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One picture of your last outing.

Quarter-tank of gas and the wind at my back.
Spent the day fishing close to shore Saturday as the open waters were too rough. Of course, the only fish caught was off a joke cast by my buddy in the marina when we went to fuel up and de-garbage. Typical... at least we didn’t get skunked!
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lake butler in orlando florida 4A78BAAF-0903-4EB1-98ED-03EF3E216660.jpeg
Almost a 90 degree day on Sunday and we had a storm pop up on the lake. I thought, no big deal....ride it out like before. I have never seen hail like this on the lake in Georgia. 15 minutes later we were back in the water and it felt like a hot tub. No damage thankfully.

Check out the video:


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Almost a 90 degree day on Sunday and we had a storm pop up on the lake. I thought, no big deal....ride it out like before. I have never seen hail like this on the lake in Georgia. 15 minutes later we were back in the water and it felt like a hot tub. No damage thankfully.

Check out the video:

Wow!!! How did that not damage anything?!?
Finally found that waterfall we were looking for in Beaver Creek (Lake Cumberland) on Monday.

No wonder we had trouble finding it. This is the closest we dared get the boat to it. The depth finder was reading 7 to 8 feet deep at the point where we dropped anchor.
We like it. We rarely boat anywhere else. We are supposed to be at Patoka this weekend, but are considering staying home with the current forecast. The lake is extremely high right now, as I’m sure Patoka is too.
Monroe is a nice lake, Probably the best lake in Indiana in my opinion. But you will encounter some big ass vessels out there that put off some big rollers occasionally