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EDIT: What did you get for Christmas : What's on your 2024 Christmas Wish list?


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Wondering what is on your 2024 Christmas Boating Gifts Wish list?
I'll Start: Tower Speakers and amp. New 2 Person Tube.
The basketball hoop that attaches to the table bracket on the swim deck so I can show off my mad skillz at the sandbar….
Snow. I'm in north WI and no snow so far. Bought two sleds last year I haven't ridden yet. So far, crappy winter.
New state record lake trout.
Hit my aggressive 60 boating days target.
Super fun boating season in 2025.
More overnight stays on my boat.
We’ve been busy gearing up and the last thing on our Christmas wish list is higher trade-in values and better incentives on the next boat. 😂 I’d rather use their money, but if 5.99% is their best offer, we’re just writing one check!
Another vacation with the boat... and Pup dock ramp! She gets heavy!!!! :)
Looks like they've done a group buy in January, the past few years.

It will probably be mid-late January (ish). You can follow the last group buy thread (below) which we will update when the new one starts (to be notified).

Time to install the amp and sub I bought on Black Friday
Someone to buy my ar210 😂
Time Machine! For more than just making winter go fast...
Wife wanted a new TV, went from a 60” Samsung to an 86” LG, it’s like watching in a movie theater now. And for boating, we are doing a 7 day cruise from Tampa to Cozumel, Honduras, Belize and Costa Maya in March.