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I’m not scared and I work in this Crap! Frustrated YES! You shouldn’t be Neither. I gather your not and that is good. it’s hard to get my point across without appearing like an alarmist. My point was don’t under estimate the virus solely on mortality Rate. There are other life altering consequences to factor In despite numbers dropping. In my locality, I attribute the numbers dropping due to greater compliance. I think once Covid spiked for a second time affecting more people, it had a profound effect on the public. they could then see it was cause and effect and not some random occurrence as the first spike was hard to grasp. the bottom line is, As long as you use common sense, and respiratory etiquette it will minimize any possibility of exposure. I tell my brother in education to not listen to the fear as well, take nessary precautions. I am optimistic if the schools treat and handle Covid similar to hospitals they can control and contain Covid from spreading. If you should let your guard down you may have severe consequences Not a definite but it still remains a possible outcome. otherwise, Diligence pays off.

as far as the pediatric population goes, Mortality numbers are statistically low Nation wide and even state wide. However, Unfortunately the state of Georgia is not included in the 21 states with zero mortality. I know of 3 in The Atlanta metro area. 1, 7, and a 15 year old Teen did not survive Covid. God rest their souls and I pray for the remaining family members. Some Local schools have pulled the plug on the start of the year as students and teachers were testing positive after the first week. In my county, out of approx 36k students, 30 were positive and 600 were quarantined for possible exposure. I feel confident with schools addressing Covid, students and parents can Soon have some normalcy again.
I appreciate your response. Stay safe and let’s continue to explore And examine Various viewpoints.

Respiratory etiquette. I love that term. I’m stealing it.
IMHO, I disagree. Unfortunately fear is a great motivator. Fear of getting caught, fear someone will find out, fear of getting bit/stung/hurt are all real factors that keep people from doing harm or getting harmed. "Don't stand in harms way" they say. "Fear of the unknown". I am confident if we did not fear COVID and what it does our death rates would be higher.

I fear too many people don't fear enough. I do admit MSM spreads this fear but is it really bad when people's lives are at stake? I personally do not know of anyone that has it or has dies from it. I do not want to either. My fear of getting this awful disease scares the sh!t out of me. My wife has type 1 diabetes, I fear for her as she is unlikely to survive.

The opposite of fear is hope. Hope is real also. It is what motivates/drives us to keep going despite our fears. Without all this is total ignorance of what surrounds us. I fear, hope and pray we ALL do what is right so more people can survive this fucking disease.
well said. it’s a fine balance spreading the message
IMHO, I disagree. Unfortunately fear is a great motivator. Fear of getting caught, fear someone will find out, fear of getting bit/stung/hurt are all real factors that keep people from doing harm or getting harmed. "Don't stand in harms way" they say. "Fear of the unknown". I am confident if we did not fear COVID and what it does our death rates would be higher.

I fear too many people don't fear enough. I do admit MSM spreads this fear but is it really bad when people's lives are at stake? I personally do not know of anyone that has it or has dies from it. I do not want to either. My fear of getting this awful disease scares the sh!t out of me. My wife has type 1 diabetes, I fear for her as she is unlikely to survive.

The opposite of fear is hope. Hope is real also. It is what motivates/drives us to keep going despite our fears. Without all this is total ignorance of what surrounds us. I fear, hope and pray we ALL do what is right so more people can survive this fucking disease.
Respiratory etiquette. I love that term. I’m stealing it.
I might have to copyright © it! :winkingthumbsup"
More food for though on the larger coronavirus issue.

Delaying Herd Immunity Is Costing Lives

"Among the individuals exposed to Covid-19, people aged in their 70s have roughly twice the mortality of those in their 60s, 10 times the mortality of those in their 50s, 40 times that of those in their 40s, 100 times that of those in their 30s, and 300 times that of those in their 20s. The over-70s have a mortality that is more than 3,000 times higher than children have. For young people, the risk of death is so low that any reduced levels of mortality during the lockdown might not be due to fewer Covid-19 deaths, but due to fewer traffic accidents."

Written By: Martin Kulldorff, PhD, is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician in the Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. His current research centers on developing new statistical methods for post-market drug and vaccine safety surveillance.
All these percentages drive me nuts. Who is willing to sacrifice their child's life? The percentage is low but it is not ZERO. That means your child might be the one. Anybody wanna play????
I have to take umbrage with the emphasis on life for the sake of life. I don't want to die and I don't want my children or other loved ones to die. That said, I've regularly strapped them into cars, taken them on hikes in bear-infested woods, and even taught them to use firearms. Just recently I started sending them out on their own to DRIVE a car. If the gold standard is zero percent chance of death or dismemberment, then I'm a horrible parent and human being.

More than one person has cited C.S. Lewis' take on the atomic bomb as applicable to this situation. Replace the atomic bomb with COVID-19. While our individual actions may have a little more control over COVID than The Bomb, I think the general philosophy presented here is sound. I've added bold to the parts that hit home with me.

"In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are we to live in an atomic age?” I am tempted to reply: “Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.”

In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors—anesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds."

— C.S. Lewis “On Living in an Atomic Age”

I'm willing to take reasonable precautions. I've always been a firm believer in hand-washing and not touching things because "you don't know where that's been." Social gatherings are a non-issue for me since I don't usually socially gather. Masks seem - to me anyway- to be a reasonable thing to do to try to contain this, but I simply refuse (to paraphrase Lewis) to die huddled together in the basement thinking about COVID.

My 2 cents after 6 months of this crap. Now back to my hole on this topic.
I'm willing to take reasonable precautions. I've always been a firm believer in hand-washing and not touching things because "you don't know where that's been." Social gatherings are a non-issue for me since I don't usually socially gather. Masks seem - to me anyway- to be a reasonable thing to do to try to contain this, but I simply refuse (to paraphrase Lewis) to die huddled together in the basement thinking about COVID.

My 2 cents after 6 months of this crap. Now back to my hole on this topic.
This seems like you're ok with all anyone is being asked to do at this point. What's the problem? Is anyone still really huddled in a basement anywhere at this point? Not being sarcastic.
This seems like you're ok with all anyone is being asked to do at this point. What's the problem? Is anyone still really huddled in a basement anywhere at this point? Not being sarcastic.
To me @biglar155 's post reads more as though he has a problem with unnecessary covid fear-mongering than with the actuality of covid safety measures currently in place.
To me @biglar155 's post reads more as though he has a problem with unnecessary covid fear-mongering than with the actuality of covid safety measures currently in place.
I suppose. Unfortunately a lot of people have a less reasonable outlook and continue to ignore real problems so it takes more to spur action.
No one is required to be scared (of a virus/protest/etc) even if many powerful people are telling us we should be; that is up to each of us.
All these percentages drive me nuts. Who is willing to sacrifice their child's life? The percentage is low but it is not ZERO. That means your child might be the one. Anybody wanna play????

21 states have had ZERO deaths of kids 5-18yrs old....zero

There are a total of 53 deaths aged 5-18yrs old since this started, now at 6 months....so 53 deaths in 6 months (and of course we don’t know the underlying health issues with the 53, but we can put that aside for now).

So that averages less than 2 kids per state total (29 states have had at least 1 death), over a 6-month period.....

And i type this just to inform. most people are not aware of the extremely-low death rate among school-aged kids (no one in the media mentions it anymore for some reason). And for the schools that have reopened, i have heard of ZERO deaths associated with anyone back at school, and some have been back 3+ weeks.....and that includes staff as well (and yes i am monitoring this as my wife is a teacher, so i don’t take any of this lightly):FA19C58E-EB22-4A3F-A4EC-9C810D6F6C3D.png
21 states have had ZERO deaths of kids 5-18yrs old....zero

There are a total of 53 deaths aged 5-18yrs old since this started, now at 6 months....so 53 deaths in 6 months (and of course we don’t know the underlying health issues with the 53, but we can put that aside for now).

So that averages less than 2 kids per state total (29 states have had at least 1 death), over a 6-month period.....

And i type this just to inform. most people are not aware of the extremely-low death rate among school-aged kids (no one in the media mentions it anymore for some reason). And for the schools that have reopened, i have heard of ZERO deaths associated with anyone back at school, and some have been back 3+ weeks.....and that includes staff as well (and yes i am monitoring this as my wife is a teacher, so i don’t take any of this lightly):View attachment 132258
I was surprised to see that we are an outlier in AZ with 12 deaths of children from COVID.
That’s great that kids aren’t dying from this, but that’s not really the primary concern with them.
Kids can catch and widely spread the disease, like they do every other disease. Kids don’t raise themselves or live in a bubble, so every kid that gets COVID exposes at least one adult and usually many more including grandparents and other vulnerable relatives. It’s not just the kids and teachers that are affected by these decisions.
Any death is huge; no matter the age. Those that get it are now talking about the after affects. They state their bodies have changed in some way (fatigue, smell, hearing, headaches, breathing, etc). We don't know enough about C19 as it's still new. Who's to say you get it, and like the common cold, when it's gone, it's gone. Talk about playing with fire...

Just wish we could all be on the same page. Some/several/many act like we're not all in this together. Just remember, you only get to do this once. There is no redo.
I was surprised to see that we are an outlier in AZ with 12 deaths of children from COVID.
That’s great that kids aren’t dying from this, but that’s not really the primary concern with them.
Kids can catch and widely spread the disease, like they do every other disease. Kids don’t raise themselves or live in a bubble, so every kid that gets COVID exposes at least one adult and usually many more including grandparents and other vulnerable relatives. It’s not just the kids and teachers that are affected by these decisions.

Not true according to the facts as we know them now:

“The research still suggests that while children can be infected with COVID-19, it is uncommon. They also don't seem to pass the disease on as efficiently as adults do, and cases of child-to-child infection are uncommon. And when children do get infected, they don't seem to get very sick.”

“The evidence suggests that children are less likely to become infected, less likely to develop severe disease and less likely to transmit the virus to other children and adults,” said co-author and pediatrician Dr. William Raszka Jr. of the University of Vermont School of Medicine. “It is wildly different from flu.”

And straight from the CDC (march 1-July 25, the latest official information):

576 child hospitalizations
42% had other underlying health issues
53 deaths related to Covid

And zero reports of student-to-teacher transmission (anywhere in the world as of last week)
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Those that get it are now talking about the after affects. They state their bodies have changed in some way (fatigue, smell, hearing, headaches, breathing, etc).

Respectfully, you need to also be careful typing something like this. “Those that get it, and they” are not accurate. Maybe “some” do have these after issues, but not the majority.

I’ve personally met or know well 6-8 people that have had Covid. 2 were hospitalized (one being my wife’s 80 year old aunt, that was hospitalized for 18 hours we now think out of fear more than the sickness). The other one that was hospitalized, his wife never even got the sniffles, yet did test positive. Not one have any lingering effects.....
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Respectfully, you need to also be careful typing something like this. “Those and they” are not accurate. Maybe “some” do have these after issues, but not the majority.

I’ve personally met or know well 6-8 people that have had Covid. 2 were hospitalized (one being my wife’s 80 year old aunt, that was hospitalized for 18 hours we now think out of fear more than the sickness). The other one that was hospitalized, his wife never even got the sniffles, yet did test positive. Not one have any lingering effects.....
I only know three people who definitely had it, all elderly, and two did not survive. I know of other people who think it’s fake or whatever who clearly had it and got pretty sick but won’t be tested because of their stance and beliefs.
I don’t think we need to be fully locked down forever. I think to act like we know for a fact that everything is fine and we should therefore just get back normal right away would be reckless. The evidence is mixed at best.
The evidence is mixed at best.

Agree 100%. And also agree in the preventative actions. Do i want to get it? No. Am i fearful that it would be a death sentence if i did? No.

Could i possibly die? Sure, just like the other possible ways i could die every day.

I would also hate to be a gym owner or theater owner, as it seems they are the only ones left not able to open.

As i agree the preventatives should continue, there should also be some element of personal choice (weddings/funerals yes even theaters or gyms, if someone wants to go to these things take precautions yes but it should be their decision not someone else’s).

I personally wont go to a gym or theater, but some family weddings were cancelled this summer (to only 10 people in attendance) and those were events i would have wanted to witness but because of gov emergency actions we couldn’t.

Selfish? Well i can tell you in absolutes that NOT ONE of any of the wedding(s) scheduled attendees have died or even gotten covid......So in my case these actions prevented zero....
Agree 100%. And also agree in the preventative actions. Do i want to get it? No. Am i fearful that it would be a death sentence if i did? No.

Could i possibly die? Sure, just like the other possible ways i could die every day.

I would also hate to be a gym owner or theater owner, as it seems they are the only ones left not able to open.

As i agree the preventatives should continue, there should also be some element of personal choice (weddings/funerals yes even theaters or gyms, if someone wants to go to these things take precautions yes but it should be their decision not someone else’s).

I personally wont go to a gym or theater, but some family weddings were cancelled this summer (to only 10 people in attendance) and those were events i would have wanted to witness but because of gov emergency actions we couldn’t.

Selfish? Well i can tell you in absolutes that NOT ONE of any of the wedding(s) scheduled attendees have died or even gotten covid......So in my case these actions prevented zero....
It’s certainly been devastating to a lot of businesses, most non fast food restaurants are not even close to out of the woods yet either.
I was lucky enough to get married last year and my wife and I have talked about how terrible we feel for people trying to go through that this year. I’m sure there are a lot of bankrupt vendors in that industry and lost deposits for couples as a result. I’m human and I’ll admit I would probably have a little bit different opinion on these limits if I couldn’t have family I wanted at my own wedding. That said, we’ve also uninvited friends and family from things this year since they refuse to be careful, and based on what happened here in early summer it seems that a lot of people just won’t make those decisions if they aren’t forced to.
It’s certainly been devastating to a lot of businesses, most non fast food restaurants are not even close to out of the woods yet either.
I was lucky enough to get married last year and my wife and I have talked about how terrible we feel for people trying to go through that this year. I’m sure there are a lot of bankrupt vendors in that industry and lost deposits for couples as a result. I’m human and I’ll admit I would probably have a little bit different opinion on these limits if I couldn’t have family I wanted at my own wedding. That said, we’ve also uninvited friends and family from things this year since they refuse to be careful, and based on what happened here in early summer it seems that a lot of people just won’t make those decisions if they aren’t forced to.

Keep in mind there are a lot of things that kill people that the government does nothing about:

Just one example:

“Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.”

I am optimistic that covid will not see 480,000 deaths in 12 months......yet anyone can go buy cigarettes, and that decision will also kill others around them (If you notice in that stat, second-hand smoke exposure makes up 10% of the annual deaths)......but where is the government crackdown?

I personally will see and hug my grown kids when i see them, and Would see and hug grandkids if i had them.

In MY opinion Everyone should take their temperature each morning, wash hands, etc. and then be free to make their own choices. But also (in my opinion) each of us need to respect That choice, even if we don’t agree.
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My son postponed their wedding till 5/1/2021 (was supposed to be 6/6/2020). Luckily the venue and such all agreed to wait till then (lucky for that).

Never thought we'd see anything like this in our lifetimes. Stay safe everyone...
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