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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Last one! I promise...

I saw that one an hour ago...so much for the memes, Bernie met the Bear. That reminds me, I don't remember the night I met the bear in Daytona Beach, Fla. 1988 at the Ocean Center. My first Buffet concert.

Love this song.
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I saw that one an hour ago...so much for the memes, Bernie met the Bear. That reminds me, I don't remember the night I met the bear in Daytona Beach, Fla. 1988 at the Ocean Center. My first Buffet concert.

Love this song.
The Buffet concerts here in Dallas are too much for this fella to handle. I seem to have a problem with "pacing". The Buffet tailgate parties bite me hard every time. Last one I don't remember the concert at all. Next day I woke up in the same clothes I wore to the concert, I had about 20 strands of beads around my neck and 3 completely cleaned corn dog sticks in my right pocket and a hell of a hang over. Then the texts started rolling in with all the pics at the tailgate.......Can't do that shit again!
The Buffet concerts here in Dallas are too much for this fella to handle. I seem to have a problem with "pacing". The Buffet tailgate parties bite me hard every time. Last one I don't remember the concert at all. Next day I woke up in the same clothes I wore to the concert, I had about 20 strands of beads around my neck and 3 completely cleaned corn dog sticks in my right pocket and a hell of a hang over. Then the texts started rolling in with all the pics at the tailgate.......Can't do that shit again!

Love it! That concert was nearly 33 years ago. My friends told me I had a lot of fun. I can't do that shit again either...but it sounds like you had more fun than me. LOL.
Thinning out the gene pool...
