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Respectfully, you need to also be careful typing something like this. “Those that get it, and they” are not accurate. Maybe “some” do have these after issues, but not the majority.
You're right and I apologies for saying it that way. MSM has brought this to our attention of those with severe case (weeks and months in the hospital) have lingering side effects that must be dealt with. Is this just spreading more fear or information or both. We're ALL still learning. We can all admit, we're living thru crappy times.
We are attempting to play down the death of those with underlying medical conditions. But, in reality, what is happening in those cases is that although the underlying medical condition may ultimately be the cause of death, the premature death is often caused by the contraction of COVID-19.

Kids are walking petri dishes. You are entrusting them to school systems hoping that they are kept safe. We can't even keep an individual from walking into a school and shooting the place up. Yet, these same people can keep a virus out. Although kids aren't the typical carrier, they can be. They then bring it back to those who are and the cycle continues.
Daycares have been open throughout this pandemic, has anyone heard of widespread outbreaks at daycares? Our local news stations are all reporting about schools and sports, so I sent them all an email asking to do stories on why there aren't outbreaks at daycare centers and not one of them have done a story. Maybe the reason daycares aren't talked about is because it's not an election hot topic.
We were told “15 days to flatten the curve” 6 months ago.....this was NEVER about stopping the spread (impossible to). Flattering the curve was not about “stopping the spread.” It was about getting the healthcare industry reading for the onslaught of patients (which only happened at a few hospitals in a couple of cities at the peak).....The goalposts have been moved 148 times since.

There are numerous studies and opinions worldwide now that say lockdowns don’t work. Sweden never locked down or closed schools or restaurants, etc and were mocked (about the only thing they did was social distance....and never broke the top ten in deaths or cases).

“But Swenden is different from us”. Really? How? Because someone said so? We have 50 states in our union and the only thing we have in common is our language....heck different areas call soft drinks by different names.....even bbq sauce differs by area.

Many countries that did lock down say they will not again. Even some states in the US never locked down and are fine.

I’m sorry guys this just is not the “Spanish flu 2.0” that some thought it was.....first it was the death rate all over the news, then the spike in cases all over the news, now that even cases are on a downward trajectory I’m seeing articles stating “case numbers are dropping and that may be a bad thing”

I posted earlier that smoking kills more people per year and does spread to others (10% of smoking related deaths are second-hand/non-smokers). Yet crickets from the government, media and the people.......

Am i a covid denier? Nope...i wash my hands, or sanitizer throughout the day. I wear a mask going into businesses when required to. And i havent shaken hands or hugged anyone other than family in six months (social distancer).

And i also know quite a few families that have school-age kids.....and every one of them, their kids are struggling with this “school from home format”....every one of them. My wife is a teacher (HS AP English). She is now working 14hrs a day + because she has to make videos, do live teaching on the web, chats with kids, etc. TONS of email questions from parents and students confused.......they have been back 2 weeks and she hasn’t even had time to grade anything........this is not sustainable.....mentally or otherwise.....

The numbers are the numbers.....53 kids have died in six months.....under 49 years old (0-49yrs) its a total of around 7,000, and no not all of these victims were stellar health-wise. Should we lock down a country of 360 million when more than half of the population (age wise) has a total of 7,000 deaths in 6 months?

Do people realize kids die in boating accidents every year as well? Every single year kids die in boating accidents....not a year goes by without one. Preventable? You bet....yet not ONE person on here is going to stop boating even though that is a risk every time they go out tubing, wakeboarding, etc.
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if your worried wear a mask. not worried do not wear one.
It’s not just about you or me & what we’re worried about.
You don’t get to go drive 120 on the freeway either and it’s not just to keep you safe.
We were told “15 days to flatten the curve” 6 months ago.....this was NEVER about stopping the spread (impossible to). Flattering the curve was not about “stopping the spread.” It was about getting the healthcare industry reading for the onslaught of patients (which only happened at a few hospitals in a couple of cities at the peak).....The goalposts have been moved 148 times since.

There are numerous studies and opinions worldwide now that say lockdowns don’t work. Sweden never locked down or closed schools or restaurants, etc and were mocked (about the only thing they did was social distance....and never broke the top ten in deaths or cases).

“But Swenden is different from us”. Really? How? Because someone said so? We have 50 states in our union and the only thing we have in common is our language....heck different areas call soft drinks by different names.....even bbq sauce differs by area.

Many countries that did lock down say they will not again. Even some states in the US never locked down and are fine.

I’m sorry guys this just is not the “Spanish flu 2.0” that some thought it was.....first it was the death rate all over the news, then the spike in cases all over the news, now that even cases are on a downward trajectory I’m seeing articles stating “case numbers are dropping and that may be a bad thing”

I posted earlier that smoking kills more people per year and does spread to others (10% of smoking related deaths are second-hand/non-smokers). Yet crickets from the government, media and the people.......

Am i a covid denier? Nope...i wash my hands, or sanitizer throughout the day. I wear a mask going into businesses when required to. And i havent shaken hands or hugged anyone other than family in six months (social distancer).

And i also know quite a few families that have school-age kids.....and every one of them, their kids are struggling with this “school from home format”....every one of them. My wife is a teacher (HS AP English). She is now working 14hrs a day + because she has to make videos, do live teaching on the web, chats with kids, etc. TONS of email questions from parents and students confused.......they have been back 2 weeks and she hasn’t even had time to grade anything........this is not sustainable.....mentally or otherwise.....

The numbers are the numbers.....53 kids have died in six months.....under 49 years old (0-49yrs) its a total of around 7,000, and no not all of these victims were stellar health-wise. Should we lock down a country of 360 million when more than half of the population (age wise) has a total of 7,000 deaths in 6 months?

Do people realize kids die in boating accidents every year as well? Every single year kids die in boating accidents....not a year goes by without one. Preventable? You bet....yet not ONE person on here is going to stop boating even though that is a risk every time they go out tubing, wakeboarding, etc.
I get that your wife and you are feeling an outsized impact from the schools being closed. Aren’t they trying to reopen though?
This isn’t March/April when we were fully locked down all over the country. It seems like things are moving the right direction and everyone would like life to get back to normal, they’re just letting the people on the ground locally make the call. That is what a lot of people on the more aggressive side of reopening things usually want, local rule (yes this is some stereotyping here but it generally applies)
Do you think there should be a nationwide mandate that everything opens? That would be a really slippery slope, especially for anyone who doesn’t like the outcome in early November, whatever that may be.
As a medical professional it is so hard to hold my tongue! The things I've seen from the front lines... the media infuriate me with their scare tactics! The bull crap money being given to hospitals for every covid-19 positive patient. The test results alone are SO screwed up! Is the virus real, absolutely... but from the front lines its 65-70 year olds who most have significant co-morbidities. almost every one I've seen has diabetes, cancer history, 300+ lbs. Many of which the common cold would put them into the ICU intubated. There is the more rare "younger" patients 30's to 50's but every one I've seen and read the real report on (not the media) has had immunocompromised issues or history of. The majority of people will be exposed and the body will fight it off (with or without having symptoms) and get natural viral immunity... but guess what they still test positive!
The masks... don't get me started there... They don't work! Thats from first hand seeing my nurses with N95 and surgical masks over them, face shields over that and full PPE... and guess what, they still get it. Again some with symptoms and some without. Out of work for a week or two if they do have symptoms and then right back into the thick of it. If it was as deadly to the "normal healthy" person... my nurses would be dropping dead left and right! There is so many other aspects I could open your eyes to but I could loose myself in the rant! One example i'll give tho is that we have a nurse who's brother died... being hit by a F-150 while on a motorcycle... post mortem test of covid was positive... so it goes on the death certificate to be counted in the death numbers... the family is fighting the hospital on the situation. Not making light of his death but unless the front bumper of that F-150 was covered in the strongest most deadly form of Covid-19... it isn't what killed him.
Again the virus is real but its a threat to those with serious health issues, they need to isolate and let the rest of the country open back up. This is so much a political and people manipulation!
Ok.. sorry rant over.
Now lets go get on the water, yamaha's are a natural Covid deterrent!
This seems like you're ok with all anyone is being asked to do at this point. What's the problem? Is anyone still really huddled in a basement anywhere at this point? Not being sarcastic.

Mostly my problem is when I see statements that seem to put life - for the sake of life itself - above all things and then frame the COVID discussion from that perspective.
This seems like you're ok with all anyone is being asked to do at this point. What's the problem? Is anyone still really huddled in a basement anywhere at this point? Not being sarcastic.

I think there are a lot of people that are "mentally" still huddled in their basements.

My daughter joined her class virtually yesterday to the following sight: The teacher at her desk behind a three-sided Plexiglas partition (with a small gap along the wall for access). Note that she is the ONLY teacher with such a contraption. She was wearing a mask and face shield. A mask-wearing student was approaching the "entry" gap to her "chamber" with a piece of paper. The teacher was wielding a large bottle of hand sanitizer like a club and frantically shouting "Stay BACK!!! That's close enough!!"

Now I don't know her situation or what may be happening in her life, but I do know one thing: She is afraid. Not just normal "cautious." She is clearly terrified based on her reaction.

She may be in the classroom teaching but mentally she is huddled in her basement thinking about COVID. How many others are living like this that we don't even realize?

To live constantly in fear of death is to live constantly in fear. We are ALL going to die. No one is getting out of this alive.

I don't think we should be cavalier about this, but if it's keeping someone awake at night, they really need to ask themselves why have none of the other chances of death kept them awake before?

To use "a single death" as the trump-card for any argument simply defies the way I was raised and my fundamental beliefs.
As a medical professional it is so hard to hold my tongue! The things I've seen from the front lines... the media infuriate me with their scare tactics! The bull crap money being given to hospitals for every covid-19 positive patient. The test results alone are SO screwed up! Is the virus real, absolutely... but from the front lines its 65-70 year olds who most have significant co-morbidities. almost every one I've seen has diabetes, cancer history, 300+ lbs. Many of which the common cold would put them into the ICU intubated. There is the more rare "younger" patients 30's to 50's but every one I've seen and read the real report on (not the media) has had immunocompromised issues or history of. The majority of people will be exposed and the body will fight it off (with or without having symptoms) and get natural viral immunity... but guess what they still test positive!
The masks... don't get me started there... They don't work! Thats from first hand seeing my nurses with N95 and surgical masks over them, face shields over that and full PPE... and guess what, they still get it. Again some with symptoms and some without. Out of work for a week or two if they do have symptoms and then right back into the thick of it. If it was as deadly to the "normal healthy" person... my nurses would be dropping dead left and right! There is so many other aspects I could open your eyes to but I could loose myself in the rant! One example i'll give tho is that we have a nurse who's brother died... being hit by a F-150 while on a motorcycle... post mortem test of covid was positive... so it goes on the death certificate to be counted in the death numbers... the family is fighting the hospital on the situation. Not making light of his death but unless the front bumper of that F-150 was covered in the strongest most deadly form of Covid-19... it isn't what killed him.
Again the virus is real but its a threat to those with serious health issues, they need to isolate and let the rest of the country open back up. This is so much a political and people manipulation!
Ok.. sorry rant over.
Now lets go get on the water, yamaha's are a natural Covid deterrent!
Someone directly exposed to COVID all day every day getting it in spite of wearing a mask does not mean they don’t work. Have you caught it?
I know 1 dr that works in a hospital and he rotates covering covid patients in ICU since May and hasn’t caught it. It’s not because of a superhuman immune system.
Mostly my problem is when I see statements that seem to put life - for the sake of life itself - above all things and then frame the COVID discussion from that perspective.

I think there are a lot of people that are "mentally" still huddled in their basements.

My daughter joined her class virtually yesterday to the following sight: The teacher at her desk behind a three-sided Plexiglas partition (with a small gap along the wall for access). Note that she is the ONLY teacher with such a contraption. She was wearing a mask and face shield. A mask-wearing student was approaching the "entry" gap to her "chamber" with a piece of paper. The teacher was wielding a large bottle of hand sanitizer like a club and frantically shouting "Stay BACK!!! That's close enough!!"

Now I don't know her situation or what may be happening in her life, but I do know one thing: She is afraid. Not just normal "cautious." She is clearly terrified based on her reaction.

She may be in the classroom teaching but mentally she is huddled in her basement thinking about COVID. How many others are living like this that we don't even realize?

To live constantly in fear of death is to live constantly in fear. We are ALL going to die. No one is getting out of this alive.

I don't think we should be cavalier about this, but if it's keeping someone awake at night, they really need to ask themselves why have none of the other chances of death kept them awake before?

To use "a single death" as the trump-card for any argument simply defies the way I was raised and my fundamental beliefs.
That’s real bad. That person should not be teaching students in person. Not good for anyone in that situation.
That’s real bad. That person should not be teaching students in person. Not good for anyone in that situation.
I'm sure she does not want to be there but can't afford not too. People/workers are put in very difficult situation and must choose. This fucking sucks!
I get that your wife and you are feeling an outsized impact from the schools being closed. Aren’t they trying to reopen though?
This isn’t March/April when we were fully locked down all over the country. It seems like things are moving the right direction and everyone would like life to get back to normal, they’re just letting the people on the ground locally make the call. That is what a lot of people on the more aggressive side of reopening things usually want, local rule (yes this is some stereotyping here but it generally applies)
Do you think there should be a nationwide mandate that everything opens? That would be a really slippery slope, especially for anyone who doesn’t like the outcome in early November, whatever that may be.

Her school did open on a 1/2 every-other day (m-w, or t-th) and did that for......4 days then a couple of kids tested positive so now they are on online only for a couple-few weeks.

Two school districts right next to us took the opposite approach.....business as usual but if you feel sick you stay home. Test Positive for covid? Automatic out for two weeks.....full steam ahead and no student/teacher hospitalizations yet.

And frankly here is my main concern....the “cry wolf/chicken little” card has been used up on this one....if we ever do have “Spanish Flu 2.0” I don’t believe people will just allow being locked down in their houses again.

Funny thing is they WONT allow her to wear a shield instead of a mask. Now I know people are split on this, but no one can deny each has its pros and cons over the other. Don’t you at least think teachers could have a better impact with kids wearing a face shield so they see her face, context, and of course they are much easier to breath/talk when your job is to talk all day long....not to mention protect the eyes (yes you can get a virus through the eyes).
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Is it just me or does it seem like the media is more of a detriment than a benefit in these modern times. Exaggerated stories laced with doom and gloom fueled by political agendas and big corporations all for the purpose of getting views to sell us drugs we don't need. Seems like we would be much better off with no media..... But, that'll never happen...
Is it just me or does it seem like the media is more of a detriment than a benefit in these modern times. Exaggerated stories laced with doom and gloom fueled by political agendas and big corporations all for the purpose of getting views to sell us drugs we don't need. Seems like we would be much better off with no media..... But, that'll never happen...
There’s never no media, but you can get it down to just 1 media in places like China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba. Not places I want to be.
First amendment is just as important as the Second in maintaining a free country. Sure there’s a lot of crap put out there and it’s not always easy to sort through, but we’re lucky to have the option.
Don Henley recognized what the media was in 1982:

I make my living off the evening news
Just give me something-something I can use
People love it when you lose,
They love dirty laundry
Well, I coulda been an actor, but I wound up here
I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear
Come and whisper in my ear
Give us dirty laundry

We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blond
Who comes on at five
She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry
Can we film the operation?
Is the head dead yet?
You know, the boys in the newsroom got a running bet
Get the widow on the set!
We need dirty laundry
You don't really need to find out what's going on
You don't really want to know just how far it's gone
Just leave well enough alone
Eat your dirty laundry

Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry
We can do "The Innuendo"
We can dance and sing
When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing
We all know that Kraft is king
Give us dirty laundry!
There’s never no media, but you can get it down to just 1 media in places like China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Cuba. Not places I want to be.
First amendment is just as important as the Second in maintaining a free country. Sure there’s a lot of crap put out there and it’s not always easy to sort through, but we’re lucky to have the option.

You are right, those have 1, but we only have a few now controlling everything (through all the consolidations over the years).

I believe this (consolidation) has caused the echo-chamber we are now in......some newspapers/news agencies (online now of course) don’t even do much of their own reporting they just grab stories from Reuters, AP, etc).

We are fed what they want us to know.

What ever happened with Syria?
War in Ukraine with Russia?
Hurricane devastation in puerto Rico??
War in Sudan/people dying of starvation?

These are all topics that dominated the news for weeks within the last 3 years...most are still ongoing at some level, yet zero reporting (on the main boards)......

With the consolidations (government asleep at the wheel, we had anti-trust laws for a reason...yes big oil too), lost has been objectivity and frankly true journalism...which is sad.
Someone directly exposed to COVID all day every day getting it in spite of wearing a mask does not mean they don’t work. Have you caught it?
I know 1 dr that works in a hospital and he rotates covering covid patients in ICU since May and hasn’t caught it. It’s not because of a superhuman immune system.

I think he was implying that some people now have this false sense of security that a mask is a magical “force shield” to keep Everyone safe from covid
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You are a medical guy, and you just posted something based on verbal discussions, which wasn’t even accurate (this doctor shared verbal information at the board meeting that was significantly inaccurate):

Penn State Health later clarified that the 30-35% figure pertaining to COVID-19-positive Big Ten athletes verbally shared with Dr. Wayne Sebastian Eli by a colleague was actually published at the lower rate of 15%. He was unaware of that when he made his comments at the State College school board meeting, and when he confirmed his comments to the Centre Daily Times.”

Btw, the big ten will be announcing the season will happen this fall after all. One hang up has been the MI governor wouldn’t remove her football ban (U of M, MSU)......she just did earlier today and Michigan High School football just announced they are moving forward to resume for a fall season. Jim Harbaugh (u-m coach) told his players he expects to resume by October.

I guess $$$ trumps safety....

So look for a Big Ten announcement in the coming days. Interesting that this article came out today (and that this team doctor admitted he had not talked with the PSU President). “I have had no direct conversation with (Penn State) President (Eric) Barron on this topic,” Sebastianelli told the CDT in an email.”
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