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One picture of your last outing.

Caught in a downpour....
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We were out from 10:00 until 3;30ish! I had a buddy that showed up to launch while we were loading to leave. After I got home and had the boat tucked away in the garage, I checked the radar since I heard on the radio there was flash flood warnings for counties down in KY. I noticed a cell north and west of the lake moving slowing southeast toward the lake. I promptly texted my buddy to let him know it might be a good idea to get off the lake. I wondered how many guys got stuck out there this evening. I am glad you got somewhere to tie off and ride it out. It seems like it would be a nightmare to get stuck out on the lake during a TS.
I am glad you got somewhere to tie off and ride it out. It seems like it would be a nightmare to get stuck out on the lake during a TS.

It was an adventure...We were at the jumping bridge at Norris Lake. The storm blew in with very little warning. We hit the first marina we came to. As soon as we tied up, the marina broke loose.
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It was an adventure...We were at the jumping bridge at Norris Lake. The storm blew in with very little warning. We hit the first marina we came to. As soon as we tied up, the marina broke loose.
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Wow!! I thought you got stuck out at Casears Creek......Just assumed I guess. We were planning on spending the weekend down there since we have family with a house @ Norris. It looks like you had a heck of an adventure for sure.
That is one hell of a tie up. Those lines always hanging down or do you go up and set them?

@Jet Blue
When you pull into the chamber, there will be a guy standing at a pin. He drops a hook over the side. The mrs hooks our rope on the hook. He then pulls our rope up and puts it over a pin. The mrs pays out or pulls in line as necessary to keep us near to the wall as the water goes up or down. When you are at the level of the next pool, the gates open and you pull your rope in from the cleated end, usually the front for us. Two whistles and you are clear to leave.
@Jet Blue
When you pull into the chamber, there will be a guy standing at a pin. He drops a hook over the side. The mrs hooks our rope on the hook. He then pulls our rope up and puts it over a pin. The mrs pays out or pulls in line as necessary to keep us near to the wall as the water goes up or down. When you are at the level of the next pool, the gates open and you pull your rope in from the cleated end, usually the front for us. Two whistles and you are clear to leave.

Cool stuff and great pictures.
Are you kidding me....? Holy cow, what kind is it?

EDIT: I saw your other post. I'm still freaked out.

I can't stand them! Off with their heads! I'm about 90% it was a cottonmouth. It's hard to tell the shape of the head exactly from the pic they took but the thick body and how they described the snake behaving (aggressive) makes me think it was a cottonmouth rather than a harmless water snake. Most water snakes would flee and rather not be bothered at all by humans.

I'm just glad the wives were swimming in such a clear lake with plenty of water visibility. Had it been on the river I usually boat on (Coosa River) they are harder to see since the water is darker/brownish color. I don't typically pull in and swim into such a narrow cove though so I never felt good about being at that spot lol. I like to be in a wider cove that's close to a main branch of moving water as most snakes prefer slow or non-moving water. We had water grass and thick woods on both sides so it was likely a snake or two was around.
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where is Ontario did you take this shot? looks like a sweet spot!
Tobermory Ontario (Northern Bruce Peninsula). It is on the Georgian Bay. Crystal clear water, but usually cold. This year it has been the warmest I've experienced (21.5°C ~ 71F). Absolutely gorgeous spot, one of my favorite places in the world.
Tobermory Ontario (Northern Bruce Peninsula). It is on the Georgian Bay. Crystal clear water, but usually cold. This year it has been the warmest I've experienced (21.5°C ~ 71F). Absolutely gorgeous spot, one of my favorite places in the world.

aaahhh. yes. makes sense. apparently there is some nice diving there. my father-in-law used to go there often.
@Jet Blue
When you pull into the chamber, there will be a guy standing at a pin. He drops a hook over the side. The mrs hooks our rope on the hook. He then pulls our rope up and puts it over a pin. The mrs pays out or pulls in line as necessary to keep us near to the wall as the water goes up or down. When you are at the level of the next pool, the gates open and you pull your rope in from the cleated end, usually the front for us. Two whistles and you are clear to leave.
Did that cruise from East Liverpool Ohio to the Pittsburgh in June 2013. The locks were full of shit and I kept sucking up stuff each of the three locks I had to transition. It was fun, and very cool going through those locks.
We came from the other direction. Locking through is usually an excercise in clean out plug use. We got lucky this time. Sucked up nothing.
A few weekends ago, Ponce Inlet and Silver Glen Springs.