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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

This is all you will see from now on when you think about those good old days of "real rock bands"..View attachment 198806
Lol, David Lee Roth was a certainly not a rocker but Eddie could sure play the guitar?

I will help out here with an appropriate image

This issue really pisses me off - my truck is governed at 70, all UPS trucks are supposed to be governed at 68, and for me to touch my brakes coming up on another truck like that drops me to 65. Takes forever to get back up to speed, and then I feel like a jackass when this happens. The worst is when I'm having to pass a car because the doorknob behind the wheel is on the phone and driving 10mph UNDER the speed limit, but realizes it just when I'm passing, and proceeds to screw up traffic by speeding up to keep pace with me as I'm trying to pass. FML.
This issue really pisses me off - my truck is governed at 70, all UPS trucks are supposed to be governed at 68, and for me to touch my brakes coming up on another truck like that drops me to 65. Takes forever to get back up to speed, and then I feel like a jackass when this happens. The worst is when I'm having to pass a car because the doorknob behind the wheel is on the phone and driving 10mph UNDER the speed limit, but realizes it just when I'm passing, and proceeds to screw up traffic by speeding up to keep pace with me as I'm trying to pass. FML.
MY BIL works for a cross country trucking firm, and they were governed at ~62 mph until they had some accidents and they realized that was stupid. (So they're like 65 now.) :rolleyes: