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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Nope...the are all right side up and there is no changing that. My previous view of them upside down was a mistake.
I tried to tell her the truth...kept running into this.

I finally found a reliable source for COVID 19 test results. Thought I’d put them on this easy to read chart for you guys.C77DBECB-B210-4DB4-8962-BF49D1EC34FF.jpeg
Glad you are not a fellow electrician.
I do electrical design for a living and have done electrical troubleshooting thousands of times and I'm colorblind as hell. I do get odd looks when I ask people what color a wire is. I always specify mult-conductor cables that have numbered wires just to make my life easier.
I think I am the guy on the left during the 1979 snowstorm in Chicago.