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One picture of your last outing.

Beautiful sight on the coast of NC. There were two other jetboats out there that I didn't get in the picture.
One of our last days while on vacation. We already miss the beach!

Friends from NJ down for the weekend!


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Introducing the boys to a productive way to kill time
Went to the beach around the corner from the house. Always good times! That's my girls relaxing in the water next to the boat

And got to see my favorite boat I've seen since we got our boat and been out on the water. It's called Cortessa and its a Pershing 74. Big bucks way out of the picture for me but I love the look of it One can dream haha


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My last/ current outing, rafting down Cache Creek Canyon with my family. A different kind of boating but still very fun.
On Lake Winnebago last Monday. It was EAA week and the mighty Martin Mars flying boat was on hand to demonstrate her fire-fighting capabilities:



I've got some (unfortunately shakey) video of her taking off, skimming the water and doing a "test drop" over Winnebago before she came down again and picked up some more water to drop on some pyrotechnics they had on the airfield. (The tree-line obscures the low-altitude stuff from those of us who choose to watch the air-show from the comfort of our boats.)

Naturally, there was plenty of this kind of thing:


and this:

Lake Winnebago wasn't "too green for swimming" yet, so we enjoyed the show bobbing at anchor splashing around the boat. Since it was Monday, there were only a couple other boats around us. (Saturdays are nuts especially if the Thundebirds or Blue Angels are in town.)

It was a real treat for Mary's friend Anna who had never been out on a boat before. It's always nice to introduce someone new to the sport!

After the show ended, we had dinner on the boat and then drove up the Winnebago shoreline. We nosed around in the marina at High Cliff State Park on the NE corner and then headed for home. We got back to the mouth of the Fox River after the sun had gone down.


It was a great night and everyone had a great time.
These are beautiful pictures!!! Awesome thread.

Here's a couple...IMG_2357.JPG IMG_2255.JPG IMG_2431.JPG

Posted these on the Facebook page last week, but thought I'd go ahead and share here.......#nofilter20160722_205202.jpg 20160722_212826.jpg
Great day on the old Chain O' Lakes with friends. )image.jpegimage.jpeg
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Snake River, WA


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Sunset Boat Ride Lake Livingston, Texas! FB_IMG_1470572086313.jpg FB_IMG_1470572100396.jpg