'm fairly healthy for 44. So i'm optimistic. But on the other hand, the men in my family tended to all die of lung issues at the end of it all.. and im sort of worried. They all smoked their whole lives though....I was able to quit 16 yrs ago.

again moderately concerned, but not panicked.
I think that's too much for a membership. I only pay $30/month and the health insurance will pay $200 per 6 months of membership so nothing out of pocket. I'm starting to think it's better to exercise arms and chest at home. While exercising I can catch up on some series, or watch spanish television/youtube to improve my spanish.

I go to Orange Theory so it’s pricey. I have a treadmill, bench, and some dumbbells up to 60 in basement now. Thinking of expanding that for weight workouts, and then just run outside or the treadmill for cardio.
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