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I know this one is reaching.

All clear now, they had to off load the containers though...


As a definite 'B', I must say I've had plenty of earfuls about this over the years!
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As a definite 'B', I must say I've had plenty of earfuls about this over the years!

"A" was always my dad, mom wasn't a "B", but not because she was paying attention, she would just fill up every two days "so I don't have to hear him bitch if he gets in my car".
The only time I trend toward A is when I'm flying (duh!) and - as all here well know or will soon learn - on the boat.
Yamahas and Cessnas - great machines really, but with the shittiest, most unbelievable fuel gauges ever made!
(The only time I've run out of gas in a car, in over 45 years, was when my mother swore on the basis of her DEEP mechanical knowledge that the gauge with the needle on the OTHER side of E was wrong and that we had MORE than enough gas to get her to HER appointment! Natch, when the car ran out of gas, guess whose fault it was? Still remember the day as I hoofed it to the nearest gas station while she took a taxi to her appointment...)
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As a definite 'B', I must say I've had plenty of earfuls about this over the years!
I’ve always been a “B” and now I drive a vehicle that tells me it’s empty when there are 5 gallons/20% left so I’m just completely gambling for days on end now.
Round trip drive to our farthest local lake dips about 2-3 gallons into the unknown and there are no gas stations other than right by the lake. I will never, ever admit I’m scared by getting fuel there.