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How I Replaced Yamaha's AIRMAR Transducer for half the cost (WITH PICTURES)

Thanks and will do, where did you buy your transducer at? I can’t seem to find one in stock anywhere!
How long ago was that bc there ain’t sh*t around anywhere
Just ordered from Hoges Marine a couple hrs ago, still had 1 in stock
Better check, there is 2 different ones you want the one with the part number GAR010-11105-00
This is the one used to replace the oem one. The other one which i believe you ordered has a different part number
Here is the different ones

Correct one:

Wrong one:
Is there another model that is comparable, that will also work besides the OEM one. I am still waiting on mine to come in from the dealer, but if it keeps getting pushed back , I am just going to buy one. Not going the whole season without it.
anyone know if the DST810 will work, 010-11051-20 model # ?NVN MARINE has 79 of them in stock
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web site says It's compatible with the Airmar DST800 and DST700. sorry for the back to back posts, trying to do research at the same time
The only thing that we know for sure is the one posted here in the original post on this thread works. If you want to be another guinea pig. Try it. But my gut says it isn't compatible since someone shows 75 on hand
There is a reason these are on backorder, because its the one that is needed in these boats where there has been so many failures
so I came across this: Furuno smart sensor Transducer DT-800MSF. The transducer is exactly the same one. Same model # on top, just comes with Brass housing. When I spoke to a few of the Suppliers, they said it would fit into a plastic housing, just a matter of preference. NMEA cable. Does it matter if its Garmin or Furuno. I thought I read somewhere that Airmar sells same product to different companies. These are readily available


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Did you order to confirm?
not yet, I have had one on order from my dealer since Dec. I am going to call them today to see if its in, last update from them was may 1? we'll see.