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One picture of your last outing.

At least someone got the 'borrow' part right...
Couple of shots from the Thousand Islands (NY) this past weekend (St. Lawrence River)
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My boy loves the bumps and the wind when we "go fast" on Falls Lake. (From Sunday AM).
I took all the kids tubing while the parent hung out on the pontoon boat... we had more fun than them.


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Not Yamahas but here are pics from my last "boating" outing this past weekend. There is a lot to be said of this simpler less expensive way of boating.

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From this past weekend (8/7/2016) at Edgewater Beach in Cleve Ohio.
Here's a couple pics from this past weekend. Went to dinner a few times in the boat And a pic of my girls snuggled up riding shotgun


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Had a great afternoon swimming on Lake Poygan yesterday. We hit the water around 1:30 in the afternoon and didn't pull back onto the trailer until 8:30. The weather was warm, a few clouds came by to keep us from getting too badly sun-baked, and the bugs were minimal.

This is outing #7 for this year. That's nearly a record year. (Alas, it may have been our last trip for the year but I'm not going to worry about that right now, I'm still coming down off the "boating high" from such a great night.)

We are REALLY starting to like boating late in the day.



On the mighty Mississippi camping.


Man my phone got all weird !!! Sorry for three of the same pic !!
Safety First. . . . .(ish)20160806_181306.jpg