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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

A Woman goes to a Psychiatrist and complains: “I don't want to marry. I am educated, independent, and self sufficient. I don't need a husband. But my parents are asking me to marry. What do I do?”

Psychiatrist replied : “YOU, undoubtedly will achieve great things in life. But somethings inevitably will not go the way you want. Somethings will go wrong. Sometimes you will fail. Sometimes your plans won't work. Sometimes your wishes will not be fulfilled. Then who will you blame?
Will you blame Yourself?”

Woman: “NO!!!”

Psychiatrist: “Yes... That's why you need a Husband!”


I've actually said this for the "final cut" in the fall of the year.

Once I got caught in a light snow. It was actually sticking to the grass. There I was, mowing it. It was easy to tell where I had mowed. I was making tracks in the snow.
Yup, I agree. I am even guilty.

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*Running or Fucking?*
*That is the question*

Doing any kind of exercise is excellent for your health. But, for those who still have doubts when choosing, here you will find 7 good reasons to decide between Running or Fucking.

1.- When you run, you usually go alone. If you go with someone you just want to run faster than the other.
Fucking? No. You always try to reach the goal together.
*Therefore, fuck "Develops teamwork and avoids selfishness."*

2.- To run you have to buy a lot of clothes that, normally, is quite expensive.
However, to fuck, just take off the one you're wearing.
As you can see, *fucking "encourages saving, and avoids consumerism"*

3.- To run
You have to get out of bed.
To fuck, its the opposite.
We all know that bed is better than nowhere.
Therefore while fucking,
*"We exercise while we are, where we are best"*

4.- Running requires great effort and gives little pleasure.
Fucking gives enormous pleasure and the effort is minimal.
So while fucking, we experience how to,
*"Make the most of it with the minimum effort"*

5.- After running, you end up exhausted and your knees and legs hurt.
However, after fucking, you have a smile from ear to ear!
It is clear that through fucking *"we discover the joy of living"*

6.- If they call you to run, you will almost never go.
Now, if they call you to fuck? ...
Ahhhhhhhh! ... Right ?!!!. You will reach on time.
It is clear, *fuck "increases punctuality."*

7.- Another very important reason is that after running you do not feel like repeating the race.
But, after fucking, you want to repeat again. Yes or no?!!!
So, through fucking *we achieve "true interest in what is done and promotes the value of perseverance."*

So the winner is a 'Fuck' anytime!

send it to 10 people and you will be blessed with a nice fuck! ...
If you do not do it, you will keep running like mad and feel...
'what the fuck'! ....??
This is why I hate auto correct...

There are three different types of people in this world. Those that can count and those that can't.