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One picture of your last outing.

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Warm Sunday here in Orlando today. 75ish degrees in December I'll take it. Brought the drone out to play with for a bit.
@JetSet407 "warm sunday" here too. Upper 40's round these parts so I didn't wear a jacket when I went out and about today. Definitely love seeing you guys down south taking advantage when you can. My brother and his family are headed down to Key West in a few hours and I'm super jealous!
My alternative to winterizing the boat is to use it at least once a month all winter. I do use fuel stabilizer and keep it on a dual bank smart charger when not in use. If the sun is out and the high will be over 50 deg, it can be a lake day. In the fall and winter we frequent Sugarloaf Mountain Trail. The mountain is 500' tall and is an island in Greers Ferry Lake, Arkansas, so we have to get the boat out to get there. Saturday was sunny and 56 deg. Hopefully, there will be a sunny day or two between Christmas and New Years.
Our last trip was our fall cruise on the Mississippi in late Oct. We locked thru which was our first time. It was a blast....... Is it summer yet?????IMG_0053.JPG 035.jpg 062.jpg 058.jpg 045.jpg
Great shots @mattschepker looks like he's sleeping in the storage area? And perhaps you need to look into FAQ #125 (gooey sticky trim replacement)
I got to go wakesurfing this past weekend on Lake Ivanhoe in Orlando. You have to love FL in the winter time. Side note - The 2016 Mastercraft X-Star is a beast. Got to check out the 2016 NXT 22 as well.. For the money, the NXT is a sweet boat.

I could've gone ropeless, but I'm still getting used to everything.. Figured it'd be easier to keep a light hold.

2016 NXT22

2016 X-Star
@Ajax @mattschepker I would imagine locking through is the same down there as it is up on the river by me. Just wait for your side to open up (you can radio the lock master on 16 via vhf if you want) and slow no wake it in and stay to the side of the lock closest to shore. Someone will then toss you a rope or two to hold your boat in place as you go up or down. Once the doors open the other way they'll sound an air horn and off you go.

Here's an older pic of me locking through taken by my mom on a houseboat in the lock with me. (Lock 8 Genoa, WI)
@Ajax @mattschepker I would imagine locking through is the same down there as it is up on the river by me. Just wait for your side to open up (you can radio the lock master on 16 via vhf if you want) and slow no wake it in and stay to the side of the lock closest to shore. Someone will then toss you a rope or two to hold your boat in place as you go up or down. Once the doors open the other way they'll sound an air horn and off you go.

Here's an older pic of me locking through taken by my mom on a houseboat in the lock with me. (Lock 8 Genoa, WI)
View attachment 31370

That's it but the lockmasters down here all on different channels so you have to research that first
@Julian Thanks! Its a DJI Phantom 3 standard and it's def not waterproof. But it is so stable it pretty much flies itself so my concerns were low.
@Bill D Please tell me the weather is holding out for another week?!
just been raining...a little more than usual here :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Me and my buddy took his Grady White out today Stripper fishing, trolled from Rehobeth Beach, DE to Maryland.
No fish but great time others landed a few as we had some hooked but got off. Fish had lock jaw today.
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@bobbie I wish I could say that the weather was going to hold up, but it looks like we are going to be getting a cold front in the next couple days... Looks like the rain is just on Wednesday, but hopefully it doesn't hit your game.


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